pafp bernadette & starclan questions




StarClan this. StarClan that. Leaders had nine lives. StarClan formed the clans. It was a lot of talk really and she wasn't sure what to believe. Since arriving some cats had politely tried to explain things to her but she struggled to comprehend a lot of it. None of it really made much sense to her, she'd lived with her two-leg since a kitten and her life had been once contained to only the one house for so long until recent. The world outside was vast, scary, she was thankful that the ThunderClan cats were so nice but some of them made mean comments and looked at her funny when she asked things and it was almost enough to make her want to cry. Palelily was taking her time grooming herself, dreading the patrol she was to be sent on soon and wanting to just crawl back into the warrior's den and sleep in her very uncomfortable nest. It was horrible really, she missed her pillow, she missed her two-legs lap, she missed lounging on the windowsill and watching the birds settle in the yard.

Some cat had mentioned that when a warrior died and lived a good life, they went to StarClan and she wondered what might happen to a really nasty cat if they died. Did everyone go to StarClan? Was being good the only requirement? Palelily was good, so was her owner, maybe she would get to see him again some day? Her eyes fluttered up to the cat passing by on their way to the freshkill pile with a strange furred thing she'd not seen before and she rose to follow along after him curiously. A gentle white paw raised to lightly prod at the silver tom, her expression wary but smiling in an awkward manner.
"Oh-hi, I don't mean to be a bother...but I wanted to ask. Do you think my two-leg is in StarClan?"

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Today proved to be a successful one thus far. Returning back to camp with a vole lightly clamped between his jaws, Silverlightning proceeds to drop his catch into the pile. For a moment he surveys camp with quiet contemplation, debating if he should head back out for a second round of hunting. His thoughts are disrupted however, broken by a gentle touch to his side. The tom's silver gaze slides downward to meet the smiling molly, silently regarding her question with a minor lift of his brow. Twolegs and starclan. Both were topics he knew hardly anything about, yet she had come to him for counseling. Off and on he'd heard tales of kittypets, cats who live amongst large beings that feed and care for them. Conversations such as these often led to the typical prejudice of disgusted looks or the belittlement of both twoleg and kittypet. He personally did not the problem with it. If anything these cats were simply privileged enough to have born into a higher class of living.

In regards to starclan, Littlewolf attempted to explain the inner workings of how the celestial felines work and what they meant to the clans. While he personally did not believe in such things, he would not verbally denounce what others chose to believe. With all this in mind Silverlightning hums thoughtfully, the length of his sweeping tail brushing against his flank as he takes a seat. Careful examination of Palelily's features depict her as wary, seeking comfort. Although he wished to, he could not comfort his fellow warrior on a matter he hardly understood. "If that is what you wholeheartedly believe then cling that hope. There is no point in putting all of your faith into something if it will only waiver later." Silver murmurs as the tip of his feathered tail flicks. "Now, admittedly, I do not have a connection with starclan."

His shoulders soften some as he continues, a faint glimmer of kindness resting within his steely gaze. "However, this is what I do believe. If your twoleg was good, kind...then they are resting somewhere that reflects that and in time you will see them again." It was only right that fate rewarded her in such a manner.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

For Berryheart, StarClan was no matter of belief. The existence of them he had seen more than the once that his mother and others had- first having seen them descend from the heavens to halt the bloodshed of the Great Battle, and another to welcome him to their council of healers. Who resided within StarClan, though- that was a matter on which he wished to have all the answers about, but in reality did not. Many cats he knew were up there he had never seen, and other cats he hoped were there had not shown their faces yet. Not shown has face. He could only hope...

Pulled from his wandering thoughts, attention as fickle as ever, Berryheart's hooded eyes befell the conversing pair. Stone-face gave quiet advice- or maybe, quiet speculation. One of the two- or perhaps both. Interest swivelled his ears and pulled him over, uneven footsteps leading him to take a seat nearby. Olivine vision flickered toward Snowy. There was no malice in his gaze, but little softness either. "They may still walk the skies under a different name." Just as level, as monotonous as ever. But if StarClan could visit and be visited, who was to say of the other possibilities?

StarClan had been an easy thing for the former kittypet to accept. Even if he hadn't seen a leader's reincarnation or a medicine cat's dreams, it was comforting to know that death was not the end. The thought of an endless void after one's untimely passing could've been enough to keep the lilac tom awake at night had he been somewhat older, but he was still painfully aware of the limitations that being a spirit offered. He wouldn't be important enough to give properties or walk the visions of ThunderClans - and who was to say he'd even be able to walk the same starry plains as everyone else? The fear of loneliness after death was enough to keep Pebblepaw sensible. With a lowered head, he moved closer to the three, having picked up parts of their discussion while he was removing the burrs from his forelegs. Their ears remained close to their cranium, an unsaturated paw raised close to the apprentice's chest the longer he considered the possibility of twolegs in StarClan. Any moment, he waited for an interjection, a stray warrior telling them that such a thing was ridiculous and treacherous to consider. Every second it didn't happen, he breathed a little easier.

"I... I think it's a fine thing to believe. If they're not here anymore... it's considerate of you to give them a place in StarClan." Pebblepaw tried not to think about his own memories as a kittypet, it had been mere moons since then but with the number of opportunities life in the wild given him, it felt like decades. He remembered a warm house, a collar that was too loose around his spindly neck, and a name that now didn't feel like their own. It hadn't been a bad life, but the internal and external prejudices remained, gnawing at the male like a rat. He offered a meager smile to the warrior, gaze fluttering about nervously as he tried to avoid thinking too deeply about those problems. "... Would it bother you if they weren't in StarClan?"