birds of a feather ➺ starlingheart

When he was not in the nursery he was here. Magpiekit did not know what to make of the medicine cat den usually. He thought the smells were too intense, he thought it was a little less spacious than where he slept at night and he found leaves were not as tasty as he had been lead to believe. A travesty. The only good thing in here was Starlingheart. Starlingheart who looked like she could be his older siblings with the same glossy black pelt marked white in special places. Starlingheart who spoke like a song bird, notes wavering and warbling but nonetheless pleasant to his ears.
She had named him and found him among several others, he could not even tell you who they were outside perhaps Pitchstar himself because his memories at the time were faint and they only really focused on the medicine cat herself as well as the name bestowed upon him. Magpie. Like a bird. Like Starling. It was a warm sounding word, popped and clicked as he said it; Garbagekit was his other name but everytime he mentioned it the older she-cat would make a strained expression so he had stopped. Perhaps she didn't like Pitchstar's naming, perhaps it reminded her of something. Blue-violet eyes wandered as he batted at his acorn shell, flipping it back and forth to clatter noisily on the floor. Sometimes he saw her stare off into space, a look hard to place across her expression. Magpiekit wanted to ask but he had been told he was a little too blunt sometimes. He couldn't understand that, because wasn't speaking from the heart the most important thing? Why should he hold back his questions and curiousities? The kitten slapped his acorn to the side, watched it roll and tumble right into the nest made near the back and he wandered over to reclaim it.
"When will we get wings?" He asked suddenly, without much warning as he carried the shell back forward to sit next to the healer with his wobbling posture. "I would like to fly...and not bump my nose on the ground. Will I still walk funny with wings?"


Starlingheart was rather fond of the black and white kitten she had found in the rubbish. She had been glad when her brother had allowed him to stay, and had been even happier when the name Magpiekit stuck. It was better than Garbagekit, that was for sure. She saw the little scrap of black and white fur as the little sibling she would never get the chance to have. Much to what she is sure is Granitepaws disappointment, he had chosen to follow her around and she allowed it. It was nice having the company and though sometimes Magpiekit's mannerisms or questions could be a little strange, she didn't mind. Who among ShadowClan wasn't?
She is brought out from her quiet contemplations by his voice, a question that makes her blink in surprise but she smiles at him all the same. "Ma-maybe when we when we are in St-St-StarClan it'll feel like we're uh fluh-flying" she says, then thinks better of it almost immediately. "And n-no you shouldn't try to-to go soon-sooner so you can- so you can fly" she tells him a little sternly "Besides, I would- I would miss you if-if you went b-b-before me" she reaches out with a frost tipped paw and ruffles the top of his head gently.


So you did not actually get wings in StarClan? He wondered then why the birds told him this when he asked, flashing their plumage and gazing at him hungrily. It might be a ploy, they wanted them dead because a living cat was hardly easy to eat but a deceased one was a feast. Magpiekit's eyes briefly lit up at the idea of testing this for himself, seeking the answers he desired. The medicine cat sings at him knowingly.
He thinks about it for a moment, already plotting his plans to find the highest tree and scale it until he could touch the heavens, but Starlingheart's hastily added remark to not rush things and that she would miss him has him slowly disconnecting from the idea. He could not do something that might hurt her. It was for the same reason he made his bone trades with Maggotkit knowing she was trying to take advantage of his presumed naivety. If it made his friend happy and hurt no one, then he was willing to play the fool. It was alright in the end. Happiness was fleeting, if ShadowClan had taught him anything thus far it was to enjoy what you had and covet it.
"Okay, I'll stay." But only cause she asked, "Do you think there's leaves I can eat though? That will stop..this?" His odd jerking movements, the way he had no control over where he limbs took him at times; the kitten demonstrated, giving a little pace around the den with a wobbling gait and paws clumsily trying to right themselves with each step. He managed alright, for the most part.
"Maybe...this is singing with my paws?" He moved the way Starlingheart stuttered.