Chrysaliswing was a ticking time bomb, planted right in the heart of Skyclan. As long as the tom could recall, he had never been anything else. Pitch-black fur, coat as cold as coal, served as an omen to those that even scratched against a brimstone gaze. The cats of his clan could be likened to the thistledown buried deep within his long, twining pelt. Many would find it unfair that impressions were surely poisoned by his own making, but he found it an apt defense mechanism. After all, bright colors sang of certain doom - and his own thorny pelage did not betray him. Each annoyance was a simple chafe, a scrape against the skin beneath his flame-brushed fur. It would be the simplest of things to start ot set him off, like a snowball effect of sorts. Continuing until the plaguing grew too great, Chrysaliswing let his anger spill out of him as easily as he breathed the newleaf air around him, exhaling his words as billowing smoke and miasma. It was no wonder many cats did not try to defuse him, but rather hid until the storm had had its ravenous fill of ruin.

A twinge pierced dreamless sleep, waking the Skyclan warrior from the solace of dark quietude, and into the harsh and crowing light. Eyes blinked slowly, rheum still coating the corners and blurriness still seeping through the edges. He had slept through the sunrise, and now the morning sun shone ever-grand. The longhaired tom rolled over, but only felt whatever sharp pinprick lie in his nest shove deeper into his skin. There was something in his nest, no doubt about it. It did not pierce his flesh, merely rested like a stayed blade of steel. With a mutter rattling in disarray and disgust, he got up and shook out the moss twines from his disheveled pelt. The thorn also fell quite unceremoniously to a disturbed nest. From the looks of it, the small talon of a thing seemed to have been plucked meticulously and placed quickly into his sleeping grounds.

Trenchant in brightly-colored anger as he was, Chrysaliswing approached the first cat he thought to be a suspect in the matter - a poor daylight warrior who didn't have anything to do with it, of course. "Hey, you!" Chrysalis snapped at the orange tabby of whom he did not know the name of. Not that he would've bothered to correctly refer to him anyhow. To him, Tiggerbounce was merely another kittypet mooching off of Skyclan's hard work. "I saw you collecting moss earlier. You think it's funny to do a shoddy job and make me sleep in a bed of thorns?" Staccato spittle flew out as heterochromatic gaze shot daggers at the daylight warrior. Little did he know, the true culprit had been hiding plain in sight, and was not who his mind deemed the perpetrator. After all, why would Chrysaliswing suspect any other cat to do this to him? The outsiders of the clan surely resented him so, and perhaps even conspired to make his day a horrid one.

  • Please wait until @TIGGERBOUNCE posts first, no need to wait for @jaypaw !
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 22 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.