tornadopaw was a good apprentice. poor kid had a lot to learn, sure, but she was learning well and fast– despite her apprehension. she didn't trust herself enough or have trust in her abilities, and that wouldn't do her any good. so, today, it was just a good day to practice some hunting. the queens needed all the nutrients that they could possibly get right now. chilledstar walked slowly behind their apprentice, making it a point to watch her gait. hm.

"i know we haven't been training long, but I want to see if you've been paying attention. go on. hunt. I'll be watching."

they said, moving to a place where they could see, but they wouldn't be in the way of such a hunt. there was plenty of choices– which for shadowclan was pure luck.

If you don't like me, that's your problem
Her limp has significantly improved after some rest and time. Most days it only has small twinges of pain here and there, making her stride nearly normal again. Dark ears perk at the sound of her leader's voice, yellow eyes falling upon Chilledstar with a look of surprise. She was expected to catch something right now? Her stride slows, grinding to a halt. "U-um okay..." Tornadopaw takes a moment to glance around the area, parting her maw to scent the air around the dark boggy marsh. Quietly she picks a direction and treks down the path, lowering her head to examine the footprints of a rat. "Seems fresh enough." She thinks to herself, looking up in time to see a hairless tail disappear into the boggy undergrowth.

Dipping into a hunter crouch Tornadopaw cautiously stalks forward, careful to tread lightly to prevent herself from startling the rodent. Once she'd drawn close enough she waits in the shadows until the rat doubles back, crossing her path. With a quick lash of her paw he'd hoped to snag the creature and pull it closer to herself. But her claws only manage to rend the flesh of its side. The rat then makes an attempt to skitter away, sprinting through the marsh with the laperm on its heels. "Come on, just a little closer." Pushing herself she lengthens her stride until she finally has her jaws around her prey and delivers a finishing bite. With heaving sides she drops the rodent upon the ground as she takes a moment to sit and rest, flexing her wrist in the meantime.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

chilledstar watched with an alarming sense of closeness. injured or not, they needed to know if training her was worth it. they needed not an apprentice who couldn't hunt, especially in a territory that was so determined to starve them. they watched, crystalline blue gaze focusing on the way she hunted. even when injured, cats still needed to eat. she would have to learn to deal and it seemed that whatever training they managed, she listened. good. this simply meant that she was listening and she was willing to learn. standing up, they move to sniff the prey, before pushing it back to her with a nod of approval.

"go on. rest."

they speak, moving to briefly brushing their fur down with their tongue, before twitching their tufted ears.

"I'm proud of you, you know. i may not show it, or say it often, but you've gotten stronger and more resilient. I know you've hurt your paw but here in shadowclan... even when injured we must hunt. whether it be physical or emotional. we have to keep going for the sake of our clanmates. they need us as much as we need them. and I'm extremely grateful that you've learned to work in spite of such things. you will become a wonderful warrior."

they touched their nose to her forehead, before stepping back and gesturing to her catch.

"eat your catch. you've earned it."
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Chilledstar gives her permission to rest and she graciously accepts. Sitting back on her haunches, Tornadowpaw takes a moment to catch her breath. Ebony ears flick forward as her leader begins to speak, singing praises of her efforts and reminding her to keep her clanmates in mind despite how she felt. It was hard to keep others from noticing the pain she carried inside and wore upon her paw. Yet she did not open her mouth to defend herself because at the end of the day she knew Chilledstar was right. Quietly she nods her head before finally opening her maw to speak. "Thanks...for not quitting on me like the others." Sometimes she told herself that shouldn't have been so far behind in training if her old mentors stuck around. Perhaps it was the kittypet blood that ran in her veins that scared them off, she would never be sure. Regardless, her training was going well now.

Glancing back down at the rat between her paws she takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully. "You know...Rookpaw was talking about special moves and stuff the last time we spoke." She rasps after swallowing her mouthful, recalling the conversation and his enthusiasm. "Do you really have a signature move only you can do?" She wouldn't be surprised if they did. Chilledstar was quite the mystery all by themselves.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem