pafp better now | stealth techniques



જ➶ It's not often she finds herself in the midst of a whole hunting patrol. Often she likes to go out on her own and bring back prey from the mainlands. Even though she knows that Riverclanners tend to mostly indulge in the fish that the river provides she doesn't see a reason to not change up the diet every once in a while. That is probably why she finds herself in this situation right now. Staring down at an apprentice who has seemingly followed her from the river. "Um..." Her sound is cautious as she watches Mosspaw for a moment, not too certain on how to handle this situation. For a moment she just stares before she looks away, frowning just slightly as she thinks. She has never truly been the social type and that is something most can agree upon. But here she supposes she can try. "Do you know how to stalk prey on land?" The shadow scarred woman finally speaks and breaks the silence before she focuses back on Mosspaw once more. Her eyes are like heated embers. Burning and twisting with cold emotions. "It's different from hunting fish. While you wait for a fish to come to you, a mouse or a vole isn't so keen on getting close." She then dips her head before the former shadowclanner beckons with her tail. While the brush is not as thick there are still telling signs of rodents. Perfect meals.

"Voles, mice, even rats and lizards. They are sensitive to movement and shaking of the ground. You have to place your paws ever so quietly to get close enough. Keep your tail low but not touching the ground. Lower your stance and creep. Watch where you place each step." As she speaks her body moves to show the other, keeping herself angled low and each step is purposeful, each step drawing her closer to the vole she can scent.

When Mosspaw had seen Boneripple slinking off from the river and the rest of the patrol, her curiosity had drawn her to follow. She knew the older molly had a tendency to go off on her own to hunt other prey than fish, and she appeared to be particularly skilled at it. That was something Mosspaw was interested in seeing. She hoped to learn what she could by tagging along, and practice her own skills as well. In her mind, there was nothing odd about it, they were already on patrol together, and she often tagged along with the warriors she was on patrol with. From the look Boneripple gave her though, it appeared she didn't think the same. "I thought you might want some help. I can go back if not." She offered formally, tilting her head questioningly.

"Do you know how to stalk prey on land?"

"Somewhat." She stated, very truthfully. There were a few things she had been taught already about hunting on land, but most of her training had been focused on fishing. She was not yet entirely comfortable catching mice or voles, at least compared to fish.

Mosspaw listened intently as Boneripple began her instruction, nodding along with every word. When the other molly beckoned her with a flick of her tail, she lowered into a hunter's crouch and followed behind. According to directions she was being given, she adjusted her stance. Placing her paws more gently, keeping her tail low, and lowering herself closer to the ground. As she made each adjustment, she looked to Boneripple both to compare herself to her example and for approval.​
જ➶ Need some help? Honestly she has never thought of that. Perhaps she is just used to being alone and doing what she deems necessary. It sticks with her, her cold demeanor but if she thinks about it she is grateful to have Mosspaw's company in the moment. To pass down the skills she learned when before Shadowclan was Shadowclan. Her eyes focus forward for a moment before glancing back and seeing Mosspaw copying her. Looking at her for approval and she smiles lightly. "Good stance, carry your weight more forward." The woman whispers as she starts advancing forth through the growth of fibrous plants. She still smells it, that vole and she soon spots the small rodent nibbling and enjoying what she knows is its last meal. "You want to get as close as possible before you strike. Always grab with claws extended. And go for the back of the neck." Breaking the neck is easy on a small creature like this. And them she demonstrates.

Her eyes zero in and she creeps forward, placing paws effortlessly and soundlessly. Her body seems to coil with energy and when she is mere whiskerlengths away she suddenly bursts forth. Claws extend and dig into the vole, teeth flashing fast to snap onto the neck. A small crunch and the vole is in her jaws limp. Turning she carefully drops the prey and looks too Mosspaw with a brightness in her eyes. "Alright, do you want to give it a try? There is a mouse close by that I'm sure one of the queens will enjoy."
Mosspaw shadowed Boneripple as she stalked forward.

As she watched the black molly, it impressed her how effortless her movements seemed. Each of her own steps were replications of what she had been taught. With additional thought put into carrying out the instruction she had been given to carry her weight more forward. The gap in experience between the two of them was evident.

Then, in an instant, Boneripple burst into motion, and with a crunch the vole was dead. Mosspaw blinked. She almost wanted to ask her instructor to do it again. It had been the perfect demonstration, and it was over in an instant. The opportunity to make her own attempt, however, took that temptation from her, and she nodded to Boneripple.

Considering each step slowly and carefully, she began to creep toward the mouse scent. It was not far, and eventually she spotted it scurrying between the reeds. Every few moment stopping to glance around cautiously. She waited for one such stop, tensing her muscles in preparation. Then, attempting to mirror what she had seen moments ago, Mosspaw burst into motion. The mouse had a moment to squeak in terror before her jaws closed around its neck with a snap, letting it go limp. Not nearly as fast as Boneripple, of course, but fast enough.

Dropping her prey between her paws, she turned toward her instructor. "How was that?" Mosspaw asked, eager for feedback.​