BEST OF WOMEN &. giving rocks


almost done. they were almost done. they had managed to cross through the lands, in search of perfect rocks with perfect patterns and shapes. they were all carefully cleaned and taken care of. luckily, due to the fact that they had their own den, they hid them without worry of them being taken and or tossed away. it had taken many sunrises to even get this many. this had started long before they even became leader, and now they needed one more rock. one more perfect and lovely rock. just one more.

they can't sleep. the thought of this all going wrong has their stomach in very many knots, and they don't sleep well when they're anxious. it was hard enough to sleep without anxiety gnawing at their nerves. with a flick of their tail, they made their way out of their den, quietly humming at the feel of the moonlight that basked against their obsidian fur. their icy gaze sparkled in the beam from the moon, and they turned their gaze to camp. not many were awake but that mattered not to them. they weren't here to bother others about patrols or to make them be useful. they didn't need to. most of them made themselves useful enough, and chilledstar was grateful about it.

their paws lead them out of camp, gaze lowered as their ears swiveled in and out. they searched for threats with their ears, while their eyes only looked out for rocks. there were many but none of these caught their attention. none of these were good enough to fit with the others. they lowered themself slightly, slowing their pace to brush around within the bits of mud, and marsh alike. their nose gently bumps against something, and it makes them pull back with furrowed brows. they leaned back down, picking up the rock between their teeth and setting it down. their paw gently nudged it, as they inspected it over and over again. they sat, continuing their inspection. had this been good enough? it was very nice texture wise. smooth, without so much of a crack or rough edge upon it. and it's shape... ah. yeah. they quite liked the shape. their ear twitched back as they picked it up in their mouth, holding it for a few paces. it seemed easy enough to carry. they weren't worried about breaking any teeth off on it. yes. this was it. this was the rock to finish the pile they'd been collecting. this wasn't for their personal stash, but rather for someone.

they quickly made their way back to camp, and to their den, setting it down with the rest. they counted under their breath, touching their nose to each rock as a final test of sorts.

"one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. and nine. nine rocks. nine perfect rocks. she will love these."

i hope. there is a loud part within their mind that doubts it. why would she even like rocks? that was an odd thing to like. how would she feel knowing that chilledstar spent so much time gathering them? what if she had no love for them at all? they rubbed their head with a grunt before they just bundled the rocks within a leaf. they picked it up between their teeth before heading off to find the very cat these were to belong to. upon finding her, they set the wrapped leaf down, flicking their tail over her back as a way to get her attention.

"hey. walk with me a moment?"

their face doesn't reveal all too much but it's clear they're nervous. this could all go so wrong, they think. but better to have tried and lost than not to have tried at all... right?

there is no rhyme or reason for geckoscreech to be awake at such an hour atleast that's what she makes herself believe. if anyone were to ask she'd simply tell them that she couldn't sleep yet or that she wanted to listen to the noises of the marsh while lounging beneath the pearlescent moonlight. they wouldn't be complete lies but the rosette tabby isn't quite sure if she's ready to indulge anyone with the truth that she's grown used to spending time with a certain insomniac who often seeks geckoscreech out during these late nights just so that they may converse without any interuption from the rest. it's just for the sake of friendly company, right?

the lead warrior cannot dwell on the matter for long as she is pulled out of her thoughts by the fleeting touch of something against her back which successfully moves her attention to chilledstar themselves. speak of the devil as they say. "i was wondering when you'd show up." her words come out in a light-hearted manner as she begins shifting to stand on all fours. "go on, lead the way then."

they nod briefly before picking up the leaf and leading the way. they don't know where they are going, but they knew it had to be far enough away from camp, and any prying eyes. as they slowed their pace, they placed down the bundle, looking at geckoscreech with an expressionless look before they just sighed. their eyes closed and they opened the leaf, revealing each unique rock they'd picked out.

"i won't waste your time i just... got you something."

they moved to separate each rock, placing their paw upon the first one. they let it linger for a moment before pushing each rock to geckoscreech, with only a small pause in between them.

"nine. nine rocks. nine lives. nine life times i wish to spend with you, geckoscreech."

they looked upwards, tail swishing nervously behind them, as they let out a laugh.

"call me cheesy, call me a sap, call me whatever you want. but i'd really prefer if you just called me your mate. i don't... know how you managed it– i really don't– but you've captured my heart, and i don't really want it back. it's yours to keep. keep it safe, or smash it between your claws. i don't care. just know that no matter what you decide to do with it... it will always belong to you."
'my time is never wasted when it's spent with you.' an unspoken response that crafts itself so easily within her mind but fails to properly formulate upon the tongue that wishes to bring the sentence to life. such a thought is quick to cause a subtle falter in her steps and a few series of blinks to follow after, it almost frightens geckoscreech just how affectionate those words sounded in her head just now.

chilledstar eventually finds a place for them to settle, away from camp which has become nothing more than a fleeting image at this point. a bundle is set down before the lead warrior who watches with a fixed gaze as its unwrapped carefully by a gloved paw to reveal the contents held inside. nine rocks of varying sizes and smoothness lay before her now, each one a symbol of the lives given to chilled who goes on to say something that causes geckoscreech's head to shoot up a little, aqumarine eyes that are usually always so serious are now widened in surprise.

"nine life times i wish to spend with you."

it spills into a much more elaborate confession that causes warmth to flood mocha colored cheek and travel to the very tips of her ears. the idea of someone being in love with her makes geckoscreech feel an assortment of things, flattered, thrilled, nervous, scared. a part of her was quick to want to put up walls again, to avoid letting someone get so close to her but another side thought differently. she didn't need to spend her life alone and buried in work. she's allowed to want more and that it's ok to acknowledge the feelings that bubble within her chest for what they truly are.

"i'll cherish your heart as long as you promise to protect mine." soft-spoken words are accompanied by a touch of noses.