Nov 19, 2023


  • Name: Hollywhisper
    > Previous Names: Shiori​
    Holly-: a widely distributed shrub, typically having prickly dark green leaves, small white flowers, and red berries. There are several deciduous species of holly but the evergreen hollies are more typical and familiar. / named for his pelt. | -whisper: a soft or confidential tone of voice; a whispered word or phrase. / a rumor or piece of gossip. / a soft rustling or murmuring sound. / a slight trace; a hint. / named for his secretive and sneaky nature.
    Age: 28 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 Moon Every Month On The 1st​
    Gender & Pronouns: Trans-Male, He/Him
    Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic
    Rank: Queen of SkyClan
  • Short Description: Short-haired tortoiseshell with low white and copper eyes. 25% Main Coon, 25% Norwegian Forest Cat, carrying longhair and dilute, masking mackerel tabby
    > Long Description: Despite what his ancestry may lead one to believe, Hollywhisper is rather small in size and quite thin - though that's likely due to his irregular eating habits. He is a short-haired tortoiseshell - while dominantly black, there's a scattering of ginger patches on his fur - most notably one paw, half a leg, one ear, the upper portion of his tail, on his forehead, the upper half of his tail, and just above his nose. He also has some white spots, including one on his tail and a small one on his right cheek. His default expression has his copper-colored eyes narrowed, observing his surroundings intently, and a slight smirk upon his maw.​
    Scars and Injuries: N/A
    Accessories: N/A

    (base credit to supurrnovae on deviantArt - please ignore the pathetic stripes i just didn't care enough)
  • Intelligent | Determined | Secretive | Dishonest | Impulsive
    Personality: Hollywhisper's true personality is often hidden underneath a perfectly crafted mask of unwavering emotions - intelligent, calm, and collected with a bit of bark to him. Sarcastic and a tease, he has a sharp tongue and oftentimes hides his true feelings behind insults and jabs. He is also quite curious about others, an observer, and the type to go after those he deems interesting enough to warrant his attention. It's the reaction he gets in return that makes him want to push buttons further - after all, he wants to know why those around him act in the ways they do. To him, it's a thrill, and he loves it just as much as he loves running around and getting into danger.

    Behind this carefully crafted mask, most notably noticed with the few individuals he lets into his inner circle, he is fragile and self-conscious. It's no surprise he doesn't want to show this side to many, considering the type of person he presents himself as. When there is no thrill, when there is nothing to learn, nothing worthwhile to observe, or he can no longer force himself to maintain the role he made for himself, he retreats in on himself and becomes meek. Fortunately for him, there's always bound to be something that intrigues him and he's usually determined enough not to let his true self slip. After all, spilling out his own depressing and self-deprecating thoughts would be showing weakness, and showing that to everyone is a fate worse than death.
    Mental Ailments: Depression
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Vision: Anemo
    Path: The Hunt
    Pokemon Type: Dark
  • Parents: Sakura x Duskpool, Gen 2
    Siblings: Naiya (Sister), Nina (Sister), Cari (Sister) Ume
    Mate: Duststorm
    > Relationship Status: Taken​
    Children: Sunsetkit, Oriolekit
    Other Relatives: Ryuji (Paternal Uncle), Outlaw (Paternal Uncle), Sorrelsong (Paternal Aunt), NPCs (Paternal Auncles), Flowercloud (Paternal Relative), Tatteredlight (Brother-In-Law), Ghostkit (Adoptive Niece)
    Likes: Duststorm, Duskpool
    Neutral: Everyone else
    Dislikes: N/A
  • > Theme color is Red Berry #8E0000 (Gradient also uses #0B0B0B). The color used for his speech and tags text color is Valencia #D84437
    > His human AU name would be Shiori Zankoku.
    > His partner pokemon, or his Pokemon self, would be Nickit or Thievul.
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