pafp below freezing & patrol


Dec 22, 2022

[] The forest laid in a stunned silence as flakes of white drifted down lazily from a grey sky. Though it wasn't as hard to see as it had been the last few days, it was still rather annoying to shake snowflakes from ones coat. The trees swayed with a cold breeze that moved through the forest and green eyes watched from below as the branches quivered. Blue tabby fur stuck out amongst the white of the forest floor aside from a small patch on the rump, oddly heart shaped for such a large and intimidating cat. A large head swivled back from where they had come from to spot an orange and white cat plus a few other cats from Skyclan.

That morning had been meant for a patrol due to the recent skirmish and the death of Morningpaw. So it was just to keep cats busy and the borders secure so something like this doesn't happen again. Though while it wasn't put together by Deersong, the blue tabby had taken it upon themselves to do something makeshift. Maybe the could also find prey or something along the way to bring back as well. With sickness growing and leaf-bare growing harsher with each passing day, anything could be of help for them.

"I feel like my paws will fall off at this rate," The blue cat muttered with annoyance and shook clumps of snow from wide, large paws before putting it back into the snow, "I wonder if the other clans are as silent as we are this leaf-bare," Green hues moved from the grey sky to the cats behind them with a flick of a feathery, striped tail. Things seemed so ridged now with the young cats death and recent gathering. A new rule had been proposed for the clans and it was uncertain who agreed with what. All they really cared about, however, was feeding and taking care of the clan.

Hailstone was a daylight warrior within Skyclan, and often had thoughts of brining twoleg food here for the clan. Prey was hard to come by and herbs even more so, so wouldn't be more of a helpful situation than a bad one? Sure a warrior was to never accept the life of a kittypet, but Skyclan was different than that. That and he wanted his clanmates to live to see the next newleaf, "We should be getting close to the border now," An offering that their cold walk was almost over.

//please wait for @orangeblossom to reply!


For her second year in a row, Orangeblossom finds herself grateful for her thick coat as she fluffs the ginger-and-white fluff up against the cold air. It does little to protect her paws, however, and the first part of her journey had seen her fall to the back of their patrol periodically while she shook out her numb pawpads. Her torn ear aches in the cold, though not as much as the scar on her leg, and as their walk progresses she shakes it out more frequently with increasing irritation. When Hailstone announces they're close to their destination, Orangeblossom heaves a short sigh of relief.

"Thank the stars," she mutters, "I feel like my ears are about to freeze off. How do you manage in this cold, Hailstone?" Maybe it was the promise of a warm household at night, much like her own mother enjoyed - Orangeblossom didn't resent their daylight warriors, but sometimes she wondered if it was fair they got to enjoy that life while the permanent SkyClanners were stuck out here in the cold.​


  • orangeblossom, warrior of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 24 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with gold eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


"I hope MY ear doesn't freeze off, I only got the one good one left!" Strawberrypaw's voice rose in a soft complaint, she wasn't exactly a cat who voiced her displeasure often but it was certainly colder than she expected when she came to follow along after her older sister on patrol. "My toes are cold too-!" She raised her legs, one by one in a comically dancing motion, "I wish I could put on more fur when it gets cold! Did you know two-legs can put on more pelts? And take theirs off? It's crazy!" She wasn't even fully sure if she believed it herself, but the daylight warriors knew more about two-legs than she did so she had no real reason to question it outside of just how weird it sounded. Maybe it was like how foxes turn color? Why didn't cats turn color? She imagined she'd be a much better hunter during leaf-bare with a thicker coat all pale and white like the snow itself.
Shaking her paws free of the soft down that had begun to build up, she made a mental note to chew the ice from between her toes later as she gave a little bounce forward to keep up with the two older cats leading the patrol. The cinnamon and cream apprentice hoped they didn't run into ThunderClan patrols during this outing, fretful of any possible lashing back from the previous border skirmish. She'd missed the entire thing, having been out on another patrol at the time and she was thankful she did, the young she-cat had no idea what she would have done during that chaos, fighting didn't appeal to her but she did know some basics already.


[] A lghost of a smirk crossed his rather stoic face for a brief moment at the other two cats complaining about the cold. While he was much larger with long fur the cold didn't tend to bother him too much. That and being well fed compared to that of his clanmates also helped a bit and made him feel guilt. Little pinprick against his chest of chilling guilt and he wished he could bring them food from his twolegs, but he knew that warriors would never eat it. Even the most starved warrior was too proud to take that of twoleg slop or dry pellets.

The blue tabby shook himself slightly and gave a tart nod at Orangeblossom before talking to Strawberrypaw, "I have seen that and it is the strangest thing to ever witness," He agreed with her about the idea of twolegs taking off and putting on pelts. He had heard that his twolegs call them 'coats' and he had the same thing done to him but with entrapments on his feet. His humans thought it was hilarious to watch him trample around in those cursed objects and their excuse was that it would be better for his paws in the cold!

Hailstone twitched a rounded ear for a moment before continuing onwards through the snow, "The border isn't too far, maybe you can catch us something to eat while we're out here huh Strawberry?" He questioned to the young apprentice with a small tilt of his head. He didn't know who her mentor was, or if she even knew how to hunt yet, but an attempt would be nice. The clan needed food more than ever, "Do you think we should bring some herbs back for Dawnglare?" This time he spoke to Orangeblossom and flicked his bushy tail for a moment.

