camp BITTER TASTE // dual joining

Oct 27, 2023
[ this is set shortly after the rogues finally evacuate!! ]

The last of the scrawny felines escape with barely even their lives in tact, and Tiffany stands triumphant as if her pelt is not as marred as much as many others. Other cats mill about, many taking their leave for other Clans (how many are there?) and she takes the time to seek out her brothers - plural, oddly enough. She joined the fray with a blue-and-white sibling and exited it with a silver spotted one too. Fate, should she believe in it, is an odd mistress, dragging littermates together amidst taking back from tragedy. She cannot help but wonder, in her few seconds of thought, of if she had not found Silversmoke, would she and Anakin have turned tail and left behind this new life they've discovered? Would it be smart to stick around even now, potentially harming their easy going lives?

"Hey -" she steps in next to Anakin. As she does, her gaze flickers over many of the cats moving about, and she realizes what she's doing. She does not only search for the new brother they've found, but for Plaguepaw, Momowhisker, too. She spies cats that've distracted rogues from tangling with her, and others that've nearly lost their lives to the mess. She remembers the one that has. Brightflame, they cheered into the air. It must've been the molly's name. Tiffany breathes out, hardly believing her own thoughts, but voicing them nonetheless.

"We should stick around," she says. "I don't want that kid prancing around the neighborhood to find us, should those rats come back," it's weird, she knows, to care for the scrawny tom that found them. But she does. Her tail twitches, "Until they're settled. What d'ya say?" As much as her words come off selfless, she knows her selfish needs fluff with excitement, too; the brush with danger is not lost on her longing, adventurous heart. She wears a grin, "Not to mention, I'd love to see what our brother's gotten himself into."

[ talking w @ANAKIN , pinging @BLAZESTAR bc u have strangers in ur camp still sorry xoxo ] ​
Blazestar would not have recognized the newcomers with all of the unfamiliar cats swarming his camp, but now that the rogues are gone, he easily identifies the scent of Twolegplace through the blood and fur that drifts across the clearing. The Ragdoll surveys two felines speaking to one another, and one ear catches a bit of what the gray tortie she-cat is saying. “Until they’re settled,” she says, and Blazestar realizes she’s referring to the entirety of SkyClan. He notes the clumps of fur pulled loose from their pelts, the blood between their toes. They’d been fighting—and not on the rogues’ side.

Hey,” he calls, shaking himself warily and giving a mrrow of greeting. “You’re from the Twolegplace, aren’t you? What are you doing here?” He blinks, semi-suspiciously, at first one then the other. “How did you know to come fight for SkyClan…?

, ”

Something was amiss- and he would not be Twitchbolt if he didn't clock it, whiskers twitching with a sense of impending doom, frenzied eyes scanning around. His claws burned still with the touch of blood, his chest still heaved with blazing-hot effort- and there were strangers here, still. But they weren't- no, weren't rogues. Didn't have that stench clinging to them, but that recognition did not stop a fire of mistrust from igniting in Twitchbolt's eyes. Fluffed up large and spiny, he looked like a diminutive porcupine next to his leader, but there was an untamed streak of standoffishness in his expression that betrayed how on-edge he remained.

"You're not- not infiltrating, are you? Rogues trying to pass off as kindly helpers? I'm onto you, I'm-" and he was breathless, but he was taking it seriously. Because what if they were all being played for fools? No, he wasn't going to let anything happen to his home, not again. Any threat and he'd stomp it out until it was dead, dead beyond words. He'd chase these two miles out of the border if he had to, unless they chose their words carefully.
penned by pin ✧
  • Love
Reactions: BLAZESTAR

"Give it a rest, Twitch." The large tom moved forward, the rise and fall of his chest heavy, strength sapped from his eyes but not from his voice as he directed his request toward his peer. Firm but not angry with the other, the corners of the Lead Warrior's maw twisted with conflict. "They saved my life." Such an admittance was difficult, but whilst the triad had been fighting back to back to back, he'd denied it time and time again. The weight of it felt like a confession for StarClan (a short time ago, he'd been prepared to die). In actuality, it was to save them from the scrutiny his clanmates so rightly gave them. There was a protectiveness in the action, SkyClan's shield choosing to extend its reach to those outside its borders, then, his expression shifted. His eyes narrowed, his feathery tail began to lash, unsheathed claws tore at fresh sprigs. Soon, it became clear he was not so worried about protecting them, more than he was at getting the privilege of admonishing them all to himself.

It was deserved, he thought. Silversmoke cocked his head somewhat to the side. "For moons I tried to find you, suffering every kittypet insult and rogue clawing I could, only to have you show up here covered in that stench like you're proud of it." The crescendo of his words was accompanied by a sneer; fond memories were pushed to the side, fur bristling at the thought of appearing weak before his clan. He did not miss them, he could not say he missed them, not when they carried such an awful air to them, the very air he had thought with every breath against. So, why did he still want to hold them and never let go? Silversmoke moved forward and blinked twice - sure enough, they were still there, sure enough, they were really. Blazestar's presence disappeared from his mind, as did Twitchbolt's, the spotted tabby's eyes tunnel-visioned on the pair before him. "Sister, brother," he acknowledged them with a distance to his words - their names had never been their own, was that still the same today? His own had gone through several iterations, brought about by rogues misunderstanding him and a desire to be closer to the stars that guided him to his home. He couldn't ask, lest his voice strain from the effort. "Why now? What are you doing?"


thistlepaw & 04 moons & trans. fem nonbinary & they/she & skyclan kit

Thistlepaw is confused - it'd not only been their clanmates fighting in the battle, and not even just other clans warriors, but strangers too. And where the other clans have begun to filter out, somehow these ones didn't. Green eyes are wide and round as they blatantly stare, turning to the nearest cat as they speak - completely ignoring the conversation at paw. "Who in the stars are they?" They smell like twolegs to the child - a comforting and familiar scent, even if it is not of the specific ones she'd briefly called her own. That her mother still called her own.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a pinkish grey kitten with splashes of white across their frame. their fur is just as curly as their mothers, and they have a deer-like nub for a tail. they wear a purple colored collar and a thistle flower.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Despite the ever present sting lacing his sides from newly torn flesh and wounds opened anew, Plaguepaw bounded forward. His inky forked tail waved in greeting toward Tiffany and Anakin as he caught the duo near Blazestar, Twitchbolt, and Silversmoke. "You're okay!" He puffed through tired excitement. They were not clan cats, they had no real reason to come aid his home. To defend their cause. But they fought regardless and that only opened up the door to respect the pair even more. His maw opens to speak again, only to snap shut abruptly when Silversmoke begins to raise his voice at his new friends. A frown decorates his features, dark brows pulling together in the face of the lead warrior's fussing. Confused he glanced between the trio, his blue-green gaze resting on each one for a moment before falling upon Silversmoke again. "Why're you being so mean to them? They just helped us fight, we should be thanking them for lending their claws." He didn't quite understand why the large tom was so upset and in the midst of his processing his paws kneaded the ground for comfort. Was he mad because they were outsiders?

Dark ears flatten against his helm. "I-I told them about skyclan's fight with the rogues. They were eager to help so I led them here." It sounded like a good idea at the time and to be perfectly honest he doesn't regret the decision. The only thing concerning him is Silversmoke's response to the whole thing.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / seven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈
( tags ) The dust settled, the mongrels ran off with their tails between their legs, and he remained victorious. Most of Skyclan did, actually, but with his help, specifically.

Tiffany remarks on wanting to stick around, citing casual concern for their new young friend in a rare show of selflessness. Perhaps she was turning over a new leaf, becoming soft-hearted with age or something. And perhaps he was too because Anakin met her with a grin of his own, “Seems you’re reading my mind today, Tiff. Ya think they’ll let us hang out a bit?” Anakin didn’t see why they wouldn’t, they’d proved themselves to the Sky-cats plenty of times over in the half-a-day they’d been acquainted, in his opinion. He hoped they did, though, he hadn't had this much fun in who knows how long! Reuniting with their brother cemented this idea in his head,

They weren’t left alone for long, a whole gaggle of kitties, their brother included, approached them with varying levels of welcome. He lets them ask their questions, feeling relaxed despite the bruises and the blood between his toes. He decides to address the strangers first, easy questions were brought to the front of his mental queue!

“Sorry for the ya know, bargin' in. As Lil' Dude said, he told us about your uh... trash problem, and we offered our services. We didn't mean to do any 'filtration' or anything y'all need to fluff your tails at, we just wanted to help out the little guy and his friends,” He offered the tall blonde that seemed in charge a self-pleased smile. "Anyways... We're new to 'round here, we live with some twolegs off over yonder, but we were wonderin' if you'd allow us to hang around some more, we could make ourselves useful. Name's Anakin, by the way, and that's my sister, Tiffany, annddd our brother, y'all already know him...? Yo, bro," he turned to the silver tabby to address him directly, finally, "What're you goin' by nowadays?'

Now to address whatever it was their brother was grumbling on about, "Funny story, actually. We were taken to go live with this old twoleg at the Ranch—if y'all have one of those 'round here, I dunno if you do—and there was a whole bunch of us cats livin' out there actually, it was a pretty sweet deal. Totally thought you'd show up eventually, but ya never did, bummer. Anywho, some shit went down I think—Tiff, ya think he actually died or was that jus' goose-gossip? Oh, anyways, me and Tiff were put in one of them uhh... box things and. I'll be upfront with y'all, I took a nap the whole time we were in it. And when I woke up it was in our new place with some younger housefolk, and we were just sitting around in our grass when your friends showed up, so seein' you was as much a surprise for us as it was to you!" His chatty ass should not have been allowed to talk for so long, he'd nearly forgotten what they were supposed to be explaining.

"All that's to say, then, sorry that happened to ya. We've been fine though, so... No hard feelings?"


"You talk a lot." Fireflypaw meows as he arrives behind the rest of the patrol, slinking through the undergrowth with ease. He finds comfort in the way that his father questions these cats, suspicious of them- though Silversmoke's interruption of Twitchbolt's little warning kept him from snickering in amusement. "Leave 'em be, he's got a right to be suspicious." He groans out as he walks over to Twitchbolt's side, prodding him with his paw with a smile. Even if these cats helped them, Plaguepaw still brought strangers in. Blazestar might not be happy about that..

"What do you think, pa?" He looks over to his father, tilting his head.​
Blazestar’s call to the two non-SkyClan cats draws the interest—and suspicions—of their Clanmates. Twitchbolt’s breathless accusation is full of sharp concern. The leader’s blue eyes narrow; he hadn’t considered the possibility that they’re rogues, but he has to admit the scent seems to be different, even if he can’t place exactly how. Rogues swarm the Twolegplace, and he and Twitchbolt can attest to that from experience, but the rancor of crowfood the territory-stealers had worn isn’t present. There’s the grit of the street, the acrid scent of the Twolegplace, but he scents nothing overtly nefarious about the cats who’d come to fight in their camp.

“Give it a rest, Twitch.” Blazestar turns to regard his senior lead warrior with surprise. Silversmoke is often the first of the cats on his council to be on the offensive, but the look he gives the newcomers is bereft of suspicion. Sister, brother, he addresses them as. The Ragdoll chuffs, shaking his head. “These cats are your kin?” Thistlepaw asks who in the stars the cats could be, and as Plaguepaw ambles closer to offer his explanation, things click into place for Blazestar.

I-I told them about SkyClan’s fight with the rogues. They were eager to help, so I led them here. Blazestar’s expression is stern. “Plaguepaw, you should be careful about revealing Clan weaknesses to outsiders. These cats may not have had your best interests at heart, nor the best interests of your Clan.” He sighs, flicking his ears forward, and he lifts a paw to gently weigh upon Plaguepaw’s head to take the sting from his words.But regardless, we are grateful for your help. Every set of claws fighting on our side mattered. I’m Blazestar, the leader of this Clan.” He thinks, regretfully, about Brightflame, still lying limp in the dust, never to rise again.

The tomcat Silversmoke calls Brother begins to speak. Though he’s all but being interrogated, he seems relaxed, answering the Clan cats’ inquiries with ease. Blazestar imagines the three of them will want to catch up by themselves, but first… “ We have a lot of work to do… seems like as good an opportunity as any to catch up.” He eyes Silversmoke meaningfully. Keep an eye on them. They’re your responsibility. He answers Fireflypaw’s question in the same way. “You may stay. We need all the paws we can get. Any questions you have about joining SkyClan, well… I’m sure your brother can answer for you.” He trusts the senior lead warrior not to leave any expectations out.

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