pafp BETTER THAN YOU // hunting competition


✟ 18/4-24 ✟
Aug 3, 2022

Shallowpaw had been following silently behind the rest of the patrol, struggling to get himself forward through the snow like usual. Suddenly the patrol stopt though and his ears would perk up slightly as one of the warriors started to speak. " Okay, lets split up here to rise our chances to find anything. Make sure not to go too far away though, got it?." The warrior was looking over at the apprentices with a stern look. Shallowpaw just blinked his eyes before giving a shrug. He could do that. About to move out he stopt when his eyes fell on one particular apprentice out of the crowd. Wildpaw. So he was here too?. He hadn't paid attention to him until now. Narrowing his eyes at them he would stare. There was no secret that he didn't like them at this point, at least not to him. Who knew how others saw the relationship between this two. Something was for certain though and that was he had no intention to lose to them. He was gonna work extra hard to find prey now. Without a word he then started to walk to pass them not giving them even one look as he did so. He had a hunt to do.

// please wait for @WILDPAW to post! this will become a bit of a hunting competition between the two! feel free to join into this competition with your character too if you like! Beast and i used the dice in discord to decide if they will be succeedful or not in this hunt!



Wildpaw uttered curses under his breath about the cold and the snow for most of the way. This wasn't the ideal environment for him by any means but he knew he had to march onward regardless, he couldn't show any sign of weakness. Especially in front of Shallowpaw! He had clocked the other tom earlier on during the patrol's travel and he had been fizzing ever since.

Relief came when the warrior leading the group announced for them to spread out so they could make their own progress with the hunt. Now it was his time to shine! A wicked grin formed and he couldn't stop himself from looking at Shallowpaw, watching the other head off. "I'm gonna catch so much prey, just you watch!"

He worked fast and was soon on the trail of a mouse. Reflecting back on all his training he sank down and crossed the snow with care as he homed in on the small mammal that was sniffling round the base of a tree. All seemed to be going well as he closed the distance, but then the little bastard turned and spotted him. The chase was brief and Wildpaw was left preyless, the mouse having escaped to a bolt hole in the nick of time. A growl escaped Wildpaw as he trudged through the snow in an evident huff. "Dammit! Stupid mouse!"

//first attempt unsuccessful
Graystripe watches with a mrrow of amusement on his lips — these sweet little apprentices are having a competition, and oh, he remembers those days! Graypaw and Firepaw, they'd been, tussling in the underbrush. Those days aren't far behind him, but Graystripe thinks leaf-bare might be aging him faster than he should be.

Pulling away from the patrol to watch, Graystripe calls out advice — "keep your tail up, don't let it drag!" – and sits on his haunches to enjoy the show. Nothing like a little friendly competition to spice up a morning!

Their confidence, their budding skills... Shallowpaw and Wildpaw are two fine apprentices, and Graystripe is keen to track down their mentors and congratulate them.

His mind drifts to Silverstream despite himself... he hopes that she's having a day this nice.

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