private BIRD’S EYE VIEW [✨] Territory Tour

Shortly after the meeting, Greeneyes and Figfeather joined sides to take their new apprentices for a tour around the territory. It’s been awhile since the two ginger litter-mates have properly caught up with one another, now that they were training two of their sister’s apprentices it was a better time than ever.

Still, as they slip out past the gorse tunnel Figfeather’s thoughts can’t help but drift to Wolfpaw. Just a moon or two ago she had taken the gray apprentice out of camp for the very first time, now she had a new apprentice at her paws. As excited as she was to train Daisypaw she can’t help but wish Wolfpaw was here with them too. She wonders if her missing apprentice will ever walk among them again or if it was pointless to hang onto the hope.

Heading east, the red tabby’s whiskers quiver in recognition that they’re heading towards a particularly irritable part of the territory. ”Be careful, a little ways up here is a bunch of bur bushes. Get too close and you’ll be pulling them out of your fur all night!” She exclaims, already picturing Butterflytuft’s look of disapproval if they returned home with Fluffypaw and Daisypaw covered head to toe in the sticky seeds. Figfeather casts an amused look to Greeneyes, ”Remember that time we wrestled and landed right into one of those? I don’t remember Tallulahwing or Sheepcurl being particularly amused.” It seems like so long ago now… she smiles in fond memory of the two she-cats.

After safely making it around the cluster of bur shrubs it’s not long until they make it to the rockpile. Out of habit she tastes the air allowing the scent of mice to flood her nose. ”Do you smell that? That’s the scent of mouse. If you listen closely you might hear the pattering of their paws between the rocks or the beats of their heart.” She looks encouragingly at Daisypaw and Fluffypaw to listen in. Maybe on their way back they could stop for a quick hunt, Greeneyes and Figfeather could show the apprentice’s how its done.
    As the thread progresses please feel free to move them on from location to location :3 don’t feel like you can’t just because i started the thread up!
  • » Figfeather
    SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

It had been only one night prior that the apprentices had been kits, a few more nights prior and they had been outside of camp in the middle of the night and come face to face with an adder. Butterflytuft had come quickly to their aid then, but she wasn't here now. They were with their mentors, with kin, and so although Daisypaw had hesitated at the entrance to the camp for just a moment, the glint of the moon against scales flashing through his mind, he had eventually walked out, paws moving quickly to catch up to the mentors before legs moved in step with the adults. It was a pace he wasn't quite used to yet but it was manageable.

Eyes looked around at the trees that covered the territory, soaking in everything that he could before Figfeather's voice caught his attention once more and head would nod in response, body moving closer to stick with the group to try and help avoid the bush the best that he could. Luckily if he did get any stuck in his fur he was sure they'd be a little easier to pick out as his fur wasn't long... Fluffypaw on the other paw would have a lot of trouble.

They successfully move around it and the apprentice can't help but let out a small sigh of relief - he didn't want to have to worry about picking things out of his fur too much on his first day out. When the mention of mice is brought up his ears pricked and eyes went wide - he forgot that was something they could come across out here, live mice that hadn't yet been brought back to the fresh kill pile ready to pick from. Maw opened so that he could try to catch the scent as well, and though it took him longer than it did his mentor, his own instincts for hunting not yet practiced and honed in yet, he could smell the familiar scent of mice, though this one was different than the mice in camp. They smelled warmer, more fresh, and didn't have that slight twinge of blood due to the killing blow the more practiced hunters of the clan did to bring them back home.

Ears swiveled forward as instructed and face would twist down slightly, he couldn't hear the heartbeats quite yet but every now and then if he focused really hard he could hear their small paws scrabbling at the ground to move small bits of leaves that had fallen from trees, gathering their own food to eat and he would look to the warriors then, making sure his voice was quieter so that he wouldn't scare away anything if possible. "Are we gonna learn to hunt too today?" He was excited at the idea, though didn't realize it would take more than a day of training to actually be able to catch his first prey.
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Fluffypaw barely has time to breathe, it seems, before Figfeather and Greeneyes are calling to her and Daisypaw from the camp’s exit. She approaches on trembling paws, her breath sticking in her throat and her heart hammering in her chest. She has seen little of SkyClan’s sprawling forest before, but the bits she had seen had been terrifying—she will not soon forget the glint of moonlight against the adder’s eyes, the bared teeth of her mother as she fluffed up her fur and swept her tail across her kits protectively.

But this is different, now. She’s not only allowed to leave camp—she’s expected to. She drifts close to Daisypaw as the group moves out into SkyClan’s territory. Pine needles crunch satisfyingly under her paws—it’s a sensation she can grow to appreciate, with time, she thinks nervously. Figfeather, newly anointed as a member of Orangestar’s council, turns her head back toward the apprentices and tells them of a bur bush straight ahead. Fluffypaw’s ears flick with dismay. “Oh, please don’t let us get anything in our fur! It will take Mama so long to get them out.” Stubbornly, she clings to the idea that Butterflytuft will still be there to groom their unruly pelts at the end of each day… the idea that she’d have to do it herself now has not crossed her mind yet.

Fluffypaw skirts the bur bushes with the rest of their small clowder. The earth turns stony and thin underpaw; stubbly grass raises up from the ground. She keeps her gaze shifting, ever-moving, nervous. Stones soon protrude from the earth, big rocks that look sunny and inviting. She watches Figfeather part her jaws to taste the air, and, obediently, Fluffypaw follows suit. Something familiar caresses her scent gland—something musky, faintly piney, meaty. “That’s the scent of mouse,” Figfeather tells them. Fluffypaw exchanges an uncertain glance with her brother. “I—I can taste it,” she murmurs, shifting her paws.

Daisypaw, ever-excited, asks his mentor if they would hunt today too. Fluffypaw looks to Greeneyes with blatant alarm. She doesn’t know if she’s ready to actually kill a mouse herself yet—it sounded rather scary, after all.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


The warrior grins, pleased that the apprentice’s natural senses seem to be in order. Daisypaw is eager to learn how to hunt and Fluffypaw had been able to draw in their scent no problem. ”No hunting today. It’s important you know the territory well before we delve into that.” Figfeather meows informatively, ”I admire your eagerness, Daisypaw.” She praises the young tom with a gentle smile.

She notes Fluffypaw’s alarm as she looks to Greeneyes, she knows some apprentices are more nervous than others on their first expedition out of camp. Figfeather never was able to relate to it, not when she was younger and not know. Greeneyes was patient and kind, he’d be able to nurture Fluffypaw into a steady warrior in time.

”Let’s keep going. Follow me so we don’t disturbed the mice, a hunting patrol will be out soon to catch them.” Figfeather tells the apprentice after a silent look to Greeneyes.

Padding west the forest looks almost identical to the eyes of an apprentice. But Figfeather knew exactly where she was, everywhere looked different to her. She could tell by the boulder that sits port of her or the decaying stump nestled next to a pile of brush. In time, Fluffypaw and Daisypaw would learn these small details too.

The next location they stand upon is the Tallpine, and this the apprentice’s will most certainly notice. ”Tallpine. The tallest tree in the entire forest.” The red tabby purrs, recalling many fun memories being made here back when she could climb. ”Back when I was an apprentice I remember fooling around with Snowpath on one of the higher branches. Bird-brain almost fell off.” Playfully she teases her late brother, her heart aches knowing that she’ll never get to hunt beside him again. It was strange knowing that his death wasn’t just a couple moons ago, but a full four seasons ago. ”Not many get close to its peak. Those who do brag about it for moons.”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing