BELLY ACHES // Mousepaw



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Heavy paws thump out of the thorn tunnel in pursuit of Mousepaw. Sunfreckle and the rest of the clan were left in the dust to stare on in dismay, Ragwortpaw decides to take it upon herself to console her friend. Ragwortpaw may not be the smartest, most capable ThunderClan apprentice, she knows this… but what does have is a bleeding heart, she could be a good shoulder to lean on.

”Mousepaw?” Ragwortpaw calls out while following her scent, she was nearby but… where? ”Mousepaw?…!” A twig snaps. Her gaze swerves to her right and spots a mostly white pelt in the green foliage. Uncaring for the plant life, Ragwortpaw stomps through it towards the she-cat. ”…Um- I’m sorry about, all that stuff.” Ragwortpaw begins, not that any of it was her fault but… still she was sorry. ”But even if you’re mad- or sad, you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. I’ll sit with you?”

//super late, but for you! @MOUSEPAW !
She hadn’t wanted anyone to follow her—(or had she?)—but soon, the thumping of heavy paws brings her out of her solace. A tearstained face turns, moist green eyes glaring at a well-meaning Ragwortpaw. She huffs, saying she’s sorry for what had happened, and that she wanted to sit with Mousepaw.

The tortoiseshell scowls immediately. “What do you know? You don’t have any parents so you don’t know what it’s like.” A heartless thing to say to someone Mousepaw genuinely considers a friend, but in her childish disgust and outrage, she thinks nothing of it.

After a heartbeat, Mousepaw grumbles, “I don’t know why they need more kits. They already have so many…