backwritten BENEATH THE BRINE ✩ bubbleburst

⋆ 。° ✩  Cricketchirp. Cricketchirp. They repeat it over and over again in their head, trying to make it sound right. They can't help but wonder - what might their name have been, had it not been stolen from their paws? Starlightsky, Starlighteyes, Starlightglow... They huff a soft laugh to themself, a quiet exhalation. They'd likely end up Starlightfur, knowing their pa.

The mirth sours quickly, and watery eyes shut against the dim. Cricket was the last thing he gave them. A poisoned gift; their heart aches. Everything is so wrong now.

She's finally a warrior, but there's no one left to feel proud of her. She never realized how much she craved that pride.

A shaky breath curls its way from Cricketchirp's maw, and their eyes open once again. Shaky paws have been working at his nest for far too long, making certain that it is perfect. It's a familiar motion, one he went through a lifetime ago when he had first become Starlightpaw. He forces himself away from it. He doesn't think that he wants to be alone right now.

Of course, he finds Bubbleburst. It's strange, to think of her as a friend. He's always been above that sort of thing. No one came close other than his family. The lowly cats of his kingdom could orbit around, gawk at the bright light of their princess - but friendship was never an option. It was not what he sought, when the two were apprentices. She was a source of information, a cat of similar tastes. Someone easy to speak to, easy to spend time with. Someone who made it easy to let his gaurd down and let a smile spill onto his stone-carved maw.

He needs that, right now.

The smile comes easy as Cricketchirp finds her friend's in the dim of the den, but there is something distant to it. They hadn't sought her out when she had become a warrior, too mired in their own grieving... Better late than never, right? "Cricketchirp and Bubbleburst... They both have quite the nice ring to it, I would say." She trills softly. "I suppose this calls for celebration, hm?" Something, anything to get her mind off of - all of it. Rolling in scales, giggling about gossip like airheaded apprentices, running along the shore until all they can hear is the roaring of wind... Her smile is tight, her question almost pleading.

  • @bubbleburst set after cricket's warrior ceremony !
  • 81495373_qvx6EJLrxQ82G3T.png
  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, thirteen moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.