Beware The Patient Woman - Nursery, Open


I don't need a reason
May 20, 2023
The irony in how certain things just fall into place. With the swarm of cats claiming corners in Shadowclan territory, this shadow-splotched molly kept to her own. Untouched by the mass and sickness, she had her own issues that needed addressing in umbra. Mismatched paws padded towards the stench of mingling scents; rich mud, dewdrops, sandalwood chips, and crisp overgrowth. It was a sickening thought of all these cats to just be milling around without purpose but she knew to reserve her thoughts to herself. What would Sabletuft say? Withholding a snort, she'd bow a head into the bustling nursery.

Ratwater's marred face would take a glance around before dropping her namesake prey for the Queens. "They're a little muddy but, eh?" She'd give a small shrug of her shoulders before looking to her side, almost at her paws but it was a pointed gaze at a diluted blue torbie kitten. "Also did one of you lose something?" Using the back of her paw she'd nudge the small kitten forward to the hearth of the nursery. "It shouldn't be hard to keep tabs on the rodents with this many in here." She'd grumble with a flicker of irritation.

//This kit is "unclaimed", roughly about 2 moons old from looks and up for any of the Queens to take in (as well as keep in their home clan). Also unnamed so anyone can name her @The Child Feel free to post prior to the kit! — tags

”It’s a harder job than you think.” Maplepatch sneers at the irritated ShadowClan warrior. She ignores the rodent dropped, finding herself lacking an appetite. Another queen or group of kits could devour the muddy thing. ”I’m sure one of us would be more than happy to trade positions with you for the day, if you’d like to find out first paw.” Her voice is laced in challenge before her dappled tail flicks, motioning for the kit to be set beside her.

She has not kitted yet, so the poor scrap was certainly not hers… but she’d watch it for now until they found it’s rightful queen. Luckily they didn’t need to worry too much, she appears to be weaned. ”Which clan are you from, little one?” That should help narrow down the mother…
  • >> Maplepatch can ‘claim’ the kit if you’d like, HOWEVER, she does not have long to live (spoiler lol). The kit would soon need to find a new queen in ThunderClan to watch them but if youre into angst, could be fun. Cool if you’d rather avoid that though <3
  • » Maplepatch
    » ThunderClan Queen
    » She/her ․ Mate to Seedspring
    » Long-haried chocolate tortie with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack

Featherkit hated it in here. Hated it, hated it, hated it- probably to the same extent any warrior would. This was not the heavenly-removed medicine den in WindClan's camp; it was crowded and sickening, and Featherkit should be an apprentice. Restless paws kneaded at the dust- the sound of flinging moss balls and boisterous laughing split through her skull and kept her folded in on herself, constantly overwhelmed, craving the sleep that dodged her so consistently.

"She's not from WindClan," Featherkit murmured, voice cutting and matter-of-fact. If not for his pitch, he would have sounded equally like a warrior who disapproved of the queen's lifestyle. It was not something he had ever put much effort into learning about- it had seemed unimportant. It had been unimportant, before those rogues had burst in and ruined everything- before he had felt like his sister was going to die right in front of him.
✦ penned by pin
Apricotflower looks up as an unfamiliar face pokes her nose into the nursery. Her ears twitch backwards at the words; not about the prey, but about the little kit she'd nudged back into the safety of the den. She clambers to her paws but opts to leave the prey alone; while she was a queen, she wasn't a nursing one. As it had been since the code had been implemented, she would eat last. As the amber-eyed stranger turns to retreat, the RiverClanner's face twists into an uncharacteristic frown; clearly - or, at least, hopefully - that warrior wasn't a mother. She'd hate to think of kits having to deal with such a rude parent. At the very least, if she was, it might explain why so many of her Clanmates seemed so gloomy all the time.

"That's good to know, thank you Featherkit." She meows to the young WindClanner, offering him a warm look despite the cutting tone of his words. Apricotflower crosses to settle nearby Maplepatch, close enough that she could join in on the conversation but with enough space between them that she wouldn't overwhelm the poor little scrap. "And do you have a name, dear?"

// also putting apricotflower forth as an option for the kit to come to riverclan :]