private BEST OF BOTH WORLDS [✨] coffee & sangria

Figfeather and Fantastream have exchanged little words over the past couple days. At the outskirts of the twoleg fence the orange tabby quietly helps her bring the kits to camp each day, giving the kits a few quick words before taking off for her duties. The red tabby’s place was not hovering around the nursery and it never would be, her paws were happiest when kept busy with patrols and stalking her prey.

Today, however, Twitchbolt has not assigned her to patrol until twilight. She’s offered to take the kits under her wing while Fantastream gets sometime to herself. With the two kits who were growing bigger and bigger by the day, she takes them to the outskirts of camp with a mossball in maw. Throwing it into the air she watches them scramble for it, batting it back and forth to each other with a look of amusement.

Isn’t it a shame? That they’re not full time clan-cats? The thought hits her mind like a monster, it shocks Figfeather. Never until she had brought Fantastream to the gathering with her had the idea of daylight warriors being somehow less than full warriors intruded her mind. Now that she had Coffeekit and Sangriakit the thought lingered even more.

It was bird-brained, Figfeather didn’t even truly believe it. She knew first-paw that daylight warriors had an equally important place among SkyClan, they had knowledge no other cat possessed about the twolegs they neighbored. Still, the longing to see her kits emerge from the apprentice’s den and sleep beside them one day in the warriors den was strong. She didn’t want to have to say goodbye every night, and most importantly, she fears what will happen when- well…

Her ears flatten, no… I’ll make it work.

”Have you two ever thought about what it’d be like to be with SkyClan all the time?” The question blurts from her maw before she can think to stop it.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Coffeekit treasured the little moments he got with his other guardian. After the whole tree-limb incident he noticed things were a bit tense between Fantastream and Figfeather. Which he thought was a bit weird. Though by themselves these days it seemed they had the most fun. Eagerly, he raced after the moss ball, aiming to bump his sister and snatch the ball mid air. Hitting the ground in a messy tumble, his body wrapped around it. Rolling with the mossy item between their paws as rambunctious laughter bubbled from the kit's chest. "Ha ha! Beat ya' too it!" Releasing the ball he jumps back to all fours and vigorously shakes their pelt of any debris. Satisfied, he swats it back towards Sangriakit, a wide-set grin painting his maw. Just as the little tabby dropped into a crouch, ready to gear up, Figfeather's voice seemed to break through the moment of fun.

Full time? At first the question confuses him, and Coffeekit neglects the game to sit on his rump. Live here all the time? His nose scrunches and their green gaze flickers to the ground with drooping ears. What about my girl though? And mama? Would she be okay with that? Coffeekit didn't like having to think about not sleeping next to Figfeather's side or atop his two-leg's comfy nest.

Never getting to dig in the garden or playing tag with Sangriakit in the two-leg den again felt sad. He didn't like being sad either. Shyly, he casts the orange molly a nervous look, and his voice lilts with uncertainty. "W-well... I really like being here with you but I like being with mama too." Rarely, did he lose his excitable nature but after all the weird glances his parents had shared as of late, he felt put on the spot. "I don't know about staying in one place all the time." He hoped that he made a lick of sense, and sometimes with Figfeather he felt a need to impress. Maybe that wasn't the right answer... All means of play was now cast to the wind and a part of him prayed Sangriakit would have a better response.
[penned by tasmagoric]

*✧・゚ The cinnamon torbie dashes after the mossball, her maw parted with excitement as she follows its path into the air. She positions herself to leap after it, but before she gets the chance she is bumped aside by her chocolate-striped sibling. Her muzzle twists into a surprised frown as she stumbles on snowy paws, watching Coffeekit jump up to snatch it out of the air. "Hey!" She protests, but her brother bats the mossball back at her, and it bumps into her face before tumbling to the ground. She’s about to swat it back toward Coffeekit, but Figfeather speaks up first.

Their m—the warrior asks whether either of them have considered what it would be like to stay in SkyClan full-time. "In SkyClan all the time?" The idea is at first enticing to the little torbie—if she was in SkyClan all the time, then she wouldn’t get called any mean names or get called useless or lazy! And she could be with Figfeather way more often, and then she would see Hollykit and Lionkit way more, too.

But… then she wouldn’t see her mama as much. Fantastream would stay at home during the nights, and Sangriakit might not even get to see her at all some days! She doesn’t understand why Figfeather would would want her and Coffeekit to stay in SkyClan all the time, anyway—their mama and Figfeather are happy even though they’re staying in different places, so why wouldn’t Sangriakit be happy, too? Coffeekit responds that he isn’t sure if he wants to stay in one place all the time, and Sangriakit knows her answer as well. With a bright grin, the she-kit finally shakes her head. "Nope! I never thought about it," she declares, paws pitter-pattering against the ground. "Would I have to sleep outside… like in the dirt?"

Coffeekit’s ears droop, Figfeather is taken back, was it that awful of a thought? Sangriakit doesn’t appear to mirror her brother and instead holds the conversation with a bright grin.

”…Well… you’re not- you wouldn’t be picking me over Fantastream.” Figfeather is uncomfortable with the sheer idea. Despite all their turmoil she’d never wish to take Fantastream’s kits away from her. ”You’d still get to see Fantastream all the time… besides, you’re about to be apprentices soon. Wouldn’t you like all the extra time with your mentors that you can get? Figfeather knew at the age they were approaching all she wanted to do was tail Tallulahwing around! The more knowledge she could absorb day or night the better.

Figfeather doesn’t understand the kit’s final concerns. She tries to stifle the sliver of irritation that builds up, most SkyClanners have to do what they’re verbally reluctant about, everyday! She hesitates to respond, ”…Staying in one place isn’t so bad. You don’t have to leave your clan-mates during the night that way and you’ll get to do more fun stuff, like go to the gatherings. Isn’t that something you two want?”

Her whiskers quiver, ”You’d get to sleep in the same dens everyone else does and with a nest. So… no, not in the dirt.” Not quite anyways…
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
*✧・゚ Figfeather responds that they wouldn’t be choosing her over Fantastream, but it definitely feels like they would be, if they decided to stay in SkyClan forever. What about Hon and Dear—and Sunshine? That’s Coffeekit’s girl! She’d be so sad if they left and never came back… And wouldn’t their mama be lonely at night, if both she and Coffeekit were in SlyClan?

Then Figfeather brings up a good point—don’t they want to have extra time with their mentors when they’re apprentices? The thought brightens Sangriakit’s expression, cinnamon ears tilting toward the warrior. She does want to be the best apprentice ever and become a warrior super early, so maybe she should stay here all the time! But… "But I like it at home," she says, tilting her head to the side. Why would she want to not go home and sleep in her own nest every night? "And I don’t wanna sleep in the same den as everyone else. ‘Specially Fluffykit." Her most timid cousin probably cries every night, and even though Sangriakit cares for her, she doesn’t want to listen to that… But going to a gathering sounds fun, so maybe she can just sleep in SkyClan sometimes, whenever she wants to? "Can’t I just stay here sometimes?"