birds & heights & movie credits || facing fears, climbing

Feb 13, 2023
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Its been several days now since the rescue party returned. So many cats returned, so many new faces. The clan was abuzz with energy, with introductions and shared stories, and the undercurrent of mourning for those who could not return. So much had changed — and Termitepaw was still the same. Worse, even, than the cat she had been a few moons ago, motivation sapped by the loss of her mentor, by the pervasive pessimism brought on by the disappearance.

You must not waver, the prophecy had said. She had failed pretty decisively at that. The watching stars are certainly not happy with her, she knows. Not that she ever gives them reason to be. She doesn't think she gives anyone much of a reason to be proud, much less herself. With so many cats here, so many eyes to see her, Termitepaw finds themself even more aware than ever of their own shortcomings. Its warrior assessment is soon, Termitepaw knows. It doesn't have high hopes of passing.

So. She's decided she's going to start getting better, working harder.

It's going very, very slowly.

They've always been one to throw themself into the mundane apprentice duties, the hunting and the chores, even braving a spar every now again. But there's one thing they've always avoided when they could, the thing that scares them most. The thing that should mark them the most as a SkyClanner if it weren't for their own cowardice.

So Termitepaw, with uncharacteristic determination had set out to climb a tree. Even though the thought makes them freeze, their fear of heights always paralyzing them. They've been working at it a while, on their own, claws dug into bark and creeping up slowly with eyes closed. It's easier that way, if she doesn't have to look.

Slowly, slowly, upwards. Remove one paw from its death-grip, place it higher, cling for dear life. Rinse and repeat.

Until — she peeks her eyes open — there's a branch within reach. Frantically, Termitepaw lunges, scrambles gracelessly, legs kicking out as she propels herself forward, a panicked tangle of limbs, claws digging in for balance. And then —

She's done it. Perched atop a branch, a breathless and triumphant laugh crawls past Termitepaw's teeth, "Hah —"

"I-I'm — hah, lo-ok I'mmm —" she's not really sure who she's addressing here. Maybe there's spectators come to watch, maybe she's just talking to herself. Either is fine. "I m-made it! I — hmm." She stops abruptly, the sight of the ground from this height making her head spin. She's shaking, a little, and she wrenches her eyes shut. She's not quite sure where to go from here. Jump to another tree, maybe? Or climb down? The thought of either has them digging their claws further into the bark, muscles tense.

Maybe she didn't think this through well enough.
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  • //

  • TERMITEPAW named for their dark and shiny fur.
    — she/her, they/them, or it/its. 12 moons.
    — skyclan apprentice, mentored by ashenclaw.
    — cowardly and superstitious, quiet and kind.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • termitepaw.png

A triumphant cheer sings from the canopy, the black and white apprentice's fur and trembling frame is spotted easier as the lead warrior prowls closer with a tilted chin. Dropping the dead brambles he had been clearing from the edges of camp to inspect. Metal hues narrowed pensively upon their footing, alarm bells sounding off as he notices their eyes closed.

" Termitepaw " he calls up to them carefully. " don't close your eyes- you will disorientate yourself "

Sensing the potential danger, the brute rips his claws into the bark and grapples his way up with expert practise. Stopping below the apprentice, hanging from his forearms and hoisted by his backlegs he nods carefully to his words.

He watches their balance, his muscles tensed and ribs pressed to the bark ready to intercept the fall and break it. He offers a small smirk with support, " you did great " he insists, making sure they had their balance." you got this? I wont let you hit the ground. Don't worry " its the dad tone he had with his own kits that slips out now.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


An elated but wavering call has many heads turning, Sparrowpaw's among them. Searching gray eyes rose up and fell upon the shivering form of Termitepaw, clinging to a branch and scrunching her eyes shut. Come to think of it, they had never seen her climb a tree, had they?

Climbing trees had been one of the first things the tabby apprentice mastered upon joining SkyClan, a habit they had already enjoyed and only needed to tweak. Oh, how they loved to climb.

Not far behind Thistleback they followed, head craning to keep view of their frightened denmate, worried but smiling all the while. With swift grace they rose up the trunk and perched upon their own branch not much further above, not wanting to crowd theirs. They settled for peering down. "Are you scared?" they asked. "It's okay! There's no reason to be scared, you'll get the hang of it in no time!"

Their claws plucked at their branch, an itch to go higher that they pushed down. "You won't fall if you trust yourself, but Thistleback can help! Open your eyes, see how far you can see now? Oh, can you imagine what it would be like to be as high as a bird? Could you imagine the sights they can see from way up there?" A dream of theirs, but one they knew would never be fulfilled.


Image Light blue eyes (or rather eye) watched the mostly black form of Termitepaw scale her way up the bark of the tree. Cheers, and positive words were sent up to where the molly was while he looked on silently. His attention was then drawn to Thistleback as the tom took the initiative to climb up after the apprentice, the lead warrior had seen her falter and immediately at her aid. Then followed another, spouting out more alacrity to their fellow denmate.
//simple track— tags
.fight it, or accept it ———


——— fear it, or control it.
———————— ————————
TAILING BEHIND HIS BROTHER, SHADOWFIRE GLANCED UP with an owlish blink of amber optics, brow raised at the sight. Huh. His maw parted, turning to see his brother had already left him. Well, goodbye to you too jerk. He grumbled.

His tail skimmed the ground, no doubt collecting an assortment of oddities he’d have to pluck out, the black-and-white brute shuffled closer to the commotion. He’d never been good at this, but he doubted closing your eyes was a good going by Thistleback clambering up the tree.

Shadowfire felt his fur ruffle, tilting his head to stare at the apprentice lost within the trees of pines. A critical hue danced from one area to the next, wondering if it’d be best to let the feline climb down before she scared herself any more than they already were. Yikes. He winced.

“Aye! You’ve got this.” He called out after Sparrowpaw. “Keepin’ your eyes closed will make it worse. Gotta take a leap of faith, yeah?” He finished. “Can’t conquer your fears if you don’t open those eyes of yours!” He added with a cheeky grin, hoping that’d spur them into motion, if not, then he was sure Thistleback had it under control, even then, Shadowfire wasn’t one to shy away from a challenge.

thoughts speech