private Birds of a feather ♫ Basilpaw

Jun 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Despite everything, the stars were still beautiful.

Beneath the light, Bugpaw felt most at peace. Unable to sleep in a den full of newfound strangers, the girl breathes fresher air out in the clearing, her blue tortoiseshell fur bathed silver beneath the twinkling lights and their larger lunar friend. "...and Falconheart is being a great mentor, I'm sure you can see it all from up there, isn't he just so awesome?" Bugpaw's voice glides along with the midnight breeze, a whisper as soft as Starclan's gentle breath. It's been a habit of hers for a while now to speak to her pappa when it's late. Although she's certain that her pappa always hears her, even when the stars are hidden or sleeping behind sunlight, it's still nice to feel like the stars are his eyes, watching her closely from way up high. "I wish I could ask you what to do about 'Dow, I still love her but...y'know...have you and mamma ever gotten into any squabbles before?" She doesn't expect an answer, but asking it out loud is better than keeping it all bottled in, like when she quietly asked what he would do during these trying times if he was ever as scared as she was now and if he had ideas on how to stay cheerful. She wonders if he's memorizing her questions and will answer them all when she meets him up there, one day.

Suddenly, she hears paw steps. Her fur fluffs up and she spins around, hackles rising as she squeaks, "who's there?!"

    DFAB— She/Her
    6 moons — Ages
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently

( 𖤓 ) he can't say he prefers night to day. basilpaw is a sun boy through and through. he gleams gold in the light of day, appreciates a bright, cloudless sky, and does best on morning patrols. despite many of his denmates' taste, the boy adores the dawn. so it's not that he prefers night over day, but he can certainly say that he's had more experience with the latter.

still, with the recent goings on in thunderclan, basilpaw has been spending a lot more time awake at night. there's a restlessness to his spirit that can't be tamed by poppy seeds or tough training sessions. laying in his nest tonight, the boy's paws itch, his head hurts, and his chest feels tight in the way it does right before crying. cream fur presses into dilute tortie and similarly pointed pelts, the flanks of his siblings rising and falling peacefully. it feels late at night - he can't hear any shuffling from warriors outside, can't hear the low murmurs from skyclaw's traitors as they change shifts. thunderclan is as quiet as it can be this season, and basilpaw feels trapped.

anxiety stews in his stomach, twisting it into knots, and the boy rises from his nest, ears flat against his head. he picks his way between nests, crossing the divide between the anti-skyclaw group and the skyclaw supporters, and slips out of the den. the night air is a relief, a respite from the stuffy, overheated environment of the apprentices' den. the green-eyed boy takes a big breath, his ears angling upward at the soft mumblings of some other awake cat.

trepidation behind his steps, basilpaw creeps towards the sound, rustling through some undergrowth to be met with the sight of bugpaw, ears pressed flat to her head, fur fluffed in alarm. "it's just basilpaw!" he hurries to whisper, eyes wide as he slips into the small clearing of space the girl occupies. he hasn't talked much with this particular denmate, although he admires her spirit from afar. "m'sorry, couldn't sleep."

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    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, and he has ferny-green eyes that sparkle with mischief.
*+:。.。 Basilpaw was a denmate she had enjoyed spending time with in her few interactions with him. He was a boy who positively glowed, and during these trying times she remained impressed to see none of that light had faltered. Of all the cats who could've found her during her midnight monologing, she was glad it was Basilpaw. "Oh! Hi - oh ants, I scared yah, didn't I? Do I look fierce when my fur is fluffed up?" she asks with a giggle, although quickly using her paws to smooth down the ruffled storm cloud that had billowed from her chest and scruff. Her heart squeezes when she hears his explanation, and though her smile doesn't falter, she nods sympathetically, "Me neither. Crazy how we've been working the hardest in our lives and yet our heads don't wanna listen to our tired paws!" she says with a laugh.
As he makes his way closer, she pats the spot beside her welcomingly, and if he takes her up on the offer to sit close, she'll then lean her shoulder against his - always the touchy-feely type. Returning her gaze to the stars, the girl meows, "have you ever tried talking to Starclan before? I dunno, somethin' about it helps my head get along with my paws again, so...I dunno, I like it" She wonders if she should be embarrassed about it, but she can't think of why. Talking to the stars, the dead, the fates that be, and...nothing at all has always been a way for Bugpaw to feel less alone in the world. "but talking to someone who can reply is pretty nice, too" she adds with a smile, glancing back at Basilpaw with gratitude in her lemon eyes.

    DFAB— She/Her
    6 moons — Ages
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently