BEYOND THE WAY ⸸ Hailstorm

He protests going initially, but his mentor asks him in a gentle and loving way and he can't argue with her - not when she's being so painfully reasonable and logical about it. He could argue, actually, but the sight of her face marred and body gnarled in twisting scars and wounds that still ache leaves him without any desire to cause her further grief even if it was only with petty words. He could handle going alone this once, he could tolerate leaving her to another's care for one night. His fangs will drag Lilacfur by her ear into the den and demand she not leave for a second to ensure Starlingheart's safety, he will pause to ask Frostbite with as much politeness as he can muster through grit teeth to check on her periodically. Magpiepaw spares nothing, he isn't even sure if he's doing it for her or himself at this point.

Skunktail leaves him at Fourtrees with some apprehension but he waves Starlingheart's older brother off with a dismissive paw. He was fine here for now, they had always waited here for Berryheart and Lichenpaw previously to head to the highstones and he was not going to go aimlessly wandering alone like a fool - he knew the danger creeping stone pelted in the shadows that might strike at any given moment, he knew his own frailty even if his teeth had tasted blood and his claws had torn flesh. Magpiepaw was somewhat conceited but his confidence did not stray into arrogance that easily and so he sat with his crooked tail poised behind him in a bent question mark as he waited the familiar tortiseshell pelt to appear and instead sees another.
The soft, pale white coat of Hailstorm has him rising to his paws in stiff-limbed eagerness and his smiles in a way he hadn't in some time upon spotting the veritable dandelion puff of a cat wandering over. It takes him a moment to notice the distinct lack of a three-footed tom at his side and he tilts his head to the side in silent questioning before realizing he too was missing a shadow alongside - they were both pairless this night for one reason or another.
"Starlingheart is ill, I'm...going alone. It's nice to see you again, Hailstorm. I hope you're doing well. Is Berryheart....?" Sick? Injured? He imagines the ThunderClan medicine cat torn to pieces like his mentor had been and it fills his stomach with a cold weight like ice.


  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Snowy paws almost drag knowing that he would need to make the journey to the meeting and it makes him realize that it'll be his first by himself without the prescence of his mottled friend, his ears lay flat against his helm unable to push this weight off of his shoulders. The memory burning fresh in his mind of bloodshot eyes, his mentors more violent struggle in trying to inhale the frigid air of leaf-bare, and Howlingstar holding her son for the last time. He feels that he has failed Berryheart and his kin, he thinks of Raccoonstripe who had snapped at him about a berry and Hailstorm was aware of which it was but Berryheart had been blocking the entrance to the medicine den and he had been too afraid to move him... Of killing him. But hadn't he done that regardless when he did not act? He shakes his head unable to push the fog from his thoughts even as he shakes his head though the sound of movement makes the tom glance up to see Magpiepaw and his gaze immediately softens at the sight of him recalling that they had gotten close during the journey and the way back.

He pads forward to stand at his side to help him get to highstones and get there together, he frowns when the bicolored tom mentions that his mentor is ill "I hope she has a swift recovery. I'll pray to Starclan that she does," The mountainous tom offers but when Magpiepaw asks about his own mentor does his gaze shy away and he glances in the opposte direction of the younger feline unable to look at him as his jaws part then close. "Berryheart... He..." Hailstorm shuts his eyes tight almost wishing he could disappear into thin air but he knows that he can trust the other and he'll have to speak these grave news to the cats awaiting them at the medicine cat meeting, "H-he... walks with Starclan now." A shaky breath slips from his maw still not able to will himself to glance to the black and white apprentice not wishing to see his reaction to know that his mentor would not be joining him for the future meetings.

Unspoken words pressing at the tip of his tongue and teeth, how he hadn't been able to save him in time that he had been too slow. "He had greencough but it had not killed him... I got him catmint," His eyes open once more feeling the familiar sting at the corner of them and continues as a soft sigh leaves him, "He was recovering... He was well... But when I had gone out to search for herbs I f-found him struggling to breathe and he was blocking the entrance of the den... I... I couldn't get him the juniper berries that he needed... That his littermate snapped at me to get..." A snowy paw lifts to press onto his helm not wanting to recall any of it but it still lay fresh in his memory and he felt his throat tighten with emotion letting his words tumble out from his jaws like a generous waterfall "I didn't want to move him... I... I was afraid of worsening it and..." The mountain of fur trails off falling silent only to finally glance over to Magpiepaw with a saddened, teary eyed gaze.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    hail is a very warm individual (despite his name) and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, gentle, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed