better than the rest [open/valentines prompt]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


OOC- Valentines day prompt for Quill! #1/6 - Loyalty

There's very little that Quill fears in the world, and even less when he's with Twitchpaw. Water, feelings, and his father all come to mind, but he's already stood in the middle of a thunderstorm just to watch the other sit at the top of a tree and storm-watch, and he's stepped outside of his comfort zone on more than one occasion for them as well.

So, like always, Twitch is an exception, even to his fears it seams.

He just feels stronger when he's with him, better, and even the things that scare him seem manageable in the others presence, because he's willing to manage them if it's for the brown and white apprentice. It was a self-awareness that had slowly been creeping over him ever since the death of Twitches parents, ever since that gnawing, grating need to end the others misery had come crashing over him. He'd never wanted to protect someone so fiercely before, to make sure they happy and okay, and he'd been thinking about it a lot lately, about what it meant and why things were the way they were between him and Twitchpaw.

Because really, he didn't think there was anything he wouldn't for the other cat.

These are the kind of thoughts that drift about his head while they lay in camp, soaking in the rarity of sunlight they've been given after a quick lunch before a patrol will inevitably have them back on their paws again. He knows Twitch prefers it that way right now because it's easier to focus on work then the fact that your parents are dead, but Quill still tries to make moments for them to just do nothing like they are now, comfortable in the silence and sun.

His thoughts though, however uncharacteristic they may be of him, don't cause him discomfort or alarm despite the fact that he's openly considering his feelings for another cat. He likes Twitch, he trusts Twitch, and it doesn't feel wrong to him. It's comfortable, like the silence and the sun that have settled over them.

"I think you might be my best friend." he says as mismatched eyes shift to land on the other, brows furrowing slightly as he considers the other.

Quill has never had a best friend, had never understood the point of letting cats get that close to him, let alone picking one out to favor above the rest. Now though? He could see the appeal, could understand the worth behind it. Because he's already put Twitch on a pedestal in his head, has raised him far above any other cat in terms of importance in his life. So why not say it out loud, too?

"Yeah. You definitely are."

And this time, it's not a question. There's a certainty there behind the edges of monotony as the corner of his lips find themselves tugging upwards ever so slightly, a fondness in his eyes that only ever exists there when it's resting on Twitch. Because it feels good to say, to just let the other know that they're important to him.

Maybe the most important.

OOC- Please wait for @TWITCHPAW to reply!!!

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

It was as if the light of the sun sang a lullaby, resting upon him and soothing down the matted bristle of his fur. Even when they just hung out and weren't having a riveting, life-changing conversation, sitting with Quillpaw was just... fun. Not fun in the way that it made his blood feel as if it was rushing through him, quickened his heartbeat in the best way- fun like watching thunderstorms. No, it was a different sort of fun. Not a lesser sort, though. No.

Quillpaw suddenly broke the silence, and Twitchpaw's eyes settled upon him in a wild whip around, slightly startled by the sudden admittance. A look- not incredulous, but certainly surprised- occupied his face, and his fictive brows furrowed for a few moments in an expression of contemplation. Not about his response, but really- for the meaning of the admittance. But- well, it seemed no contest to have to admit the same thing. Was it even an admittance, when he thought it was already the case?

You definitely are. It made Twitchpaw laugh, the confirmation of it- a small, hoarse sound. The whisper of a wheezing breath. "I'm- I'm glad you ff-finally figured it out." he teased lightly. His voice sang with warmth, despite the ever-present shiver of his tone, the twitched across his muscles. It wasn't the nervous sort- they were just always there, always there, dithering and spasming. Even through that- he was someone's best friend. It felt... it felt good to have recognised that he meant that much to someone. He'd never been a best anything before.
penned by pin ✧
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  • Love
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Daisyflight was not blind to her apprentice’s, attachment, to Quillpaw. Undoubtedly it was a mutual endeavour, what with the time they seemed to spend together. The extent of the pair’s friendliness was a mystery however, so when the warrior had caught sight of them sat in the sun she couldn’t help but dawdle.

The graphite tom’s sincere sentiments glazed her expression with warmth, not quite colouring her forest-shade gaze. Snow rapped her paws, tail coming to rest there in a soothing manner. Her paranoia of dealings in, closeness, clung to the spine of her throat in acid. Daisyflight didn’t like it- those doubts. It was unhelpful. Ravens.

Thoughts latched with a snap, the calico stood brightly to make herself known. "You’re both so sweet!" Just best friends? The question coiled, a tease on her tongue, before it perished with a sigh. She shouldn’t make assumptions. "I like that you look out for each other, you keep it up, hm?" A languid blink met Quillpaw over Twitchpaw’s ears.
  • Love
Blazestar sees Quillpaw and Twitchpaw from across camp, and his heart warms at the scene. He's always noticed the hard-bitten chimera had shown more affection for Twitchpaw than he had any other cat in the Clan, but it seems he's finally let himself accept it. The Ragdoll pads to sit beside Daisyflight, giving her a friendly nod in greeting and in agreement with her words. "Sometimes it takes a lot to realize you care for someone," he muses, elbowing Daisyflight. "Especially--" He hiccups, covering his mouth with a sienna paw. "...Nevermind."

Is it his imagination, or is there something else going on between the toms, an undercurrent he's all-too familiar with?

It's not his place, he decides, and instead busies himself being grateful that Quillpaw has found his place in SkyClan and has proved his loyalty to his Clanmates. Twitchpaw is in need of the comfort, of the reliability, after all..



"Me too." he agrees, softness clinging to him in hopes of preserving the moment a little longer. Because it feels nice to smile, feels nice to feel when he's with Twitchpaw, and he doesn't mind letting it show because there's never been an ounce of rejection in Twitchpaw toward him.

"You're both so sweet!"

His gaze shifts to Daisyflight, the smile on his lips faltering now that he's under scrutiny. The words hadn't been meant for anyone else, and while it doesn't bother him that others have overheard -because it's not a secret, really- he isn't used to being the center of attention like this when his feelings are involved.

"I like that you look out for each other, you keep it up, hm?"

He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't flinch under the look she gives him either.

"Sometimes it takes a lot to realize you care for someone," Blazestar says as he joins the shecat, giving her a playful elbow before cutting going to speak again and cutting himself off. And this time, Quill isn't sure weather to be curious or annoyed.

"Especially what?" he asks, and while it comes out in that bland, monotonous tone of is, there's curiosity in there as well, an invisible brow lifting expectantly. What was he trying to say? His gaze shifts between the two adult suspiciously before returning to Twitchpaw with a soft huff, but there's mischief in the chimeras eyes when they meet his friends.

"I think they're having a secret conversation about us, Twitch."

Was it the best thing to say to someone who already suspected half the clan of nefarious things? Probably not. But he liked to mess with the mahogany tom, and since it was their mentor being nosey it seemed fair.

Besides, Twitch was his best friend; he was allowed to tease him.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

Briefly, she's reminded of the day Huckleberry confessed to Baguette. The vibes are completely different, Quillpaw having his own brutish, emotionally constipated charm in the way he confirms Twitchpaw's standing in his inner circle, in his heart, but that sense of warmth she doesn't yet understand is still there.

That connection is never one she'd speak aloud though, simply choosing to slip in the conversation a little more casually, though there's a minor underlying jealousy that sparks her words, yet doesn't make it into her voice. "Bet it'll be nice to get your names and pick out your spots in the warrior's den together, you guys are around the same age right?" Okay, sue her for not really knowing how old some of her clanmates were, but she could've sworn that the two of them were at least no more than a moon apart.

  • - owowowowow
  • [Please ping @/Chérie if this character is needed, instead of this account]

    5 moons, closeted afab nb [uses she/her]
    A comically small flame mink molly with some white spotting and green-tinged aqua eyes
    Mushroompaw is generally a bleeding heart of an apprentice, and combined with her suspetibility to stress, causes her to be a little more on the numb side of things now that she's an apprentice. Though she tries to be kind and bubbly to everyone she meets, the comfortable hyperactive chaos that was once given to Skyclan's members has dwindled severely in recent weeks, culminating with her apprentice ceremony not long ago. Currently she's struggling to figure out if her friendships and familial figures are worth staying in the clans for, or if she's better off refusing a life of war for one of peace.
    Speaks in yellow

    pixels by emptyproxy and memel0rd on DA​


Quillpaw's voice was oddly honeyed- as honeyed as it could be past the thick monotone of his demeanour, something that Twitchpaw had over time become acclimated to. Spending so much time together... it wasn't even intentional, really. They never explicitly invited each other anywhere, or demanded the other follow them (except for when it was involving some sort of self-care activity). No, it just... happened, day by day. To some maybe that routine seemed boring, but... Twitchpaw had always longed for stability in his life, and Quillpaw's stoicism was the epitome of stability.

He met Daisyflight's gaze with a little more warmth than his companion, his head tilting to the side as she gave soft instruction- to keep it up. Nodding dutifully, very much as if he had been given an instruction, he offered his mentor little more than a smile. But the low tones shared between her and Blazestar did not go unnoticed- and Quillpaw gave him a nudge, spoke with low suspicion. A secret conversation, shared between the two of them?

"You're both high-profile, you- you can't afford to spread rumours! I'll do it right back," he vowed, defiant flash in his wide gaze. He trusted Daisyflight and Blazestar enough to not fly into a complete panic- maybe Quillpaw knew that. He wouldn't... try and flip him out about something that actually had ground. And within the accusatory nature of his tone was the small dance of a flame, humour kindled. Wholly did he believe he could get them back if they tried to mess with him. With them.

Mushroompaw made a remark then- and, still a little riled, Twitchpaw turned to face her a little too quickly. That- looming shadow of warriorhood- it was there, again. Its claws seemed less sharp every time he thought of it, that great beast of the future... and the realisation a few days past that he and Quillpaw would be getting their warrior names close together, if not during the same meeting, was comforting. "I hadn't even- thought about picking a place!" he squeaked out, eyes darting between all of the cats present, fur fluffing up in newly-present stress.
penned by pin ✧
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