camp BIG STAGE -- patrol assignments

// set retro to the latest meeting and this thread! hunting patrol leaders will receive a dm with a prompt this time around >:3

"SkyClan! Gather 'round for patrol assignments!"

She's late, Orangeblossom knows she is, but as the deputy trots imperiously across the camp to her usual spot beneath Highbranch she finds it within herself to ignore the stares burning into her pelt. Her loss of appetite as of late gnaws at her mind more than it does her body, though she's still definitely feeling the effects of the prey she's been avoiding lately. And, though she hasn't told anyone else yet, she realises that this may very well be the last patrols she sends out before she moves to the nursery (though she wishes Blazestar good luck in getting her to not pass them out from now).

"Hunting patrols first today. @bluejay , @HEATHERPAW , @BLAZESTAR , @Coyotepaw , @BEARHEART . Try your luck at Rockpile, be careful of the slippery stones." The smell of rain lingers in the air from the pre-dawn shower, but Orangeblossom doesn't know if it's enough to have washed the fine layer of dust off the stones that made them slippery. Her eyes find a tricolour tom in the crowd, a new patrol leader she wants to keep an eye on.

" @Johnny , I want you to take @Sootsprite. , @MOMOWHISKER , @sheepcurl and Greenpaw ( @GREENEYES ) to Tallpine and see if you can find any birds around there." She doesn't know of any traps that far into the territory yet, so even a patrol with three daylight warriors would likely be safe underneath the massive tree.

"I'll be taking @eveningpaw , @Dandelionwish , @daisypaw ! , @SILVERSMOKE , @CHRYSALISPAW , and @TERMITEPAW out on a battle training patrol to the sandy ravine." It occurs to her that, for the first time in several moons, Orangeblossom has not had to do the mental acrobatics of putting slate on a different patrol to Silversmoke. it makes her heart ache, just a little. The two littermates would be facing their assessments in the next moon, and Orangeblossom wants to see where the two former WindClanners' skills are at.

"Border patrols. To ThunderClan I want @Pigeonsong , Bananapaw ( @Bananasplash ), @ThistleBack and @Snowpaw ." She nods at the cream-furred tom. Another new patrol leader for her to keep an eye on, and one she doesn't mind leaving to a patrol to a neighbour; StarClan knows Bananapaw would tell her all about how the patrol went, if Thistleback didn't.

" @COSMOSBLOOM , you're going to RiverClan with @REDSTORM ! , @TALLULAHWING and Figpaw ( @FIGFEATHER )." This would be the young warrior's second time leading a patrol, but he'd done well last time.

"Twolegplace border will consist of @CLOVERJAW , @Drizzlepaw , @butterflytuft , @Auburnflame and @sparrowpaw! ." In the groove of picking cats from the crowd, Orangeblossom doesn't realise the potential for trouble with the way Sparrowpaw had joined SkyClan recently, colony decimated by twolegs. "I want to remind you all of the twoleg traps we've become aware of lately. Be careful, stay with another SkyClanner and within earshot of your patrol. If there's no questions, consider yourselves dismissed."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
Blazestar gives Orangeblossom a look when she announces the hunting patrol she's put him on. The Ragdoll doesn't mind going himself; after all, Coyotepaw needs to continue honing his skills on forest prey after his stint in the moorland. But the patrol leader leaves the cream-colored tom wrinkling his nose. He gives Bluejay a look that is half-wary, half-suspicion. Is Orangeblossom right in the head to put someone with cotton in their brain at the forefront of a hunting patrol?

He flicks his tail, locating his apprentice amidst the others. "Are you ready to try the Rockpile?" He stretches, feeling the sting of his muscles after being kept to camp for too long. "The rain's let up for now, but I can still smell it on the air. Good weather for voles... perhaps they've strayed from their dens to drink if we're lucky."

The blue tabby patiently waits for his patrol assignment, and puffs out his chest as he hears his name called, despite being told he would be examining the twolegplace border. At least his mentor would be with him, and as long as him and the others were cautious enough, he was sure it would go well. Trust in his fellow clanmates was important, after all.

He waits for Orangeblossom to finish speaking and for a few others to start moving before he does himself, and approaches Cloverjaw, purring slightly. "We'll definitely do our best!" He's obviously excited for this patrol despite the complications that could arise. "I'm sure you'll do great as well," he offers up to Sparrowpaw when they eventually join him and the others to form their assigned group, smiling bashfully.​

While being summoned for one thing or another was quickly becoming a normal thing to them, the unexpected call of their name never seemed to fail to startle them, head raising and eyes searching. Orangeblossom was assigning patrols, cats already mingling into their chosen groups and preparing to set out.

Border patrol. Twolegplace. Them. Sparrowpaw stiffened. They hadn't been back to Twolegplace since they'd fled it. Between the danger of the twolegs themselves, the kidnappings, and knowledge of their fear, Auburnflame thankfully hadn't taken them near it.

There was significant hesitation before the tabby pushed themself to their paws and shuffled over. Their jaw was tight, not a word uttered and not an eye met. Sparrowpaw's body was riddled with tension and unease.


  • Crying
Reactions: Drizzlepelt

Ginger ears twitch with the sound of his name being called, sky-hued eyes looking up at the deputy as he listens to her words.

It's another patrol for him to lead, his second. This time, however, his mission is different. One to RiverClan's border, rather than the hunting-tasked patrol he was given for his first patrol. Though it's different than the last, though he can feel the nerves rising, he thinks he can do it. His first patrol went well enough, though he'd had some difficulty gathering those he was meant to lead. But, he's learning. Slowly, but surely, he's learning.

"Okay," The warrior nods his head in acknowledgment, gaze scanning the camp for those who he's meant to bring with him. Redstorm, Tallulahwing, Figpaw. Redstorm, Tallulahwing, Figpaw. Maybe if he repeats it enough, something will click, and finding his patrol members will no longer be the hardest part of these things.

He was on patrol with the WindClanners again? Silversmoke pointed his nose towards the Deputy as she spoke, expression level despite the prickle of exasperation just beneath his long fur. 'She definitely hates me.' It was a reasonable observation, the spotted tabby thought. One bad patrol was a coincidence, two was a push, and three was a sign that he'd done something wrong, but he struggled to wrap his head around what that was. Save for a scrap here or there, and an odd comment, he'd done everything he needed to. Pointed looks were offered to the other patrol members in the crowd. Chrysalispaw the Lead Warrior could trust to be a challenge, but a former medicine cat, an apprentice as young as a kit, and the timid sibling of his apprentice? He imagined they left a lot to be desired, and as important as it was for them to learn how to defend themselves, a selfish part of the tomcat wished that he didn't have to be the one to teach them. With a stalwart nod of his head, he mewed a "Very well," before preparing himself to follow the Deputy out towards the ravine.



Johnny would obediently trot over at the now familiar call for patrol assignments, ears pointed forward in curiosity as he took his place among his clanmates to listen. The patchwork tom had come to enjoy the work and training, and he waited on shifting paws to hear where he'd be placed.

" @Johnny , I want you to take Sootsprite. , Momowhisker, Sheepcurl and Greenpaw to Tallpine and see if you can find any birds around there."

Brows shot up in a moment of genuine surprise as he heard his name announced as a patrol leader, but it was quickly replaced by a determined squaring of his shoulders and a small grin. "Aye, ma'am. We'll head out right away." he assured her, amber eyes turning to scan the crowd for his patrolmates.

જ➶ Up bright and early as always the molly is quick to be a part of the grouping for the morning patrols. She is always excited and so she jitters in her seated spot as she waits for what Orangeblossom has in store. Blinking her light amber eyes she lets out a sort gasp. Her mentor gets to lead the patrol. "Yay! There will be so much to catch, Bluejay!" Despite everything she is excited to be going and maybe she can try to catch a minnow. She has always wanted to try to do that. With a small shift in step the molly eyes the others that are supposed to come with them on the patrol. Her leader whom she is a little wary about and his apprentice and then someone else. Coyotepaw? Blinking she waits with her mentor hoping to leave as soon as possible.
) Hunting at the Rockpile? Alright, that was more his pace. He could manage that, not a problem. The large tom gave a nod of his head before he moved to join up with Blazestar and the others. "Think we'll get something good? We could use a win, even if it's just a small one." Not only that but he knew that the patrols heading into twolegplace would likely come back hungry and would be deserving of a good meal upon their return. Hopefully with better news at that.
Angry at all the things I can't change
The mention of the hunting near the rockpile makes the boy blink with contemplation. It was not a place he could ever recall frequenting before being toted off to windclan. But if it were anything like outlook rock then he supposed he had something to go by. Cream paws finally lead him to Blazestar's side, ears flicking in response to the hefty male's question. "Yeah." He would try just about anything once. "Hopefully we can catch a couple." It would be unfortunate if they remained tucked away due to the former rains.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith