Warmer temperatures meant more insects, then fish followed. The river was melting away, washing away the blood and fur that was lost within the war. Stories of the incident would be told within the elders dens among generations, although nature would forget. It washed away the sins that were committed that day. Blood wouldn't stain their rivers, the everforgiving element moved forward every second for generations to come. Moving forward, it was difficult to be like the rivers for most. Offending incidents as such would last in their minds til their last breaths.

Petalnose was known to move past and adapt easy after trauma, atleast on the surface. Guilt still remained after her incident, she wanted to pay it up. She wanted to hunt every passing day until she could barely throw a strong slice of her claw. Although, she had to rest, her body warned her sternly to. Even if she hated it, she had to. She had to for her clan so the next day she could serve as strongly.

Tired eyes scanned the river before pressing forward to soak her pelt. It was still chilling, but enough to enjoy.

Petalnose rose her head to find Rookfang, a presence that seemed to occasionally appear when her leaves seemed to be wilting. But her leaves were intact and petals burned bright of health. Rookfang had built almost a comforting presence in a way, even if she didn't really know him well or see him much. He was a face for their clan, an inspiration to get better when she was hurt. To serve. So, she supposed she interrupted something, "... Did I scare your fish away?" Was he fishing? She wasn't sure, being lost within her own mind to find momentarily relief. "I'll leave." She offered, turning to the shallows to collect her pile of fish.

