better days [Drizzlepaw]


that's why they call me bad company
Apr 26, 2023



The days since Soma had joined had been filled with the constant droning of things like 'classes' and 'lessons'. He normally wouldn't have minded, probably would have even thought them useful had it not been for the sheer frequency at which they were being shot at him. Add to that his younger brothers constant attitude over being made to join Skyclan and Soma hadn't exactly gotten much time to just breathe.

And that didn't even begin to touch on the clan drama that had gone on since he and the other shelter cats had first joined- the windstorm, the deaths, the missing cats.

It was about mid afternoon when the towering young tomcat slipped out of camp, opting to skip the class on 'starclan' in favor of trying to shake some of his stress off. Camp itself was crowded in a way he wasnt all that fond of, not use to having to see or speak to the cats back in the shelter despite being surrounded by them.

And that was how Soma ended up at the Rockpile, messing around on the large stones to pass the time.


skyclan - male - 12 months - single - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and yellow-green eyes.
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Drizzlepaw was also caught up in how busy the clan was currently, even if there was some relief in joining before all the shelter cats. There wasn't much new he needed to learn, and he didn't much care for joining all the lessons, so he's free for now.

He doesn't chill on the rockpile all that often either, unless there's someone else to enjoy the sun with. He always feels much better doing anything with another cat, so when he sees Soma lying on them, he doesn't take long for him to decide to join along.

"Hi there...Soma, right?" He inquires as he sits down, though at a bit of a distance to not make him uncomfortable. "You holding up alright? I know clan life can be a lot..."



The sound of approaching footsteps caught the attention of the dark tomcat, drawing his yellow-green gaze to rest on a grey tabby. Brows raised lightly in surprise as he was addressed by name, honestly not having expected anyone to have remembered. Soma hadn't exactly put in much effort to be known since joining, not all too sure on how to go about it. So he'd just kept out of the way and done his best to learn what they were teaching him.

"Um, yeah. And your Drizzlepaw?" he asked as they took a seat on the rocks across from him.

At the other toms question he'd shrug his broad shoulders, trying to appear casual despite the twinge of anxiety running through him. He wasn't good at this whole making friends thing, but it wasn't like he he was *trying* to come off as socially awkward.

I'm hanging in there." he chuckled, trying not to let the deep rumble of his voice bother him despite knowing it sounded off, like it belonged on a cat far more dangerous than he was in that moment. "Needed a bit of a break though. It's, um, a lot busier than I'm used to." he admitted, tail giving away his uncertainty with a nervous flick.

skyclan - male - 12 months - single - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and yellow-green eyes.
Drizzlepaw's happy that the distance was probably the best idea, but he's also happy Soma seems to be making an effort. His eyes light up as the black and white tom remembers his name as well. "That's right! It's nice to meet you proper." He smiles brightly. Maybe they could be friends! He needs more friends who get it, not being from the clan originally.

The blue tabby nods his head at the other's feelings. "The clan can get very busy, yeah. I totally understand, as someone who was used to being on his own. Clan life is very different from being a loner. It's nice, though. Like one big family!" It was what he needed, and maybe Soma will come to appreciate it, too.​


Drizzlepaws demeanor was quick to put Soma at ease, the bright smile and friendly tone reassuring. Usually he couldn't tell if cats were actually pleased to be talking to him, but from what he could tell the grey tom didn't seem to mind at all. "Oh, are you not originally from Skyclan either?" he asked, regarding the other with curiosity. Maybe they had more in common than he originally thought? Thinking back, it was actually kind of stupid for him to assume that all the cats here were born in Skyclan, especially when they were known for being the one clan that openly took in outsiders. "And I'll admit, that does sounds kind of nice." he replied, flashing the younger tom a smile. Soma had never had a real family. He'd been orphaned young, and then spent his life between then and now in an out of adoptive homes- both feline and human alike. "I take it you like it here, then? No regrets about joining?"

LONER - male - 12 months - single - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.
"I'm not, no. I joined almost three moons ago. Was by myself for the longest time and I just sick of it. I'm not meant to be alone, I think. So having everyone here to support me is really, really nice." His smile softens as he talks about how much clan life means to him. "And I'm glad it sounds nice to you too! It'll become easier with time. It did for me."

He ponders the question of having any regrets joining very carefully. There's nothing really coming to mind; nothing big, anyway. So, he shakes head. "No, none. It's just different, but I'm happy I'm here. I finally feel like my life has meaning, not just drifting from place to place." He didn't feel like there was anywhere in the world for him, before. That's entirely changed now that he has cats he cares about. He was meant to find his way into the clan, and that's something he fully believes.​



Drizzlepaws words were able to fill him with a sense of hope for the first time since joining Skyclan. While their situations had probably been vastly different, the idea that another cat his age could come here alone and find what they were looking for made him think that maybe he could as well.

"To be honest, I don't think I'm meant to be alone, either." he admitted, probably for the first time in his life.

For as long as he could remember it had been trying to keep his own head above his water while simultaneously holding his siblings aloft as well. He'd never had a proper family or friend group to fall back on, and while he'd learned to adapt to the solitude, he couldn't deny that there was a part of him that deeply longed for the kinds of connections he saw around him every day.

It the mention of Drizzle having no regrets, Soma couldn't help but grin a bit, that same ember of hope sparking into a small flame. Drizzle seemed like a nice cat. If he was happy in a place like this, maybe Soma could learn to find those things as well.

"I think I'd like having something like that; a purpose, or whatever."

It felt selfish to say. For as long as he could remember his purpose had been to other cats, never given the chance to find himself and what it was that was important to him. Family, of course, but could Soma truly say his life had been happy up until that point, constantly fighting with Junco and living with the guilt of losing his little sister? No, he couldn't. He was a year old and he already felt as if he carried the world on his shoulders, forced to act out of duty and obligation rather than passion.

"For as long as I can remember it's just been me looking out for my younger siblings. At first we lived on the streets in twoleg place, but after I lost my sister i realized that wasn't safe, so that's how me and m brother ended up in the shelter." he explained, his nerves jolting to life at the mention of the past he was so ashamed of.

He'd lost his sister.

"Me and Junco lived in a bunch of twoleg nests, but they always returned us to the shelter once they realized my brother wasn't really the friendly sort. I was worried the twolegs would eventually end up separating us, so I forced him to come to Skyclan and I'm pretty sure he hates me for it." he explained with a somewhat bitter chuckle.

LONER - male - 12 months - single - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.
He listens intently as Soma explains how he ended up in the clan, and he can instantly feel a kinship with the black and white tom. He luckily didn't lose anyone permanently, but he still lost his family before he came to be in SkyClan. It's never easy to feel like you're not wanted, and he also knows very well how hard it is to deal with troublesome siblings, even if Soma might not have the same hatred that Drizzlepaw has for his own brother.

"I'm sorry things didn't work out for you two, no, you three. I'm sure it wasn't easy to lose one of the closest people to you...just know you did your best." No kids should have to be the one to take full care of their siblings; it's not an easy task, especially to be asked of someone so young. And honestly, Junco should be appreciative he even gives all this effort for someone who's making his brother's life harder. At least, that's the impression he's getting.​



It felt odd to be faced with that kind of positivity. He'd wasted so much time letting everyone tell him it was his fault that it was difficult to believe Drizzlepaw, despite the warmth of appreciation that bloomed in his chest. Unsure of what to do with it, he simply cleard his throat and looked away, hoping the other tom would catch on to how affected such a simple statement had made him.

"Yeah, um, thanks." he replied in his rumble tone, head ducking a little a he realized how rude that probably sounded- Drizzle was here being kinder than anyone else had been to him, and Soma couldn't even look him in the eye for more than a few seconds because the idea of anyone being nice to him left him feeling wrong.

And yet, he didn't exactly want it to stop.

"So!" he continued, changing the subject as smoothly as he could- which wasn't very smoothly at all, actually. "Aside from sunning on these rocks, what else is there to do for fun around here? No offense to the Skyclan or anything, but I feel like my head is filled with fluff after listening to all those lesson." he mused, glancing back to the to the other tom with a half smile.

skyclan- male - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.
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Drizzlepaw doesn't seem to mind Soma's reaction to his words, just continues to smile even at the sudden embarassments. It's not like he hasn't had his fair share of times where his sentences come off the wrong way, and it makes him feel like an absolute idiot afterwards. He's not about to criticize the black and white cat for it, that just isn't him. He's just happy his sentiment was taken well, or at least not in a bad way, as far as he can tell. He doesn't react much as the topic is quickly changed either, happy to just talk to someone in general.

He chuckles a bit at the remark about how many lessons there were, as he remembers having to learn himself. He does like learning, but it isn't for everyone. Especially if a topic seems kinda silly, like StarClan can be if you don't believe. He had his skepticism about the thought of dead cats being able to interact with certain alive ones, but he was confident in their existence by now. "Hmm, fun things to be honest, I'm not sure myself. I get pretty uncomfortable asking questions, so..." He scours his brain for any ideas he could think of that doesn't involve sleeping, which is what he tends to do. He always feels awkward actually interacting with other people, much less asking for ideas. "You could watch the stream by the elder's den? Sometimes there's mice here, could hunt those. Or try and climb a tree."



He was glad for the lack of resistance when it came to the change of subject. Soma had never been all that great when it came to expressing himself emotionally. He had a tendency to try and bottle everything up, which more often than not resulted in an an explosion of anger that seldom left him any better off in the end. He supposed that's what happened when naturally emotional individuals tried to stop themselves from getting emotional, though. Maybe it wasn't the healthiest way to live, but Soma was anxious by nature and he'd always seen that anxiety as a weakness. Hiding it away, letting it burn up in the wake of anger instead, that was a lot less painful that letting anyone know just how he actually felt.

"Well, you can ask me questions." Soma offered with a twitch of his tail and a half smile. "Not sure I'll have the answers you want, but I won't get mad or anything." he assured them with a light chuckle.

"And I'm not gonna lie- I've been tempted like crazy to try climbing after seeing some of the cool stuff the other Skyclanners can do, but... Aren't I bit too big for it?" he asked, glancing down at himself.

Soma was certainly not a small cat. While he wasn't super fluffy or bulky in muscle like some of the purebred cats, there was still broadness to his shoulders and an impressive length to his legs that left him standing taller than most other cats his age. On the ground he was certain enough of himself, having long since gone through that awkward teen stage where his body didn't quite fit him, but in the trees? He wasn't so sure. He'd never really tried doing that kind of thing before.

skyclan- male - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.
Drizzlepaw smiles back at the offer, as it definitely makes things easier when he’s told that he can ask questions without the other getting upset. It was something his mom loved to do, get mad at any questions he asked, even if they seemed perfectly reasonable to him. And despite knowing that she just didn’t like him, there’s still always that voice in the back of his head trying to convince him that everyone hates him.

At least in the moment, he didn’t feel that way, and he’s sure Soma has no ill will towards him. “Thank you. And hmm…” There’s definitely some point of concern, but at the end of the day, trees are huge and a bit more weight or muscle probably wouldn’t change much. He’d just have to be careful about shifting his weight, if anything.

“I think…you need to have more faith in the trees,” he half jokes to him. It’s true though, most of these pines still stand after any number of devastation reigns, and they’re way older than any of the cats here. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen a tree grow that large in a short period of time. “I mean, have you seen Blazestar? He probably isn’t built for climbing, and yet he still does. So I’m sure you can too!”



"Faith in the trees, huh?" he echoed, glancing up at the nearest trees, before the others next words had him recalling the last time he'd seen Blazestar in a tree. "Yeah, your probably right. I just have to get the technique down." he agreed after a moment of thought. Soma was no coward, after all. He may have a sinking boatload full of insecurities and enough anxiety to go around -twice- but those things had never stopped him from getting shit done or figuring things out before. At least, not when it mattered- if he had to pick up some pieces of himself later on in private then that was his own business.

"Have you ever been to the top of that one tree- Tallpine?" he asked, glancing back over to the grey tomcat with curiosity in acid-green eyes. "Or anyone for that matter? I've seen cats climb it, but not to the top."

He'd heard that the one cat- Quillstrike- had chosen to do his warrior assessment in Tallpine, fighting another cat over a bird. Now that was something Soma would give a dozen mice to see. He had to admit, it did sound really cool. Learning to fight like that and race through the branches like the other cats of the pine forest would definitely be a rush.

Maybe he'd start trying...

skyclan- male - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.