private BETTER DAYS | fox

Sedgepounce and Foxglare set out on WindClan territory, fresh upon the moors with new names and reignited motivations. It's only been a week or two since their apprentice exam, and already they're on the hunt again. Sedge doesn't know what he expected—time stops for no one, and cats don't stop getting hungry just because his name changed. But it's more invigorating than he'd thought, even during the ceremony itself, to breach the world an apprentice no longer.

His scrapes from their spar healed, Sedgepounce finds it easier to look across the moor with Foxglare at his side, now that he isn't blinking away stray beads of blood.

"Whatdya think we'll find, Foxglare?" he wonders, waggling his brows at the stern-faced tom at his side. Fox is harsh and frowny at the best of times, but he's still good company. Just one of many with the title of loner looming above their heads like a storm cloud. Not that Sedgepounce pays that much mind.

'Foxglare'. The name was weighty even coming from Sedgepounce's light lilting tenor. Fox was the name he had given himself, wrapped around his scarred shoulders as a sharp-fanged memento. Glare tied him to this place, though, it was the inescapable glint of sun beaming down on the open moors and the sharp reflection he threw right back at it. He wondered if Pounce had given his tabby companion the same weight of responsibility to carry, or if the moor-born tom took it upon himself with the ease he seemed to carry all things alongside himself.

"Somethin' big, hopefully. But I'd settle for anything," he rumbled lowly, straightforward as always, "Plenty of mouths to feed." And a dwindling supply of healthy cats to feed them. Foxglare paused to sniff at a bush with some potential before returning with a huff and shake of his head.

He shot his companion a sidelong glance. Sedgepounce was among the easiest of his peers to get along with. Fox had no trouble minding his business enough to be able to work alongside just about anyone without clashing, but Sedgepounce was one of the few he'd spoken to who didn't give him the impression that he was trying to say something else in every conversation. Sedge's earnestness put him at ease some—not that his stiff shoulders and frowny face gave any indication of this—and so he readily agreed when the other offered a chance at hunting together again.

After their exam, Foxglare may have even considered that he had quite a bit of an appreciation for him. Sedge wore a trophy from it on his brow, healed and faded nicely, "The scar's lookin' good."

He kind of wished he'd gotten one to commemorate the event too.

  • OOC:
  • sun . fox . foxpaw . foxglare
    — he/him. 11mo moor-runner of windclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — a large, scarred, longhaired light ginger tabby with high white and grey eyes
    — smells like wet oak wood and dewy sedge
    — sounds like leon kennedy, with a vague texan drawl.
    — the straight-faced and taciturn adopted son of houndthistle, lived as a twolegplace loner until 7 moons old, now a moor-runner of windclan. stalwart and resilient, he is not easily shaken and lives by a very strict personal code of honor.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — icon by mercurial, chibi by vulture
    — penned by eezy
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When it comes to dealing with the more surly of WindClan's cats, Sedgepounce is basically an expert. His sister is famously one such grump, and even though he thinks Beetlenose is a cold-hearted bully most of the time, that's mostly just the indignant little brother in him talking—she's not so bad when she isn't nagging him about pulling his weight.

Foxglare, though taciturn and rough-spoken as he is, carries a steadfast transparency about him that Sedge appreciates. He's pretty adverse to the back-handedness that most of WindClan treats each other with, and it makes him pretty easy to hang around. When he says rude things, it isn't because he's trying to be rude. It's just because he's socially awkward. Or at least Sedgepounce thinks so.

"Yeah," he hums, casting a burnt umber gaze out at the fields. They'll find something to catch for sure. And on the off chance that they don't, well...something will work out. It always does.

As they cut through the grasses, Foxglare's comment about his scar takes him by surprise. "Really?" he asks, paw fluttering to his brow. He hadn't even realized it left a mark. But if Foxglare says it looks cool, Sedge believes him. Though, while he doesn't mull it over now, Sedgepounce would be much more remiss if he'd been the one to leave such a violent mark on someone else. Since he's never been in that spot, he doesn't consider it.

"Thanks, I guess. And thanks for not scratching my eye out," he meows, leveling Foxglare a lofty grin. "You're kinda insane, dude." It's an echo of what he'd said at the end of their spar originally. Bloodied and battered, Sedgepaw'd flown back up to his feet, eyes huge and grin huger. You're crazy! he'd exclaimed. Sedge could give him a bit of a runaround, but other than that it wasn't even a real fight; Foxpaw swatted him down like a fly. For Sedge, losing like that is quite the novel concept. It's incredible!

As a breeze pushes at his pelt, something catches on Sedgepounce's nose. He slows their amicable traveling to a stop, ducking further into the grass. "You smell that?"​