here we go again
Jun 13, 2022
It feels silly to say that he's been trying when his efforts have borne no fruit or whatever that saying is, but...he has been trying, he thinks. Getting out a bit more, not being entirely silent on patrols. He hasn't been glued to Rosemire either, which is a good thing, probably. It means that he should be able to make friends with some of the other cats. It's also given him an entirely new perspective on the cat he had come to ShadowClan for. That sounds silly of him to say, doesn't it? It's– it's not like they've been glued at the hip anyway, or even were before these clans came to be. He'd walked the edges of their territory and found a shadow of how things used to be. He wants terribly to make sense of it now. Even if they can't go back in time, maybe together they could figure out the present. Why's that sound like he's so soft for him? A cat he's barely met, but still trusts implicitly. When he shouldn't trust anyone at all.

It's still early in the morning. The sun hasn't quite risen, but ShadowClan retreats to their camp for the most part. They prepare themselves for the hours of rest before they began their struggle again, and with a deep, deep sigh, Karth — Buckthorn — pulls himself from relaxation and begins his own sort of hunt. He's not looking for prey. Not the gross, tough frogs or the stinking rats. His paws trek through mud and soft pine cover as he winds his way out of camp. The soft light filters through the needles above his head and leaves beautiful white rays falling to the ground. It's not warm, maybe never will be in a marsh like this, but it hits Rosemire a beacon, like the moon at its fullest. He's gleaming in the muck.

Easy to spot. But Buckthorn comes up behind him, his careful paws too quiet. Maybe he was always meant for this place after all. He could tackle him easily. Payback for the pressure of his ribs across the shorter tabby's body back in camp that day. That's too playful for what he feels. Buckthorn sucks in a breath. His voice echoes, too loud: "Why are you still here?"

  • ooc:
  • karth_trimmed.png
  • ──── buckthorn, previously karth. cis male. reluctant warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── adult, probs around four or five years old, but he doesn't talk about it.
    ──── bisexual,  currently grieving his former mate  who has recently passed.
    ──── a strong-shouldered  brown tabby with  medium fur and  amber eyes.
  • "speech"
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He doesn't know if that's who he is anymore— the old Roseal who met Karth among forest trees was jaded, definitely, but he was brighter. Not quite as tired, not plagued by fanged shadows. His sense of humor wasn't quite as bitter as it is now, and when he complained about the mud or the frogs, it was sincere, not just an attempt at normalcy. He believed he could help people and thought there might be a chance to mediate the differences between pine and marsh.

Nothing has gone well since then. Can he be blamed for changing?

Fortunately for Karth, he doesn't startle terribly when the feline's voice abruptly breaks the silence he's sat under for...a while. Karth— Buckthorn doesn't disturb any thoughts; embarrassingly, Rosemire was blankly staring into nothingness, and it's...jostling, sparking the vacancy with such a personal question.

Blinking, he turns toward Buckthorn, trying to gauge his expression. "You could've at least given me some warning," he says, trying to buy himself time to think of a lie close enough to the truth that it's believable. "Where else would I go? It isn't safe to be a loner these days, and I don't know if I can be a wanderer again with these joints."