bite || intro


Dec 30, 2022
he licks. steady, sure, unbroken. he works his way over his pelt and he takes his time, so that it's something to do for as long as he can do it. he prefers to groom out here alone, unless he's merely grooming as an excuse to people watch — he finds it's not properly relaxing with other cats in scent range.

primrosethorn is as attached as the next cat to shadowclan, to this idea, their right to this miserable home and what miserable prey they can scrounge out of its swamps. he is loyal as the next cat to their code. but the cats of shadowclan — ?

the individuals, their relationships and their unfortunate personalities? he's not found anything to like about most of them. shadowclan is his army, his allegiance, but not his family. and he likes it fine this way.

so he grooms alone. and when he picks up his prey and makes his way back home, he does that alone too, seeking no one out when he makes his entrance. he steps into the camp with two frogs and a scrawny rat dangling from his jaws, eyes of blistering-yellow surveilling the camp as he walks through it toward the kill pile. walks... that's not the right word. it's more of a shamble, or a stalk? his limbs seem poorly-proportioned, perhaps too long or too bony, and he hangs his black head low but lifts his eyes to scan, and he cranes his neck as you'd imagine a cat craning his neck to achieve that.

of course he's interrupted, because this is a thread, not a oneshot, and because primrosethorn will never know peace as long as he's played. this particular offender approaches him to speak. he drops his prey. "what." he answers with an audible period, devoid of inflection. " ... is it important?" he adds with a little more acid, an unspoken if not, why are you opening your mouth?

i don't know what this clanmate is approaching him about, or whether it's important, but i have a hunch it might be about the absurdly long bramble-stem that's stuck to primrosethorn's low back and trailing behind him. he must have been really lost in thought to miss that. seriously, it's at least three tail-lengths. ​
Needledrift feels a little sheepish now. Her jaw had been forcibly opened a little more by way of accident a few days ago, she must always look questioning now, her tongue half-lolled and her ears pinned back (a small inclination to the consistent ache she had felt since her jaw her shifted again.) She bows her head, averting her eyes. I'm sorry. Submission towards an equal for an unheeded sleight.

When she straightens her neck, she tries to do so with a smile, the good half of her mouth twitching upwards almost shyly. She points to the bramble that has entangled itself in her clanmate's fur, to the way it has messed up his careful grooming, a jellyfish nettle far from the sea but just as apt in this situation.

Green eyes blink another quiet apology. I didn't mean to bother you, I just thought you should know.
she smells like lemongrass and sleep

Starlingheart cannot imagine the kind of life that Primrosethorn seems to lead. She had not seen the ebony tom interact with much of anyone, he didn't have a mate, or kits, or any family to speak of really. That would be alright though, many cats in ShadowClan weren't as fortunate as her. But she also didn't think the warrior had any friends. He was a solitary creature and it seemed he preferred it that way. Silently, she thinks to herself that Granitepelt would be the same way if he didn't have Siltcloud, if he didn't have her. It almost makes her sad to think about but it is not her job to judge, only heal.

She is used to the barbed words, from her brother now long gone and from Granitepelt so when she comes to stand next to Needledrift, green eyes focusing on the long bramble ensnared in the warriors fur. Needledrift motions towards it, indicating that its there so Starlingheart merely shrugs her shoulders. "D-did you mean to leave a uh - did you mean to leave that thing in your fur?" She asks, her face scrunching in amusement.

There are plenty of reclusive cats in ShadowClan. Granitepelt counts them among the warriors he can tolerate best. Primrosethorn is no exception. While the young warrior has no great love for the other cat, he can respect the desire to be left alone, and he does just that. He isn't sure if he's ever spoken more than a pawful of words to the tom.

He's followed Starlingheart out of her den and into the clearing, yawning and displaying a fine set of fangs. Primrosethorn is accosting silent Needledrift, who points almost sheepishly to a branch clinging to his black pelt. Starlingheart asks if he'd left it there on purpose. Granitepelt snorts as he pads up beside her. "Surprised you didn't feel that. It has more thorns than you," he says.

siltcloud | 12 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Siltcloud has never been the most social - a shadow trailing along in the background, she can count her friends on one paw. There is nothing wrong with being antisocial - of wanting space. But it irritates her just a bit when her clanmates are always snapping at each others throats. There are exceptions of course - granitepelt gets a pass, mostly, if only because he is her brother, and there are a few that certainly deserve a tongue-lashing every now and then, but really. She blinks slowly as she watches the awkward interaction - needledrift is one of those among the not-quite friends category, but one she wouldn't mind getting to know better. "perhaps he meant to leave it there to warn others of his prickly words," she murmurs tonelessly, her expression unchanging.