pafp BIG GIRLS DON’T CRY! // refusing to wean

//please wait for @FLUFFYKIT and @Howlfire

Butterflytuft has heard that it gets easier from here. Her kits are halfway through their third moon of life, and their teeth are as sharp as ever. So thank StarClan they should be eating fresh-kill full-time now! Should be.

The tortoiseshell is snoozing in her nest when she is awoken by the feeling of thorns in her belly. She jerks her head up, eyes wide and a trill of surprise escaping her. Not again…. Fluffykit, of all her kits, has been the most difficult one to take to fresh-kill. She wants nothing to do with it, and every chance she’s gotten she’s just attempted to nurse again, and again, and again. The queen winces with each bite, the kitten-teeth painful as her daughter nurses. She knows she’s not supposed to let her keep nursing at this age, but every time it happens she always rationalizes if. Okay, last time! That’s what she thought the last five times.

With Hawkpaw's training currently disrupted due to her injuries, Howlfire had been spending a bit more time in camp when not on patrol. Although no longer a queen herself, she still occasionally popped in to say hello to her former denmates, especially Butterflytuft. They had grown close from raising and caring for each other's kits and Howlfire still had a soft spot for Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish's little brood.

After returning from an earlier patrol, Howlfire thought she'd pop in and say hello. As she did, she spotted Butterflytuft sitting in her nest, wincing as Fluffykit nursed. "Butterflytuft?" Howlfire mewed, padding over to see the queen. Her amber eyes flick down towards Fluffykit and she frowns, but it is not unkind. "Fluffykit is still nursing? She should be weaned by now." Again, it is not said unkindly, but merely stating a fact. It is only because she's on good terms with Butterflytuft that Howlfire gently nudges the small kit away with a paw, keeping it there momentarily to prevent the little kit from trying to get back. "I know it's hard, but you need to try and get her weaned sooner rather than later. For both your sakes."
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Her littermates have chosen to abandon the sweet nectar that flows from Butterflytuft’s belly, but Fluffykit has turned her nose up at every piece of fresh-kill her parents have provided her. The scent of it turns her tummy. The sight of it is unseemly, gross and stringy and red and unappetizing. When hunger stirs her, she rouses from her nap, tiny teeth piercing a teat as she snuggles into place and prepares for a long nursing session. She feels her mother flinch, but it’s of little consequence to her—she doesn’t understand the pain she’s causing, really, and considers it a natural reaction to latching at this late point in her life. Butterflytuft relaxes somewhat—and, importantly, she does not push her away.

Howlfire’s entrance causes Fluffykit to pause, though not for long. The warrior’s questions do not deter her. “Fluffykit is still nursing?” She flicks an ear after hearing her name. Was there something wrong with her nursing? Butterflytuft has never told her otherwise. Fresh-kill is icky. She has no intention of quitting now, not as long as her mother allows her to take the easy way out.

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Howlfire’s greeting is returned with an ear flick and a tired smile. “Oh, hi,” She greets softly as she looks up at her former denmate, but the patched she-cat’s eyes are focused on Butterflytuft’s belly. She looks bewildered, and the queen’s stomach begins to knot with worry. She asks about Fluffykit’s nursing and her ears fall back in embarrassment.

“Oh, I…just thought maybe she wasn’t ready. And maybe she’d want to move to fresh-kill soon, but I don’t want her to be hungry if she won’t eat it yet, and…” She trails off, realizing she is making excuses. It felt unkind before to push Fluffykit away when all she wanted was food. Butterflytuft frowns and watches as Howlfire gently pushes her daughter away from her stomach, understanding where she’s coming from. “I know….okay, okay, I’ll do better. I won’t let her nurse anymore.” She almost sounds sad when she says it, like she’s being a cruel mother to keep her child away from what she wants. But Howlfire is more experienced with kits. Surely she knows better than her.

When Butterflytuft responds, Howlfire suddenly feels quite bad about intruding and quite literally putting her paw forward. "All kits are a little different," Howlfire mewed, hoping to try and reassure her friend. Realising her words seemed a bit awkward, she settled for giving Butterflytuft a friendly head bump instead. "I know you'll do better," She smiled. "But don't be too hard on yourself, Butterflytuft. These were our first litters, there's bound to be a few hiccups here and there. The important thing is that they're healthy and we raised them with love."

Her amber eyes flick down to Fluffykit once more, wondering what she could suggest to make the transition easier. "Oooh why don't you think of something to treat Fluffykit with when she eats fresh-kill?" Howlfire suggests, waiting to see what the queen thought of the suggestion. "She might be enticed to eat if she knows she's getting something nice in return."