bitter || hunting patrol


Dec 30, 2022
primrosethorn's eyes slide over the horizon, seeking shadows that skitter away and promise blessed food. it's nearing dusk, the sun's last rays stretching across the marshes and backlighting its bounty. well. bounty might be stretching things a bit, but they're well into greenleaf now, so this is as good as it'll get. nighttime prey should be waking now, hopping or scampering from nests and burrows. prim hopes that he can catch a frog tonight. yeah, he'd love a frog. it's been way too fucking long since he had a good and juicy one.

the little group hasn't caught much so far. his acid-yellow eyes flick over to the cat walking nearest him, and he mutters, "could be better, eh? it's greenleaf, starclan's sake." he attempts to sound light, good-natured ... but in the end sounds more sour than anything. he's hungry, damn it. it's been a long-ass day.

he hears a sound, then — it sounds like it might be a bit bigger than some average prey — primrosethorn's eyes dilate, pupils swelling as his ears twitch to soak up information. "there. what was that?"

// just ur average hunting patrol ... or maybe not...!!! peaceful powerplay is chill, i'm down for this thread to go wherever! ​

chilledstar's face fell into its usual frown, ears twitching with slight annoyance. could be better, he says. as if. starclan loved to make them suffer– this was likely as good as it was going to get. they had no faith in the idea of anything going good for shadowclan, no matter how hard they tried. they slowed their pace beside the warrior, ears twitching upwards at the sound. they narrowed their eyes, fur along their spine rising, as their claws slid out. they didn't trust whatever was on that bush. they let out a low growl before suddenly a duck leaped out, making the leader scramble back with a hiss.

"damn it! it's just a bird, frog brain! use your nose next time!"

they could have done the same, but they were so on edge that they did not trust their nose at all. all they could remember was the smell of the bears and their own blood leaving their body. with a shake of their head, they gestured towards the feathered creature.

"magpiepaw might appreciate this more than i ever will."

they didn't know if the bird obsession extended to water fowl, but it was feathered so... it had to, right?
Sometimes he can't help but wonder whether or not it's really StarClan making them suffer. He hasn't been here all that long, only a few moons in the grand scheme of things. Their history was a longer one than he could ever begin to understand but he thinks he gets the broad strokes of it. A doomed colony whose history is made of war and disaster. He really picked the best place to come, huh? But that's the point of it, maybe. The curse isn't on ShadowClan itself, but on each and every one of the cats that calls this place home. Exactly why he belonged here, at the end of the day. Though maybe belonging was a bit of a stretch to some of these cats. His chipper attitude seems to grate more than it pleases. Yet that does not stop Honeyjaw at all.

"Are we going to catch it?" he asks with a derisive sort of laugh. Quite obviously, the pointed warrior is making no effort to do it himself. The thing quacks and plods a few other steps in one direction with a little hurry to its step. Like it was kind of worried, but not all that worried. Really he doesn't even blame the thing. The competency on this patrol is certainly something else.

  • ooc:
  • honeyjaw ╱╱ 36 moons old ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a former loner who joined the clan approximately six months ago (give or take).
    ──── named for the deep honey-brown of his pelt as well as his too natural charisma.
    ──── has an apprentice-aged kid he joined with, def scared of watching 'em grow up.
    ──── bisexual- kinda flirtatious yet never seems to really pursue a relationship. single.

    a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected, with a salt-and-pepper dusting around his jaw and muzzle.
  • "speech"

Her clan is full of the nocturnal sort of cats, while most cats were going to bed around this time, a lot of ShadowClanners were just waking up. Dusk was equivalent to dawn and for a moment, the black and white she cat raises her head to watch the sun set through the pines. She is not a huge fan of this time of day herself. The sky reminded her of fire and dire reminded her of a day that she would much rather forget, but soon the dusk would break and give way to the stars and the moon. That was her favorite. The time when the cool blanket of night settled over the forest and frogs sang their chorus, owls hooted softly in the distance. It was a peaceful sort of time that you wouldn't get during the day when the forest was alive with too much chatter.

Her belly was becoming more and more swollen by the day and soon, she realizes with a start, she would have to send Magpiepaw alone on these expeditions. She lets out a soft, worried, hum as her paws part a group of plants, searching for anything that may be of use. She is about to comment on how this patch of watermint is growing back nicely and should be ready to harvest again soon when she hears voices and a strange noise. Curiosity piqued she makes her way forward on uncertain paws to the small group that had gathered to gawk at the strange creature,

"Wha-what is it?" she asks as she comes to stand beside Honeyjaw, her nose crinkling as the foreign smell hits her nostrils. She had never seen anything quite like it before.