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Born to the marsh colony, a younger Betonyfrost had spent her early moons in the comfort and love of her parents, raised alongside her brother. Her world had been shook when her parents had decided to leave the marsh colony, and Betonyfrost, behind. This is an event that Betonyfrost has never been able to grow beyond, and she spent her formative years withdrawn from all but a select few members of the marsh colony. It wasn't until after the tumultuous first moons of ShadowClan's formation that Betonyfrost began to become what others would recognize as the Betonyfrost they know today: someone obsessive as she is combative, who hasn't hesitated in the past to raise claws against an apprentice in a moment of fury.

Someone who, ideally, would never be a mother.

It had never been Betonyfrost's intentions to start a family, but intentional or not that's exactly what Betonyfrost has done. She will love her children in her own way, but she will also be abrasive when she finds them too annoying and distant when she feels them to be too clingy. They will be raised by a mother who'd rather be treated as older sister and with the knowledge that they have a father who did not want to claim them.


❥ This litter is not first come first serve.
❥ There is no set application forum, but I ask that applicants include basic information such as name, appearance, and personality.
❥ The deadline for applications will be set to Saturday, April 15th. Kits will be born on Tuesday, April 17th. Kits will begin at 3 moons old.
❥ I ask that you try and remain active with your character. If you intend to drop your character, please inform me so that their slot may be re-adopted.


(genetics done by Blitz!)​
Sire: LH black w/ low white (carrying chocolate)
Dam: SH blue mackerel tabby (carrying longhair, chocolate, and charcoal)

Kits can be black tabby, chocolate tabby, or charcoal tabby
❥ kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
❥ kits can have no white or low white
❥ kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
❥ black-based kits may or may not carry chocolate; non-charcoal kits may or may not carry charcoal; only black-based kits may display charcoal; shorthaired kits will carry longhair
❥ kits will display mackerel tabby markings


All names listed under the theme are to serve as an example, and are not a definitive list.

yarrow, chicory, lovage, borage, fennel
sneeze, cough, hiccup, bristle, twitch
(These are reserved for a kitten who is the odd one out in some way, such as if one of the kittens is noticeably larger than the rest, or the only one of their color in the litter.)
brown, big, tiny, black, umber



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HEMLOCK-KIT: he / him; cisgender male, sexuality unknown – shorthaired charcoal tabby with low white and sour eyes. Equipped with unkempt fur and a boyish grin, as a kit, he is the very face of a boisterous youth. Sun rising after the coldness of night; stark-black slips into a sunset warm softness – deceptively so, peeking below an unsettlingly-bright green gaze. White pools around his lower-body, painting his legs, stomach, and muzzle. With age, he will grow into a lithe, but somewhat tall body. Cheeks plump with kit-fluff will form to a charming face and his tail will lengthen to one tufted and whiplike.

─ 3 moons: BETONYFROST xx NPC; brother to unknown; kit of ShadowClan

egotistical, volatile, impulsive, uncaring, callous, somehow charming (to other fucked up people) There is no tact to what he does. The prick of his ears and quirk of the lip; the way he walks like he has nothing to care about, tail held comfortably above the ground. This confidence is all his own, and none are quite sure where he's gotten it from. Hemlock-kit develops strange ideals when it comes to ShadowClan, right away registering most of them as 'lessers'. It's not as if he is truly so great, but rather that ShadowClan itself is a mess, and one that he manages to stand above despite the circumstances. His mother, too, ends up under this umbrella, despite how he treats others no differently than she. Similarly, speaking to him is like treading upon glass. Pleasantness is something he can be if it is convenient to him, but he is tactless in all he does, disregarding right and wrong and simply going through the motion. Any 'slights' against him will result in a physical fight, and though these may seem like typical, kittish scuffles to onlookers, his frustration is very much real and something that may easily get the better of him.

He is more or less oblivious to the emotions of others, and does not care to pay attention to them either. Punishment will work very operantly for him. A lesson is rarely learned other than the lesson of not getting caught, though he will not run away from anything he does not have to. It does not come naturally, but when learned, he may stoop to extreme measures to keep punishment from coming to him. He lives life to the extreme, and largely seems uncaring of authority, right, wrong, or what others think of him. Even the few relationships he may manage to form will be hanging by silken threads. He does not trust easily; certainly far from a conscious desire, but he has never felt it towards another person, and largely feels that he never will. Both meager friendships and any relationships will be formed sporadically and constantly shifting between idealization and devaluation, including that with his mother and littermates.

─ Later in life, Hemlock-kit will latch onto someone and latch hard; much of his self-image then reforming to revolve around that someone in the process. He will stoop to extremeties to do what he sees as the right thing to protect them, but disregard their own feelings and even lie to them if necessary to achieve this. Any percieved threats to their relationship will be met with panic and fury.
─ Will absolutely be a problem apprentice and I predict he won't become a warrior in time LMAO. Can't be guaranteed but i'd love for him to get caught up some shit near when hes supposed to finally become one, and end up being blackmailed by the singular witness so it isn't pushed back any further
─ Name subject to change cause im indecisive as all hell
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I'm also going to slide in here with a Hiccupkit cause it's too cute of a name

I was a coward! I was weak!
Hiccupkit . Hiccuppaw . Hiccupthroat, Hiccupleap, Hiccupflight


— shadowclan kit; no thoughts on other clans
— Amab, He/Him; TBD sexuality
Betonyfrost x NPC, sibling to TBD

Short hair charcoal tabby tom with green eyes Hiccupkit will always be a bit of a runt, not in an incredibly noticeable way but if one if looking for it it's pretty obvious. He is skinny and lacks some muscle. His fur is short and has a wiry texture to it.
↳ carrying chocolate, longhair / masking / etc?


( + ) compassionate, intelligent ( / ) reserved ( - ) unathletic, unconfident Hiccup is a cat who would rather live on his own and look at a bush. He loves to learn and takes it upon himself to learn everything he can about the world around him, whether it be frogs or leaves. He doesn't think highly of himself and would rather ignore the world around him that seems to reinforce that belief. He is awkward in conversation, often he will just be trying to tell any cat about what he found out that day. He doesn't feel he is "in" the clan and he isn't even really sure if anyone knows he is there.
mannerisms: eyes are constantly moving
— will not start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at Gathering, hunting


— Medicine cat apprentice would suit him but not really something you can plot for.
— Becoming confident in himself, will probably need a friend to do that
— What if he just lost a leg, that would be fun


jitterkit . jitterpaw . jittertwitch, jittershriek, jitterfright?

↳ named jitter for the twitches and quick movements they will make without intention
— kit of shadowclan; currently no opinions on other clans
— amab genderfluid, they/them and ey/er/em (will allow other pronouns, doesn't particularly care for them though); undiscovered sexuality
betonyfrost x npc, sibling to ???

sh charcoal tabby w/ very low white + blue eyes jitterkit is a color that in most circumstances would be considered rare, but in er and er littermates is much more prevalent. dark gray, with even darker stripes, jitterkit is what would be called a charcoal tabby. a warm golden undertone touches their belly, their paws, tail tip, ear tips, and even leaves spots above er eyes. the gray of their undercoat fades lighter as it goes down further towards er legs. the same color rests on their eyelids, just a faint light marking. stripes stretch down from the darkest stripe down their spine, curling down their body, mackerel markings as expected of these children. ey has a faint broken white stripe from nose to forehead, ending in a white star between er brows. this white allows the violet-blue eyes that they have, clearly blue most of the time but seeming more lavender in certain lightings. ey is small, likely the runt of the litter, with tiny paws to match. ey is unlikely to ever grow much, a small being throughout er life.
↳ carrying chocolate, longhair


( + ) intuitive, reliable ( / ) outgoing, jumpy ( - ) short-tempered, impatient jitterkit's name is fitting not just for their tics, but also because of er personality. ey tends to be easily startled, jumping at any unexpected sound or sight. it's not out of fright, as they're not a fearful individual, but rather simply a reaction to things that ey doesn't expect. regardless of this, ey loves experiencing new things and meeting new people. at least, they enjoy it until said new person inevitably gets on er nerves. er temper is very short, and ey tends to snap at anyone who annoys em for even small things, intentional or not. they hate small talk and drawn out conversations that have no point to them; sure, they like talking to others, but it has to be about something relevant or useful. regardless of these less pleasant traits, there are things about em that would draw others to like em. despite their prickliness, jitterkit is a very reliable person to be around. if asked to do something or if needed for something, ey will find a way to get it done regardless of the obstacles in their way. they have a way about them of being able to figure out most problems, and they use it to make sure they remain reliable in everything that ey does.
mannerisms: often shuffles their paws, scratches at things around them, mutters under their breath to remind themself of things
— will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
— will excel at one-on-one fights, climbing


— jitterkit will have a tic disorder. echolalia, jerking of the neck, facial grimaces, humming, whistling, blinking more than regular, and clicking teeth are the more common tics that ey'll have
— associated with: wasps, snakeskins, brackish water, scorpions, chain link fences, thorns
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COMFREYKIT: she / her; unknown gender identity, unknown sexuality – shorthaired charcoal tabby with amber eyes. Her pelt is sleek as an otter's, the stripes nearly pitch in color with accents paler gray than brown. Brilliantly expressive with flashing teeth, a long, limber tail, and a girlish high-pitched laugh. Movements are dramatic and exaggerated. As she ages, she will have an athletic and streamlined body; she will be short-limbed and compact without being unnaturally small. Long silver whiskers with a stained-silvery muzzle and eye markings. Smaller-than-average ears with pale fur wisping over their edges. One upper canine protrudes when she smiles or opens her mouth even slightly.

─ 0 moons: BETONYFROST xx NPC; sibling to ?: shadowclan kit

outgoing; people-pleasing; genuine; self-centered; insecure; tempestuous; indecisive; chaotic At her core, Comfreykit desperately wants to be liked and looked up to by her Clanmates, but more than anything, she wants to please Betonyfrost. Her mother's lack of emotional consistency will lead to uncertainty within her own identity. Comfreykit, especially before she leaves the nursery, will be the type to try and match her mother's energy and pad on eggshells in order to not upset her. Outside of the nursery, with her peers, Comfreykit is more likely to act out in order to make herself likable. This can manifest in several ways; she may be the kind of child to exaggerate feats and stories; she may be the type to get herself and her denmates into trouble by acting out; she may "suck up" to the higher positions in the Clan or the more respected warriors. Regardless, Comfreykit's baby personality will begin to develop into an unpredictable tempest.

All that is known about Comfreykit's possible adult personality is that she will be unpredictable romantically and in her personal life. Her moral code will be built upon a shifting, faulty foundation and could crumble at any moment. She craves emotional intimacy but is deeply afraid of it once she achieves it; break ups will be common and devastating, with bridges burned and hearts broken on both sides.
─ feline manic pixie dream girl with the romanticism stripped away
─ disorganized attachment style

Fennelkit Fennelpaw Fennelsuffix
— Fennel; for the flowering herb // kit; rank in the clan
— Assigned Male at Birth (Non-binary) he/him ;; Unknown Sexuality
— 3 moons ;; Every 17th
— Kitten of Shadowclan

— siblings TBD
MATE one
— mother/father/parent one
MENTORING... no one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by no one

A sh black tabby with low white and sky blue eyes.
— Standing at about 8 inches tall, Fennel is a rather lanky individual with long limbs, a long tail and wide-spread ears. Though his head is very rounded in shape for the most part with a slightly longer muzzle and whiskers. Fennel has short fur like velvet and carries with him a deep black tabby coat. White is splashed along his chest and tail tip with these almond-shaped, sky blue eyes that have patches of yellow to them with sectoral heterochomia.
— carries lh, chocolate and charcoal
— No scars or visible injuries
— Will develop deafness by the age of 9 months

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Clever, Confident, Fearless, Devoted
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Aggressive, Determined, Outspoken, Competative
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Calculating, Callous, Grouchy, Guillible

— Fennel is a confident and clever little fella, he never seems to have a fear of anything! He is dearly devoted to his clan and his family, though the young cat does tend to come off as aggressive and rather outspoken for the most part. He has a horrible competative side to him as well as he is willing to risk it all to show he is better than his siblings ever could be. Fennel is also very callous as he doesn't seem to feel anything outside of anger or annoyance or sick glee. This cat though is also very easily fooled as he doesn't think people lie at face value and takes everything seriously.
Does not suffer any mental illness

talents, experience? what are they good at? TBD
what are they poor at, or dislike doing? TBD
Peaceful and healing powerplay allowed!
smells like after it rains on a warm summer day
sounds like Stewie Griffin from Family Guy (Eventually like Ryan Reynolds)
— penned by wolf_
Name: Yarrowkit.
— Named for the flowering herb; his white locket is reminiscent of yarrow's small white flowers.
Gender: Cisgender male; he/him/his.

Appearance: A towering chocolate tabby with pale blue eyes and a white locket.
Yarrowkit will be born large, perhaps the largest of his littermates, and he will grow like a weed until he reaches adulthood. He will eventually come to loom over many other cats, neither especially brawny or lanky so much as simply large.
As a kitten, he will resemble nothing so much as a tumbleweed made flesh: a singularity of fluffy chocolate fur and tippy-tappy paws. The kitten-blue of his eyes will not change much over time, with his final eye color resembling a stormy sea; this contributes to an overall appearance of boyishness that likely will not fade until he's well into warriorhood. His coat is short along most of his body, with a significant neck ruff and thick, fluffy tail, which makes him appear even larger than he is. A light, creamy base coat is elegantly striped with a rich brown and brightened by a white locket on his powerful chest. His ears are large and rather pointed at their tips, and his paws are large with vibrant pink pads to match his nose.
Despite his imposing size, Yarrow will fail to strike most people as frightening. Perhaps it is the softness of his eyes or the poised, almost delicate way he carries himself, but he will have no advantages in the intimidation department.

+ Loyal: Yarrow will be a faithful partner, friend, and ShadowClanner - to him, loyalty is second nature, and he will hold the most anger in his heart for traitors and turncoats.
+ Kind: Yarrow's heart is large and welcoming; he will always be inclined to speak gently, offer a helping hand, or listen to someone's complaints.
+ Intelligent: Attentive, observant, and quick-thinking, Yarrow's wits will perhaps be his greatest asset (other than his large size).

± Clingy: Despite his best efforts, Yarrow cannot help but fall hard and fast for the ones he loves; and when he loves someone, he will always seek them out and crave their company almost all of the time.
± Proud: Yarrow will be proud of his heritage and of his Clan, and - moreover - will develop a very particular set of ideals about what being a good cat and a good warrior is about; his pride gives him a certain amount of dignity, but it also can lead him astray.
± Honest: Alas, Yarrow will very rarely - if ever - acknowledge the utility of a white lie.

- Fussy: Yarrow likes things a certain way and no other way; some could accuse him of being prissy or obsessive.
- Weak-willed: Though he is no coward and he strives to conduct himself in a way others can respect, he is easily swayed by the strong feelings of others, and struggles to follow his own compass.
- Insecure: Due in part to the way Betonyfrost became a mother and raises her kittens, Yarrow will possess deep inside a fundamental insecurity about whether or not he's worthy of love and whether he's doing the right thing.

Plot ideas:
Over the course of his life, I think it would be interesting to have him grow and develop through his clinginess and his insecurity, possibly through forming a strong, healthy relationship (or friendship) which helps him realize that he is worthy of love and he need not hold on so desperately. Similarly, I think him eventually becoming a father could be super intriguing to explore.
I think he will need to adjust to his size over time: as a kitten, he'll probably knock other kits over, hurt them without meaning to, or crush bugs on accident. A more serious incident of accidentally injuring someone - at any stage - could shape his view of himself and others around him, and contribute to him becoming more cautious and/or self-doubting.
I could see him becoming very reclusive - perhaps after a rejection by someone he loves - and developing a firmer edge through that isolation, possibly shoring up his pushover tendencies. This could also be accomplished by having a close, supportive network of loved ones in his life who give him faith in his own wants and needs.
— Yarrow the herb is known for attracting butterflies, and I think it would be fun for Yarrow the cat to be drawn to them (and they to him).
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