BEYOND HUMAN SIGHT | questions about cottonsprig

Dogged eyes, stained in rheum, followed Celandinepaw's every move.

The spotted tabby had been mulling through the stocks of herbs, her own gaze like hyaline sea blurred by moonlit pollution, clarity diminished and dulled by that which hung direly above her head. Distraction came easy to the newly-appointed medicine cat apprentice, tangled and strung like spider's silk in her mind, infesting the darkened corners of her deepest thought. Counting, counting - She had lost count, she realized, and she would have to start from the beginning. Frustration painted itself clearly upon her face, if only for a moment, like a conflagration of ugly emotion brushing against golden countenance. It had been a few silent moments before Celandinepaw even noticed that Lungwortkit's attention rested upon her, expectant like she balanced beads of glass upon her spine, delicate and mercurial thing that a kitten's succor tended to be. Immediately did her eyes soften, thought it was moreso the fear that she had somehow scared Lungwortkit with a display of her weakness. Thinking of the lone kitten was always quite bittersweet, of the circumstances that had birthed and weaned her. It must be terrible to be born within a plague. I can't imagine growing up with all this sickness and death. "Is something the matter, Lungwortkit?" Celandinepaw turned towards the bicolored child, her voice never as glossy as the sunlight that filtered upon the windowsill - it had not trained to be nurturing, or motherly, or comforting. Still, she tried to be everything that her clanmates expected her to be. She had been crafted of hay-strands and rough-hewn frays, not of the graceful wilds and the windswept moors.

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  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )​
  • —— CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 12 Moons
    —— Medicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Wolfsong
    —— A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.