bird's eye view & fortune telling

So many of the cats here were weathered and worn in looks, pelts bland and dark with the occasional burst of color. It suited their swamp, their filth, it matched nicely and he preferred it. The bright and vibrant colors caught his eye too much, he worried if the world was full of such things that his eyes would be weary from looking for much. Thankfully he found relief in the occasional burst of light, a patch here and there to draw the eye and mimic his own worn against his throat; he had guesses so far on what they all meant based on the location but he could not be sure without further investigation. And so it was today Magpiekit leaves the nursery to wander, legs lifting high to try and avoid being stuck in the cold for too long but the awkward dispersion of his weight combined with his own wobbling body left many an imprint of a kitten’s head in the snow as he bumbled and fumbled his way along. His first task should be the apprentice den, then move up the ranks, so with quite a bit of effort he plodded his way in and shoved his head into the first nest he saw as he tripped on the den mouth and went rolling forward.

The black and white kit sat up, tail raised up into a point and he gazed around with his big blue-violet eyes, “Hello, I’m here to find the gift. Give me…” He raised a paw to his neck in a gesture and then extended it out in an almost accusatory point, “Your star spots.”

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"Magpiekit's spouting nonsense again." Ravenpaw commented wryly from the mouth of the apprentice's den, where she sat watching idly. She wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, just letting the clan know that the little annoyance was loose. Hopefully, that would serve as enough encouragement for some cat to shove him back into the nursery where he belonged.

She certainly wasn't going to do it. Dealing with the nonsense of children was beneath her.

Still though, there was some amusement to be found in watching him stumble about. So she made no move to leave, just sat still as a stone and watched Magpiekit with two sharp yellow eyes.

Star spots. Eeriepaw doesn't know what that's supposed to mean.

An omen, maybe. A device for fortune telling, like how some ShadowClanners use bones? Magpiekit is doing a good thing with this, he decides. The clan needs their fortune read now. The urgency of the growing blankets of white, the hunger. They were at their end of days, and ShadowClan needed a sign - whether it was proof of their imminent death or a miracle of further life.

So, the night-furred tom steps forward, dark gaze waiting expectantly for the fortune the child brings.
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the kit was odd. so obsessed with star spots as he called them. the white markings amongst cats. when they spoke to him sunrises ago, he insisted that they could see well and talk well. he failed to mention their single white paw. with a sigh, they figured they'd better humor the kit. distract from the hunger, and make sure that they had some sort of calmness to them. even if this was a bit insane. badgerbrained, even. but who were they to judge what a kit decided to do with their time? they couldn't. stars knew if they'd still been a kit, they'd have been up to a lot of different types of trouble.

"humor me, little one."

the deputy sat down, offering their paw to gently tap his head before setting it back down, and cleaning their fur as they awaited their so called fate.
Swiftclaws always liked being around kits, even in the worst conditions they stayed so resilient still so happy and carefree he found that admirable there was a lot they could learn from the youngest among them they just needed to be able to see it. He often found himself bringing whatever he could find to the nursery rather it be funny looking leaves, lizard tails, prey or whatever else just to see their little faces light up. They were far easier to cheer up then the older members of the clan that was for sure. He'd watch Magpiekit confidently and with purpose begin wobbling about on a mission which the little black hedgehog of a kit always seemed to be on no matter how many times he fell face first into the ground. He was a determine soul and while Swiftclaws got the urge often to pick the boy up and carry him where he needed to go never once did Magpiekit cry out for help he wouldn't trounce on his determination and freedom, nah that wasn't his style he wasn't a coddler for those who had drive. And the little teeny tom had plenty of it. He waits until he disappears into the apprentices den before he follows paws carrying him quickly to the entrance. He knew many of the apprentices wouldn't be too impressed having the little kit coming in to bother them, sure the warriors were prickly but he could trust them to hold their tongues and paws when it came to kits the apprentices on the other hand well he wasn't completely sure.

He dips his head in greeting to Ravenpaw as he slips in and starclan it feels strange to be in there, he can still recall being stuck in here just a few moons ago yet it feels so foreign now. Bah he was starting to feel old! Chilledgaze was already here already giving Magpiekit attention showing him the white splotches (what he calls his star spots) he so adored on their fur and Swiftclaws would come to lay besides the deputy maybe a tad to comfortably close. He himself had quite a lot of white spotched over his spotted pelt, from his muzzle to his paws but for now he tucks those said paws beneath him and he lays in a Swiftclaws loaf waiting for his turn. He merely meows a quick ❝Hey little buddy❞ before simply relaxing and waiting.​

Hearing his sister's grand announcement from the threshold of the apprentice's den, Teaselpaw decided that he absolutely had to see this. Most of the time he thought kits were just... fine, perfectly fun when they weren't crying about something stupid, but this one was something special. Not particularly to hang out with, but just to... watch. Listen to. Egg on, if he could manage it. A chuckle bubble from his throat, thin tail flickering a small gesture of gratitude to his sister. Wide did his eyes flicker, round as setting sun, joining the ranks of those who put themselves forward earnestly for whatever this gift was that the child offered.

Unable to hide his laughter, entertained purely by himself, Teaselpaw attempted to lure them into saying something else tremendously strange. It likely wouldn't be difficult. "Oh, are you gonna tell me when I'm gonna die?" he asked, grin sharpened with the tang of poison. Even if he didn't do just that, Magpiekit was bound to say something else hilariously strange. Nonsense, as Ravenpaw had so aptly described.

He hears Ravenpaw's comment but does not react, the opinions of the spotless matter little to him and he had already decided on meeting her she was destined for darkness and nothing further; a shame, but he had no control over any of it-he could only see the signs. He's kneading his paws in the ground, head bobbing up and down as he fights to maintain his upright position and Eeriepaw approaches cloaked in black and devoid of any aspects he finds promising. If Ravenpaw is the night, Eeriepaw is absence and abandon; there was nothing there. "No." The kitten's wide blue-violet gaze jerks away from the solid black apprentice with equally hollow eyes and instead forces himself to look properly at Chilledgaze who approached and lightly tapped him on the head. Immediately he's mesmerized, he had missed that white paw in their first meeting; blending into the snow and cloaked from his sight but now that he's aware the deputy seems different now.
His nodding head tilts to the side, he raises his own paw, black, and percieves it curiously as if making a comparison. "You make a right step for every wrong so you might keep walking forever if you're not careful." His voice is a bird song, chirping and shrill, glancing to the story teller joining them and settling down. Little buddy he's called. He has another name for his collection then. Magpiekit wonders why his name is used less often than the titles bestowed on him but he doesn't comment on that now. Instead he nods in a jittery dip of his head to the blue and white tom before his ears flick to Teaselpaw's tone. What the other lacked in sincerity he made up for in the willingness to approach his possible death and the kit's solid black tail flicked upward and slapped back down with a soft noise as he regarded the white masked tom.
"No." He trills pointedly to the question-how silly, he didn't know when cats died. That made no sense. "How." He explains and raised a paw to his mouth to cover it, gaze sweeping up from Teaselpaw's feet to the tips of his ears before he shakes his head. Dreadful.
"I think it will hurt a lot."



The answer is so quick, so abrupt, that Eeriepaw can't help the confusion that hits him. No? What kind of fortune was that?

The shadowy tom doesn't protest, though, rather watches as he moves onto the next fortune-asker. He watches, as he always does, void eyes staring as Magpiekit inspects Chilledgaze. The kit raises a paw - black like Eeriepaw's own - before sharing the deputy's fortune. He looks up at the black and white feline, blinking as confusion fills him further. Why did they get an answer worthy of being called a fortune? What did they have that Eeriepaw didn't?

It is when the black and white kit moves on to Teaselpaw, that he gets some semblance of an answer. A fortune on how one would die is what's being given out. And, oh, Teaselpaw gets an answer too, provided with the fact that the apprentice's death will be a painful one. Black and white, as Chilledgaze is, as Magpiekit is. As Eeriepaw isn't.

Star spots, star spots. They had star spots, and Eeriepaw didn't. At least, he thinks that's what the kit's abrupt response was over. And, just as snow was a sign of death in Eeriepaw's eyes, the white that glazed over Chilledgaze and Teaselpaw's fur - their star spots - were in Magpiekit's eyes. And if Eeriepaw was void of a sign of his own death...

"I don't die?" he asks, long tail wrapping around his paws. It must be so. He must be immortal, must have more lives than those the stars bestow nine to. An unfortunate fate, he thinks. Unfortunate, he's stuck living so long - void of a star's mark on him - as those blessed by the night's disciples are destined to death.

"Congratulations, you're immortal," the ticked tabby mewed softly, her eyes briefly glancing over Eeriepaw as she confirmed that he would, in fact, not die. There is a brief lapse of time where Ferndance did nothing but blink, trying to process what was actually going on. She had seen apprentices and warriors alike gather around the young kitten, and in return, Magpiekit spoke of death and endless paths. 'All because they gave him a paw?' The idea that such prophecies were possible fascinated Ferndance, but if there were cats out there that spoke with the fallen, then who was to say that the little guy was making anything up? Most animals died painfully, it was believable that the same fate would fall onto Teaselpaw. Perhaps in battle, perhaps by a dog, perhaps starvation or sickness would take the apprentice. It was not a fact thought of with fear or resentment, to Ferndance, it was just a natural part of life. There were other aspects of future sight that interested the ticked she-cat, regardless of whether Magpie's was authentic or a by-product of childish imagination, she hoped the kit would indulge her curiosities too.

She offered a smile to him, her white paw outstretched in a similar manner to what she'd seen Chilledgaze do. "Hello there." Fern lowered her head slightly and cocked it to one side. The rest of her body remained statuesque and regal as if moving just an inch would upset the balance of fortune. It was difficult to know what she wanted to hear from the bicoloured feline, her wishes seldom extended beyond random impulses made in her endless search for amusement. Love, authority, happiness, there was no searching for such things. The path for each could often be filled with thorns and dead ends, she preferred for them to come to her instead. Emerald eyes, normally clouded with leafbare's hunger weighing on them, grew larger with intrigue. "What do you see?"