birds flying high [ eggskip ]

Feb 23, 2024
HE SAYS, “EITHER WAY THEY BOTH LEAD TO DEATH”"mommy! mommyyy! MOMMYYYY!!" the girls shrill shriek's came from outside the nursery, her slipping pawsteps moving rapidly as she tried to escape one of her attackers.. those attackers being her own siblings. they chased her this way and that, pouncing on her and giggling as she shrieked and screamed and slipped all over the place. usually, it was fun.. when the playing field was fair. however, she had skipped a nap or two and was already grouchy and in a sour mood, and now they were ganging up on her on the slippery ground! they just laughed, not realizing their sister's real distress as they finally pounced on her one last time and she fell face first into the mud.

mud went up her nose a little, and the kitten felt tears prick her eyes as all her far-too-big for her body emotions clawed their way out. it starts as a high pitched whine, and then the tears come, and the sobs that shake her siblings into fright as they crawl off of her. hey, hold on! what's wrong, did we hurt you? mantiskit panicked, trying to swipe the mud off of his sister's face. we were just playing! leechkit said, trying to aid in her brother's efforts to clear the mud off of their sister's nose. "you'we both bullies!" she cried, turning her head this way and that to get away from their frantic little paws.[/i]

  • wye3c6qnlg4.png
    chocolate tortie / fawn chimera with low white, green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 24th every month
    orient. unknown ; currently not looking
    daughter of eggskip and blazeclaw
    kit of shadowclan
    easy to befriend ; trust gained very easily
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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I MET A GIRL WHO SANG THE BLUES — For the most part, Eggskip thought she had a pretty easy time of being a queen. She got to laze around all day in the nursery and have food brought to her, and she could fuss over her little ones as much as she wanted. The trio was even fairly easy to care for, outside of the more rambunctious days where it seemed that their tiny forms couldn't help but be liberally overflowing with energy. Those days - and especially the days where that annoyed her - were thankfully few and far between, though.

It seemed that she couldn't be totally spared of them, unfortunately.

At first, Slugkit's high-pitched shriek wasn't much for her to worry about. Kits were loud, and Slugkit especially so. Then, though, that shrieking was followed by a wet thud, and the frantic voices of her other two fussing kittens. That made her push herself up from her nest, emerging from the nursery with an irritated look on her face. One dark paw reached out to cuff the pair around the ears, Eggskip's voice coming in the form of a huff. "What did the two of you do? You know your sister can be sensitive." Her attention then turned to Slugkit herself, long tail wrapping around her daughter as she carefully wiped mud from her face. "Are you alright, crawler? Don't worry, I can clean you up and have you just as pretty as usual." The tears at least seemed to be assisting in that particular goal, though Eggskip knew they would eventually well up gunk in the poor kit's eyes.

  • 75154588_JBKyEvm58EdJt3x.png
    longhaired black tabby and fawn chimera with amber eyes
    17 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    mother of slugkit, leechkit, and mantiskit
    currently a queen; rarely leaves camp
    shadowclan born; loyal but not hostile to other clans
    very easy to befriend; little animosity in her at all
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
YOUR MOOD IS LIKE A CIRCUSwe didn't mean to, mommy! mantiskit defended, kicking away a little pebble in the mud. leechkit was already hanging his head in vague shame. we were just playing.. he mumbled. shifting herself closer to her mother, slugkit continued her wailing, huffling and sniffling as she was cleaned off. she snorted and tried to get the nose out of her nose, and finally she seemed to clear it after a couple huffs.

brushing her paws over her face, she leaned into eggskip's chest, slowly seeming to start to calm down now that she could breathe through both nostrils. "mud! went! up my! nose!" she gasped and shuddered, shaking her head to clear off the rest of the goopy mud that stuck to her. now, it was just a thin wet layer on her face, making any light bits match the rest of her. she looked up at her mom with big, wet eyes. "i want don't wanna play anymoweeeee..."

  • wye3c6qnlg4.png
    chocolate tortie / fawn chimera with low white, green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 24th every month
    orient. unknown ; currently not looking
    daughter of eggskip and blazeclaw
    kit of shadowclan
    easy to befriend ; trust gained very easily
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
I MET A GIRL WHO SANG THE BLUES — The chimera's anger was relatively short-lived, glancing towards her other kits and flicking her tail briefly against their foreheads before her attention turned back to Slugkit. It was at least easy enough to rub mud from her face with a paw, slinging it away from the both of them before Eggskip began to carefully lick down her fur. "My poor little worm princess... do you know if you got it all out?" She tilted Slugkit's chin up with a paw, trying to look down her nose and see if there was still any mud lodged inside. When she seemed satisfied, she let her dark paw fall down to the ground.

Her tail curled tightly around her sniffling daughter, nose touching briefly to Slugkit's head as she gestured with a paw towards the nursery. "You don't need to play anymore for today, don't worry. Do you want to come curl back up in the nursery with me? I can get you a rat to eat, too." Eggskip was fairly sure that was the girl's favorite, based off of what she'd observed her children enjoy so far. She didn't quite get it - toads were her favorite piece of prey to eat, personally - but she would indulge the girl's tastes without protest if it made her feel better.

  • 75154588_JBKyEvm58EdJt3x.png
    longhaired black tabby and fawn chimera with amber eyes
    18 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    mother of slugkit, leechkit, and mantiskit
    currently a queen; rarely leaves camp
    shadowclan born; loyal but not hostile to other clans
    very easy to befriend; little animosity in her at all
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed