camp BEJEWELED (patrol assignments)

The sun has barely peeked over the horizon. Leaf-fall is definitely in full swing, with the cold season just around the corner and making the darkness last even longer in the sky. She stares towards the pink sky for a moment, tail whisking against the ground before the first of her clanmates arriving pulls her from her thoughts. She smiles and nods to them in greeting, shares a few words with a few warriors before looking over them all to see who's present. Patrols should be easy today. It's a beautiful morning, if not a little chilly, and she has a good feeling about the day's hunting.

"I'll take the dawn patrol to SkyClan and RiverClan with Nightbird and Sunspirit. We'll leave right after I'm done here." She nods to the two she-cats before looking back towards the rest of her clanmates.

"Flycatcher, you take Trufflepelt and Stagstrike to WindClan, ShadowClan, and the far border."

"Kindleheart, you have the dusk patrol to SkyClan and RiverClan with Spotflare, Leafshade, and Whiskercloud."

"Meadowflame, dusk patrol to WindClan and ShadowClan with Sunnyday and Wolfwind."

"Rabbitnose, Cobwebtail, you each lead a hunting patrol. Pick your warriors."

"Flamewhisker, you're on guard duty tonight so make sure you rest today. That's it everyone! Patrol leaders - find me afterward with your reports."
She dismisses them all with a flick of her tail and immediately searches for Sloepaw, hoping he's ready to get going.

// THREADS TO MAKE (reminder all warriors are randomly pulled from the census and put into roles that make sense for them - if your character isn't on the census please add them so they can be assigned to patrols in the future!)
Dawn patrol on RiverClan board - @HOWLING WIND @nightbird @sunspirit
Dawn patrol on ShadowClan board - @Flycatcher @TRUFFLEPELT @Tybalt [Stagstrike]
Dusk patrol on SkyClan board - @KINDLEHEART @Spotflare @Leafshade @WHISKERCLOUD
Dusk patrol on WindClan board - @meadowflame @Sunnyday @WOLFWIND
Hunting patrol threads - @Rabbitnose @COBWEBTAIL
Optional guard duty thread @Flamewhisker

At the sound of the deputy's call, Flycatcher joins the ThunderClan cats to heed her words. It's time for the daily patrol assignments. He listens for his name, whiskers twitching with amusement when she instructs him to lead the ShadowClan patrol. Stars, ShadowClan would probably start getting sick of seeing him patrolling before too long. "To ShadowClan it is!" Flycatcher mewed warmly, looking up at Howling Wind as he spoke. After a moment or two had passed, he looked around for the rest of the cats joining him, including his apprentice knowing all too well how Roepaw felt about the marsh cats.