camp bixby canyon bridge ― intro


king rat
Nov 6, 2022
..... A bitter chill swept between the tangled thorns of the bramble shelter, ruffling his thin fur until his very bones shivered as he slept. Brookpaw awoke with chattering teeth, amber eyes peeking into the darkness that still enveloped the rest of the apprentices' den. He blinked, partially sitting up as grogginess started to shake itself from his senses. It wasn't even morning yet ― why did it have to be so cold? It would be his first leaf-bare soon, something he could equally dread as much as any older cat based on the worried whispers he had overheard in camp.

..... Tiny claws sank into the wilting moss beneath him, before he dropped his chin back onto his forearms and curled inward on himself. Turning his back to the draft solved little, and the young cat soon hissed through clenched teeth in annoyance. Fine, if the world wanted him awake, he could be awake. His moss nest, though now more a scattered heap from all his tossing around, was the closest to the entrance; he still crept out of the bramble bush with caution, glancing over his shoulder at the other sleeping bodies. Assuring himself that he didn't disturb any other apprentice from their sleep, Brookpaw plopped himself down beside the entrance, tail coiling around his paws. The earth beneath him was colder than it had been in the den, with his small body gradually trembling more and more the longer he stayed in one place. Maybe he would freeze to death in one place, becoming as solid as a stone. But to any experienced feline, the apprentice was being quite dramatic about the early morning temperatures.

..... Nearby, a small puddle collected overnight in the hardening mud, garnering his attention. He slowly shuffled closer toward it, blinking down at the wobbly reflection that soon peered back at him in vague disgust. He still looked very much like a kit, despite the fact that he was in training. Or, should have been in training. His mentor disappeared without leaving a trace of hair or hide behind, her fate largely unknown to the entire clan. And as such, the ditched apprentice was left in limbo, enviously watching the others go out to train with their mentors. He could only imagine all the fun they were having, all the cool techniques they were learning. His reflection curled its lips at himself, the frustrated expression hastily dispersed by a paw splashing down into the puddle. If it wasn't so cold, he'd leave camp all by himself. But instead, he slumped back down into a seated position, eyes downcast as he sulked alone and waited for the sun to rise. He could ask to tag along with someone on a patrol then, but he doubted it.
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The weather was getting colder, Starlingpaw would admit that. She shivers as she limps her way out of the medicine cats den, taking in a large lung full of the crisp leaf-fall morning air, her eyes scanning the clearing as she looks hopefully around for one of her siblings, her mentor, her friends but only lands on a Brookpaw. She was not familiar with the tom by any means, but she knew who he was. She contemplates even saying anything, perhaps she could just pretend she didn’t see him… but not that was impossible. The camp was virtually empty right now, to turn and avoid eye contact like she so desperately wanted would be rude.

The black and white kitten makes her way over on three white feet, her fourth leg tucked close to her body so as not to put any pressure on it or disturb the bandaging of cobwebs and herbs her aunt had placed on top of the wound. "G-goo-goo-g-g-good m-m-morning" she stammers put nervously, a small wince the only indication that she is afraid how this cat will react to her stutter. The small smile never leaves her face. "No-no-n-no t-tr-train-training t-to-t-t-today?" she asks, motioning with her head to the entrance of the camp. She knows she would personally let her aunt just take her whole leg if it meant she could finally be useful again. For now though, this healing process had been a great way to test her patience.
siltpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Watching with hesitant green eyes, it takes a moment for the dull furred feline to gather the courage to slip over on near-silent paws to join the other apprentices. Frail form hunched and rather pathetic she can only offer a simple "Good morning," in greeting, unable to even look at the other two properly as she settles down nearby. She's simply content to bask in their presence - content to not be utterly alone.

Fogpaw had been stirred from his sleep when a desperate cricket tried to interrupt the sick with its infuriating song. It'll die in the winter anyways but he still felt a smidgen bad as he chased it back out to face its fate. It's then as he's watching the dark insect hop away that he realizes that someone is gone. Starling. If he lets something happen to his cousin while she's healing up, he'll never here the end of it from his mom. On a silent sigh, he steps out into the frigid morning after her scent and that's when he sees three little cat-shaped lumps by a puddle. It's like they want to be colder or something. Fog shuffles toward them with a nonvocal yawn.

Robbed of his voice as a kit, he can only look quizzically at the three with his ears held high. Everyone here is a little squirt compared to him (partly due to some of them being undersized and his thick coat of fur making him appear larger than he really is) and seeing them in the miserable cold is pitiful. He drops his long fluffy tail down by them in case anyone wants to use it to warm up before blowing a cold breath into the dawn and nodding to Silt's good morning in return. Brookpaw looks like he may be upset but with so little options in communication, Fog can only wait to see what he'll say to Starling.
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Granitepaw largely ignores his denmates unless they particularly vex him, and neither Brookpaw nor Fogpaw are in that category... yet. Fogpaw doesn't talk at all, just hangs around Bonejaw all day, which admittedly does net him negative points. Brookpaw... Granitepaw realizes he doesn't know anything about the brown tabby. Nothing except his sister and his friend are talking to him right now.

A strange pulse of possessive jealousy shoots through him. He doesn't know why he cares if these two weird toms talk to Siltpaw or Starlingpaw, but he does. He stalks close to the two she-cats, giving first Brookpaw and then Fogpaw a look through narrowed eyes. "I'm going to eat before Pitchstar drags me out of camp for some stupid reason," he declares. "Starlingpaw, Siltpaw, join me. We still actually have mentors who want us ready for patrols." A faint smugness creeps into his tone. His may hate his mentor, but at least he hadn't abandoned him.

- ,,
..... He heard the other apprentice before seeing her, ears perking up at the clumsy limp approaching from across the vacant camp. Brookpaw lifted his gaze, steadily watching Starlingpaw hobble closer. She seemed as indecisive about it as he did, though he couldn't care enough to move away from the advancing apprentice. He exhaled through his nose with a great sigh of defeat, even if he was pleasantly surprised to have company this early. "Hi, he plainly greeted, not batting an eye over her stutter. She was probably just as cold as he was. He did, however, frown to himself at the following question. "I dunno. Haven't trained in a bit." He preferred to leave it at that, hastily moving on to the next possible topic. Dark eyes flitted around for a better conversation focus, soon fixating on Starlingpaw's injured hind leg. A possum was responsible for the bite if he remembered right. "...How's your leg?" he abruptly questioned back, pointing a still-damp paw at the injured limb.

..... Two more apprentices arrived on the scene ― he stood up, fluffing out his short fur in a subconscious attempt to seem larger. Better than what he really was. "Not good morning," Brookpaw lightly teased back, "I'm freezin' my tail off." He lashed his tail to punctuate this, quietly sitting back down once his point was made. He never put in the effort to befriend anyone else, having been on his own for a good half of his short life. But the group around him seemed like a good start if he didn't ruin anything. Starlingpaw seemed nice enough, at the very least. Fogpaw's eyes bore holes into his back, wordlessly staring as Brookpaw cast a glance over his shoulder at him.

..... He might've said something if it hadn't been for Granitepaw. He glared right back at first, more out of confusion than a look with any actual venom behind it. Only to flinch back at his words, ears flattening against his skull. His cheeks heated with embarrassment, though Brookpaw couldn't bring himself to even stammer out a response for several beats. "Yeah, well... have fun gettin'..." He faltered, before shaking his head and lamely tacking on, "Gettin' bossed around or whatever." He couldn't let Granitepaw know just how deep his words had cut. It was instinctual, really, to pretend like he wasn't vulnerable. Brookpaw forced a grin back at the other apprentice, his eyes not quite scrunching with his bared teeth.

Brookpaw is not as difficult to talk to as Starlingpaw had first imagined. Sure, it’s a little awkward but he was nothing like Granitepaw, at least he didn’t snap at her. But underneath his rough exterior she knew better, he was actually just a big softie. She is about to answer the other apprentices question about her leg, to tell him it’s on the mend but not all the way there yet, but before she can open her mouth to say so other cats are joining her and Brookpaw. She smiles at them and dips her head in a friendly nod.

When Granitepaw comes she can’t help but frown a little bit, eyes knitting together in visible confusion. "I-I I-I’m I can-can’t- I-im no-n-n-not s-supposed to to l-leave y-y-yet m-my my l-le-leg is- it’s s-st-st-still h-he-he-heal-healing" she thought he knew this, perhaps something was wrong with him? She looks at the worried expression on his face, studying him for a moment before her expression softens. "p-perhaps-perhaps w-we-we co-could sh-share a-a m-meal to-to-toooo-together?" she suggests. "b-break-breakfast d-does it d-does s-s-sound-sound g—g-good" she sweeps her tail to the other cats around them indicating all are invited as she turns to give Brookpaw a friendly smile.
siltpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Watching the odd battle of wills happening before her, siltpaw can only sigh wearily as she stands. Gaze is longing, but she doesn't want to fight with granite today. She doesn't want to loose the only family she has left over such a silly thing as making friends. Shuffling along in her usual awkward manner she nods, gaze averted as she slinks forwards. "Bye," her words to the two toms are quiet and hushed - barely more than a whisper as she follows along obediently. She wonders absently what await s her on patrol today, before deciding it doesn't matter.


Claypaw had been busy staring at Frogpaw and Brookpaw with awe from all the way over in his own nest, wondering how he had got so lucky to have two cute guys living under the same roof as him. Both of them were interesting in thier own ways. Honestly, waking up to seeing them the first thing in the morning was just...the perfect way of starting his early...very early day. He should be sleeping and perhaps he would have still if not something else had been keeping him up that night.

He would have stayed put like that, satisfied not to interfere this time around if not Granitepaw had said something so uncalled for to Brookpaw!. That made his cheeks blow up in mild annoyance. Talk about throwing salt in open wounds. He decided to get up on his paws making his way over with a lazy smile. " Hey Brookpaw!, you wanna follow with me and Cloudstep later?. That old man keeps on nagging me i need to spar more with others. I think i could learn a thing or two from you!." he said with a beaming grin, hoping that it would brighten his denmate mood up a bit after that nasty remark from Grumpypaw. Beside that...the idea of getting pinned down by Brookpaw didn't sound all that bad to him!.

Starlingpaw offered for them to share breakfast with her, Slitpaw and Grumpypaw which honestly didn't sound like a bad idea(even if Slitpaw already seemed to be leaving). Maybe he could throw some of his food in Granitepaw's face...not like he actually would do it because he didn't wanted to attempt death again so close to his previous one but it for sure was an entertaining thought on how Grumpypaw would react if he did that!.