pafp BIRDY HAND FINGER \ snakeskin

Mar 15, 2024

It was close to camp, a transluscent slough... and Thundergleam could not say how she and Orangepaw both had managed to gaze upon it, but it sat motionless nonetheless, as if beckoning them closer. No breeze disturbed the thinness... it was fragile, wavering. It was... sinister. Thundergleam kept her distance, approaching the snakeskin delicately as if the snake that had once dwelled in that skin would swell with flesh once again and strike. There had been suffering lately, issues by the fang-tip of an adder. A tufted tail flicked to halt Orangepaw, to make sure the cheerful apprentice would get no closer.

"It is an omen," she declared. A light breeze struck her as she said it, and it bolstered her, made her sure that StarClan supported her in her conclusion. Rosy eyes were shadowed with seriousness as she looked toward Orangepaw. "A warning. An old enemy lurks near, and may return." Maybe it was the snake that killed Wolfwind- maybe the abandoned skin was a symbol for something else. Either way, StarClan was kind to send them preparation for suffering, this time. And Thundergleam was, of course, eternally glad she was there to interpret the sign.

\ ps wait for @ORANGEPAW. !
penned by pin ☾
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Reactions: ORANGEPAW.

orangepaw likes thundergleam a lot! she was super soft feeling aaannddd she was super super nice to him! he still remembers how she comforted him at the border when he awaited for gentlestorm to come home. that was nice of her! and so, he's been kind of following her around. he wants to learn so much from everyone and right now he wishes to learn from her! she's she's cool! as he stares at the snake skin, he presses his body to the ground to get a better look. twitching his ears he flipped over to stare at it upside down.

"woaaaah! that sounds soooo cool! I want an omen! how do you get an omen? can I get an omen!"

he purred excitedly. he didn't realize really what she said or that it really did not mean that at all. he's too trusting for his own good, but it didn't harm anyone! it was just a snake skin! even if he truly believed it was an omen!


"An old enemy, huh? Did the snakeskin whisper that in your ear or somethin'?" Rousing chuckle arrived from Campionsong's gossamer tongue, as if the mere thought of an old and fragile slough of a thing was risible, something that granted him sunshot mirth. Thundergleam spoke ominously, and it was her grim intonation that made Campion wish to chastise her for potentially scaring the young Orangepaw. The older warrior had been delighted to see that the tangerine-striped apprentice did not burden himself with a fatalistic outlook. Fern-green eyes caught upon the wavering snakeskin, gale stirring at translucent being, though never enough to sweep it away into the distance. Nature sent her signs when she could, cryptic as her verses were, but he found nothing to be gleaned from the snakeskin. (The only prophet that he subscribed to was the sun, anyhow, as changes upon the constant must be regarded as a tremendous augury.) The poet had always taken the continual shedding and growing of the reptile's skin to be a symbol of regrowth and renewal, cycle pealing endless upon life itself, but that had never harrowed the tomcat. It was a feline's nature to change as well, though one never departed long from what they once were. To shed one's skin was not to abandon the self but merely return to the deeper flesh that pulsed and beat beneath.

Thundergleam had come in ThunderClan's time of need, leading their leader back to them, and in doing so had claimed Howlingstar's trust - Softpaw told herself that was all she needed to be able to trust her herself, and maybe she did trust Thundergleam, to an extent. But if she were a more gossipy apprentice, one that was more in tune with her emotions, Softpaw might have said that she wasn't fond of the other albino she-cat. She'd come into ThunderClan bearing good news, but her whimsy ruffled Softpaw's fur the wrong way - she acted too much like an avatar of StarClan, when clearly that position should belong to Gentlestorm, or even Howlingstar.

"Howlingstar should know of this, then." Softpaw interjected, glancing between Campionsong and Orangepaw, relieved that at least one of them didn't seem so taken in by Thundergleam's blasphemous omens. Her voice was even, composed and quiet, but sarcasm rang in Softpaw's head. "It could mean that the enemy is wearing a new skin than what we knew of it before." Despite herself, Softpaw adds in her own speculation.
  • !
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, eight moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

what was with thunderclanners and dead things? that sounds like something the swamp dwellers would enjoy more, not the cats she proudly calls her clanmates. thundergleam murmurs of an old enemy, shedding it’s skin in hopes of a return. who that could be didn’t matter, leafhusk wasn’t about to believe an omen spoken by a former loner. orangepaw joins in the chorus, however, his peppy voice speaking innocence towards the decaying skin.

they seemed to match each other’s personalities, despite the obvious contrast at first glance. the final two that approach, campionsong and softpaw, both don’t seem to mind as much- the silvery tabby constantly spoke like a tortured artist, and the smaller albino is extremely by the book. perhaps, everyone is growing used to the former loner’s religious attitude.

still, she… felt the symbolism in the discarded creature. whoever this was prior, was done and finished with their former self. leafhusk mentally labeled her old collar as a snakeskin, seasons ago. but, as she takes a peek at the twisted skin, it grosses her out. the molly’s lip curls slightly, taking a large step back. "even if this is an omen… we should look out for any lingering snakes." she suggests, lead warrior-isms winning over her feelings of yuckiness.​

☆⋅⋆ ── brairpaw's lip curls at thundergleams's blasphemous interpretation. the loner thought herself star-touched, blessed. such delusion irked her. orangepaw flounders at the pale she-cat's paws, naively believing her sweetly delivered lies. it was ridiculous, only showed how much of an outsider he remained despite being stumbled upon moons ago.

it was corruption, these outsiders a blight upon this forest. spoke about a snakeskin as if it were a wildfire approaching. inflammatory, dramatic, and to what goal? a pitiful attempt to belong by thundergleam. starclan only bestowed prophecy upon who held power. howlingstar, gentlestorm, did thundergleam believe herself on par?

"it's just a snakeskin. this is ridiculous." briarpaw scoffs after leafhusk decided to even slightly entertain such delusion. if no one else, she believed campionsong would agree, already knowing softpaw couldn't be counted on to have her back.
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, eleven moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / apprentice to saffronpounce
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Orangepaw's enthusiasm was deeply endearing, and Thundergleam gave him a sweet smile. "Perhaps one day. You will know if you ever get one," a promise written in her tone, flared at every angle with sincerity. Yes, good things came to those who waited... she did not pretend to know how StarClan made those decisions, but perhaps one day Orangepaw would be at the end of that spangled tail, pointed staunchly his way.

Campionsong's tone was ran through with a laugh, and Thundergleam met with her own airy giggle, twinkling and sincere- but she did not take back her verdict. "Not quite," chuckled silken-soft, "But I have had plenty of practice in hearing words where there are none." Signs would seem ordinary to most... they would tread on them, thoughtlessly- and who could place blame? Signs sang a magnetic song, but only to those who were chosen to listen.

"I will see to it that she knows," Thundergleam confirmed, trying to flatten Softpaw's worries and return bristling fur to namesake downiness. The apprentice's skepticism was lost on her, and her speculation earned a nodding head, as did Leafhusk's. "Our old enemy could indeed be this snake! Then it is hardly a sign at all, but a warning placed here, meant for us to see... either way, there is destined danger."

A harsh voice cut through her arcane cloak- ah, yes. This disbelief,she was growing used to it... but Thundergleam knew the Truth, knew what the Stars meant, knew that they had lead her here. The best to do was hold her head up and know, steadfast, that she carried the Truth with her. "Nothing is ever just, unfortunately." And there was humour in that sweet chiding, for how exhausting it was to know, and notice all!
penned by pin ☾