twolegplace BINGPOT! [skyclan dusk patrol]



OOC- @SILVERSMOKE @Emberpaš“Œ @SANGRIAPAW @CROWSIGHT @LIONPAW -twoleg border patrol (dusk)

Patrols along twolegplace were common for Johnnyflame, though he wasnā€™t sure if that was on purpose or not. He had no idea what method the deputyā€™s used for choosing who went where, but he suspected his familiarity with the area and itā€™s inhabitants made him a favorite for it. He didnā€™t mind. As much as he liked working the borders for Riverclan and Thunderclan, he knew how uncomfortable this place could make his fulltime clanmates, and didnā€™t mind trying to ease some of the tension when he could.

This patrol was a little different, though. It was an odd mixture of cats that had Johnny torn about how to proceed. On one paw, he was in mentor-mode, this being his apprentice's first patrol. He wanted it to be a good learning experience for her, and that required some level of professionalism.

On the other paw, though, Silversmoke was here. Teasing the tom had become a norm for Johnnyflame, and he was sorely tempted to slip into that good-natured banter with them, or to show off his knowledge on twolegplace in hopes of impressing them.

Crowsight was whole other thing, because he new the young warrior was very close to Silversmoke as well, which left the bobtail oddly wanting to make a good impression on them as well.

Hoping to knock himself out of it, he turned to his apprentice to give her some starting advice.

ā€First official patrol,ā€ he said, glancing toward his apprentice with a smirk. At least she wouldnā€™t be entirely out of her element, having at least passed through the area on her way into camp with Coffeepaw and Fantastream. ā€Remember; stay vigilant. The biggest mistake a cat can make while patrolling is getting too comfortable in their own territory- even when your chattinā€™ with your clanmates, you should have an ear on your surroundings. And if trouble shows up, always go for the nearest tree- that includes twolegs.ā€

That last part was the most important. If a twoleg, or a dog, or a fox, or anything made an appearance, the stupidest thing a young apprentice could do was try to fight, approach, or outrun them. Unless another cat was running interference to distract or delay the threat, there was a very real chance theyā€™d get caught. And the only thing that could follow you up a tree was another cat, or a human- and the latter seldom went through the effort. Not to mention the repercussions of what could happen if you lead something into camp.

Raising his voice a bit, he addressed the rest of the patrol. ā€Alright, letā€™s spread out and get this area re-marked. Apprentices, stay close to your mentors.ā€

Golden eyed shifted to glance at Silversmoke, hoping to be subtle. It wasnā€™t until that very moment that he realized that up until recently, he and his fellow lead likely hadnā€™t had a very similar mentoring style. Had heā€¦ Had he taught Crowsight to hate daylight warriors as well? Would the pair of them continue to pass down those feelings to young Emberpaw and Lionpaw?

No, he scolded himself, Silversmoke wouldnā€™t- not after what heā€™d said.

That shared meal in the medicine cats den often found itself among his fonder memories. Made his heart flutter and jump like a rabbit in a field.

No more hate between them; Johnny was done with it.

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āœ§ The patrol path that they walk is familiar to Sangriapaw; she walks over this border every time she goes in between SkyClan and her home. Itā€™s a good first patrolā€”the torbie nods eagerly as Johnnyflame announces that itā€™s her very first patrol. But then he launches into a series of warnings, or rules, and her expression turns serious. Vigilance is important, he says, and she makes a show of scanning the land around them. No threatsā€”not that sheā€™d know what the tom thinks is a threat. Most of the SkyClanners would probably think one of the house cats were a threat. Sangriapaw just hopes sheā€™s at the border if any of her friends approach it; that way, she can make sure they donā€™t get attacked by a SkyClanner trying to protect their territory from cats who are actually nice.

Being too comfortable is a mistake, her mentor says, and leafy green eyes squint. How can she always have an ear on her surroundings, if sheā€™s supposed to also be doing other stuff? She voices her concern after a moment, hardly giving the tom the time to finish what heā€™s saying. "How do you pay attention to a buncha different stuff like that?" Sheā€™d hate to be caught off guard and get hurt like Howlfireā€™s kits did when they were littleā€”she doesnā€™t wanna be the reason kits get held back from being apprentices for even longer. So she tries to keep her ears perked up and listening intently as she listens to the lead warriorā€™s next warning. Climbing trees if they get attacked by anything? She can do that, easy peasy!

Johnnyflame tells the others to spread out, but tells her to stick close to him, so she trots along after the warrior. "How do you check the border?"

  • ooc: ā€”
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW āÆāÆ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    ā­ƒ cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    ā­ƒ daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    ā­ƒ mentored by johnnyflame
    ā­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    ā­ƒ penned by foxlore

The Lead Warrior's gaze wandered to the point of frenzy, shifting between hyper-vigilance and inattentively distracted so often that Silversmoke could not tell which one he was at any time. Each press of his paw against the cobbled paths was more delicate than it had any right to be as if scared the ground itself would crack underneath the large tom. Entering the home of one's enemy was never going to be an easy task, but now, the spotted tabby was surrounded by them, and knowing that he may have to confront the wretched beasts that lurked within would've been enough to make him turn tail if not for those that relied upon him nearby. Crowsight, Lionpaw, Sangriapaw, Emberpaw... not Johnnyflame Silversmoke found himself almost relying on the chimera instead, much to his dismay. Tufted ears twitched as the Daylight Warrior spoke to his apprentice, listening to the advice with a sinking feeling in his stomach - he wasn't exactly SkyClan's strongest climber, if push came to shove he was certain he could haul himself up a tree, but not unless the others got up first. A part of him doubted Sangriapaw and Lionpaw's ability to do that, their age and subsequent inexperience a burden in the face of real danger.

"If anything happens, they'll be your priority," he muttered to his own apprentice, gesturing towards the two younger ones. His own gaze found Johnnyflame once he was confident Emberpaw understood the assignment. For just the briefest stretch of time it was just the two of them in his thoughts, the rest of the world nothing but a distraction as he allowed himself to breathe. 'I feel safe when I look at you.' The call to separate came and he blinked fervently, ripping his gaze away as if it were a burr and narrowing his eyes at his own foolishness. 'But here, it is an illusion. I can't let it distract me.' With a swish of a feathery tail, he turned his back on the chimera, urging Emberpaw to follow him with a sharp signal. Almost immediately, the Lead Warrior bunted against a fencepost, rubbing his side against it as he kept his attention on the horizon. "Did your old mentor take you here often?" He asked his apprentice, wanting to understand what still needed to be taught to the other.