BIG TEETH \ intro


toothy grin
Jun 4, 2023
A blue and white curly - furred form sat at the edge of their island camp, and bright blue eyes mirrored the moving water, looking for something. The camp looked brand spanking new after tireless work, and the debris was cleared away as best as it could be. But it was missing some pizazz, at least in the eyes of Toothpaw. A humdrum pile of some duck feathers, river - smoothened stones, and polychrome pebbles sat sadly beside him, barely doing his effortful work any justice. He thought some décor could possibly lift spirits, but the long - toothed tom wasn't sure if others would rather he do something more productive.

Sizeable blue and white hued paws splash the water, hoping the break in current could reveal something to watery blue eyes, but it didn't. Just like it hadn't been for the past few minutes. The apprentice huffed, refusing to believe he had fished this part clean of any goodies. But Toothpaw supposed the earlier flood could have washed it away bare.

A twitching pink nose nudges the scanty collection of pebbles and stones over the feathers to ensure their captivity wasn't lost to the winds, and he turned to face the streaming water again after confirming their securement. Toothpaw's overgrown canines glistened white in the sun as he trotted merrily to a spot where the water ran a bit shallower, and bundled his curly - furred body close to him in a stance to leap. His bi-colored fur was a jumbled blur as he splashed into the water, and after some bubbling Toothpaw's head emerges. Large paws ensure his footing and he stands in the water momentarily before sticking his head into the current. Toothpaw raises his head again, only to stick it back into the river and switch positions for different perspectives, hoping to find a few pretty things.

/ ooc he's basically just standing there sticking his head in and out of water looking for decor he's fine though!!:]​
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silverkit is having loads of fun interrupting toothpaw's work. whenever he turns for the water, she pounces forward, scanning his collection for the prettiest gray rocks with the nicest white freckles, snatching one up quick as she can, and then scampering away.

she's blue and white like him, and she delights in finding rocks that look like her own coat, swirly gray and speckled. so when toothpaw gathers any such rocks from the shallows, she can't help herself. she leaves his shells and feathers alone, but she picks over the stones, finding any that strike her fancy and snapping them up.

she's just made off with one and she's heading for her hidey-hole when she trips n falls (loudly) and screams (much loudlier).

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE," she shrieks at toothpaw, who may or may not have realized her attempted crimes by now. she struggles back to her feet (the big gray rock in her jaw is heavy) and takes off again, only to trip again and absolutely eat dust. she's made it maybe a tail-length from the collection. "IT'S MINE I TELL YOU! MINE!!!!"


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

The sight of a cat with their head in the water would normally worry Crappiepatch just a bit, but they spot Silverkit nearby and shrug. They would attempt to drown themself, too, if they had to deal with that one all day. They wonder if Toothpaw knows that they are entertaining the kit, or if the apprentice is simply an unfortunate victim of Silverkit’s troublemaking. They are content to watch and wait, hoping to perhaps swap Toothpaw one of their rocks for one that the younger cat has picked up so far—but then the blue furred kit grabs a rock and takes off. She trips and falls, though, and her ensuing shriek is nothing short of ear-piercing.

The new warrior’s ears shift back to rest flat against their head, mouth twisting in a grimace. "The child just stole your rock," they say to Toothpaw, moving to stand in front of the kit. Staring down at her with wide green eyes, the calico questions, "Did you ask Toothpaw if you could have his rock?"
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
oddkit | 06 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58
The creature wobbles over at the sound of a child shouting, wide yellow eyes staring at toothpaw as he plunges his head beneath the water. For a moment, it wonders if toothpaw too is trying to learn to breath underwater, or at least hold his breath, but crappiepatch helpfully draws it's attention to the pile of goodies and they realize he's simply fishing for shiny things to spruce up the camp. A frown tugs on its features, fire and ice pelt twitching as it toddles over to frown at Silverkit. "Stealing is bad - that's Toothpaws," it echoes childishly. It doesn't know if the rock really matters that much, but it's their brothers not hers.
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SKY HIGHThe clan's current run of kits were certainly packed full of interesting characters. It was exhausting just trying to keep track of them all, and to ensure that he didn't become a victim of their pranks and games. Unfortunately today it seemed as though it was Toothpaw who had attracted the focus of Silverkit, or rather the stones had more so. Amusement gleamed in his hazel eyes as he made his steady approach in order to help intervene if trouble arose. And it really wasn't long before events began to unfold and it prompted him to shake his head.

"Silverkit, are you alright?" He wanted to make sure that she was okay first given her little tumble, though given her shrieking it seemed that she was fine. Now it was time for a bit of light scolding. "You know Silverkit, it isn't very nice to take things without asking. If you like the stones then you should really ask Toothpaw first before taking one." He explained in a gentle tone before he looked at Crappiepatch, wordlessly urging the other to take it easy on the kit.
Muffled shrieking makes a blue and white head pop out of the water swiftly, and he surfaces just in time to witness Silverkit eat dirt, and one of his collected rocks rolling nearby. A bit confused at what exactly was going on, at first a bit worried about Silverkit, Crappiepatch catches him up to speed. "OHH, so you sthole my rock huh?" The long - toothed apprentice shook his head in an exaggerated fashion before replying, "NOPE. She thure didn't ask." His phony seriousness is broken by a toothy grin. "I'm gonna have to tell Cicadathar."

Bright blue eyes spots his toddling sibling and the black - furred warrior, and both Oddpaw and Crawlingroach echo Crappiepatch's teaching. He shored up and went to stand beside Oddpaw, curly fur sopping wet.

Toothpaw knew it was necessary Silverkit learn this basic principle, but he figured the speckled kit was only having fun. He smiled a toothsome smile at the small gathering of cats beside him and glances briefly to his now scattered pile.
"You could've asthked and I woulda let you have it," He affirms before pointing at the riverbank with a dripping tail, "You wanna help me find thome? We'll find tons if you help me out. And we can decorate camp too."

The apprentice rolled his hijacked rock back towards him with a sweeping paw. "You can have all the rockths you can find."
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