Jan 31, 2024
Ferretpaw's never been out this far on her own. It was easy enough to sneak out of camp, with the immobilization of many of their sick cats. And, once out, there was no risk of being caught - the moors are quiet, all save for a small breeze that tickles her ears.

Ferretpaw's never dared to be out this far on her own. She knows the risks - of fire, of a monstrous dog, of Twolegs. But perhaps it is that risk that fuels her swiftly moving legs as she zeroes in on her target, a large hare: a trophy. It moves groggily, searching for a late night meal, and seems not to notice her creeping paws as she prepares to pounce. At least - that's what she thinks.

Somewhere in her crouch, there is an error. A step too heavy, a blade of grass moved too far out of place - whatever it is, the hare rears its head, beady eyes looking straight at her: and in an instant, it turns and runs. A hiss of a curse leaves Ferretpaw's mouth as she makes chase, gaining on it as well as she can with her short tunneler-built legs: but as the looming trees in the distance grow closer, and the undeniable gagging-stench of Thunderpath reaches her nose, she slows to a stop.

It darts across the pavement carelessly, desperate for survival. Ferretpaw stops just short of it, staring across dumbounfedly. Across the putrid darkness, a shadow moves amongst the sparse flora of the mires beyond - between glistening teeth, her prize hare. Ferretpaw's lips curl back in a frustrated snarl. Of course - leave it to her to screw up a hunt, and lead it right into the expecting paws of a ShadowClanner.

" Hey! " Ferretpaw calls across bravely (or stupidly) to the rabbit-thief. It stares right back with mismatched eyes. " Could you like - toss that back? It's mine. "

FERRETPAW ( she/her )​

( ooc ) @Halfsun


Newly minted a warrior, Halfsun slinks through the shadows of her home. Not a far distance away is the rest of her hunting patrol and it feels so good - right that she is no longer made to pad after another cat, a mentor but now she is her own. Freeing, is what it felt like. That isn't to say she didn't like Sharpshadow, or that she wouldn't miss his teachings terribly, the constant assurance of another by her side wherever she went, someone she knew would have her back no matter what, but nor could she deny the joy found in independence. "I'm going over there to see if I can find something to bring back" she says softly to her patrol-mates, nodding in the direction of WindClan's border and, without waiting for a reply, she stalks off.

It is always her hope when she comes here that she will encounter a certain someone. Calico fur and the brightest damn eyes she has ever seen materializes from the heather in her dreams and she has to stop that line of thinking before it can even begin, or else forfeit any hope she has of catching anything at all.

But the heather does part on the other side of the border and as she watches, a rabbit emerges, eyes wide and glassy with terror as it flees from the paws of one killer and runs straight into the paws of another. Her kill is swift and merciful, clean, a rabbit was a huge catch in the marshes. She thinks instantly of how many something like this could feed. Her clan needed this. They always needed.

But then the tall grass rustles again and the smile falls from her features as an apprentice tries to lay claim to what is so rightfully and obviously hers. She places the rabbit down gently, like one might place down a kit and her lips pull back in a snarl, white teeth gleaming in the sunlight. "I don't know what makes you think that" she says and at the same time the word hypocrite rings in her head as she remembers
another rabbit, another thunder-path bordering an oak forest It's mine! she screamed, anger making her vision go red. Anything to feed my Clan she reminds herself solemnly as she takes a step forward, placing herself in between the rabbit and the windclanner with a protective stance "I caught it, so if you want it, you're going to have to come over here and take it from me" she says with a snarl, her tail flicking in a steady motion behind her as her blue eyes narrow, trying to determine if this apprentice would really have the guts to come over here and fight

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight