BELLY OF THE BEAST | berrysnap


Feb 16, 2024

"So, uh... Where do the stars go in the daytime? Surely, they cannot be in the sky - I would be able to see them if that was the case. But they seem to magically appear as soon as night time comes. Are they truly that quick? Or merely hiding under something?" Privetkit pondered with one claw drawn to his chin, suggesting some sort of deep thought... The raven-coated tom lie next to his mother, with his flank resting on her own, as the soft pulsations of warmth seeped onto him. He felt best when he was at his mother's side, as if she would protect him from any misbegotten devils or shadows of the mind, as the young mind often enjoyed conjuring. He often spent hours asking Berrysnap (who proved to be one of his only confidants) questions of the world around him, as he figured that she should certainly know everything about the universe.