private BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER &. scorchstreak


told you not to worry
May 29, 2024

he likes his aunt. she's strong. and cool. and really brave. he wishes he could be brave like that. he wants to be just like her when he grows up. he knows his mom and dad are pretty amazing, but there was a certain level of shine that comes from being the nephew of a deputy. maybe one day, if she let's it happen, he can be her deputy, when she is scorchstar. sunstar still has a long long reign ahead of him, though. he is quite scared of the loud leader but he... can learn to be braver!! his auntie scorch could teach him! his mom and dad will teach him, too, but scorchstreak goes in the tunnels. he wants to, too.

"auntie 'corch? how... uhm... how do you become bwave? how are you bwave? can you make me bwave? please? I wanna be bwave like you. strong, too."

was it that easy? would this be all that it took? he doesn't know. he's naive in the way of the world but that won't stop him from trying, will it?

//I'm so bad at starters omg @SCORCHSTREAK

༄༄ Rattleheart’s kits are tiny blessings, and Scorchstreak finds herself seeking excuses to be around them. Splinterkit especially is a most favored of her niblings, though if questioned the deputy would never admit that she has a favorite. When the little tom approaches her, a warm smile brightens her expression—subtle, but more emotion than her scarred face usually shows. The boy asks her about bravery, and it reminds her of her conversation with Sunlitwing, back when the dappled moor runner had been an apprentice. "What is being cowardly?" they had asked her, and she had stumbled through an explanation regarding… standing up bravely for a terrible cause.

The kit wants to be brave, like her, but Scorchstreak doesn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. She is no courageous warrior of WindClan, no fearless hound for her leader. Not any longer. She has lapsed into something softer, something more pointed but less inclined to violence. She has grown tired of walking the warpath. And to send a kit down that same path… it would be madness. "Being brave isn’t something that you need to worry about right now," she begins, in a gentle tone. "You will get there eventually. But until you’re an apprentice it’s better for you to focus on being alive than being brave." It wouldn’t do to have a kit striking back at a fully-grown invader instead of fleeing to the safety of the tunnels. "The first thing you need to understand is that bravery takes time, and it takes experience. But I believe that bravery simply means to do things, even the most frightening of tasks, because they must be done." Fighting much larger opponents in battle, traversing mountain cliffs to save her clan, turning tail at Sunstar’s side to make a run for the horseplace. All brave acts, but still some things haunt her.

A vision of the RiverClan border—the gorge—crosses her mind, and Scorchstreak does not linger on the hypocrisy in her words. She does not stray near that border for a reason, but to admit her cowardice to an impressionable kit who thinks the world of her… she could never do such a thing. "However, you should not focus on becoming brave and strong right now. Your place in battle is the tunnels, where enemies cannot reach you. Your place in the clan is here, where you can safely grow big and strong enough to become and apprentice. Do you understand?" Her words may be harsh, but they come from a place of love. Sunstar wishes to coddle kits, but they deserve to know that the world is not as soft as the nursery. They deserve to be aware of the dangers that face bold, naïve kits.

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  • SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. cold and closed-off, ferociously protective of her clanmates. rarely seen aboveground.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to bilberrypaw ; previously mentored pinkshine
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted, but may react aggressively
    penned by foxlore
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