camp Black-Eyed Susans | Prompt

Firefang was swift as the very wind her clan was named after she normally was flawless knowing the moors like her own paws, being able to make quick turns and dive into every bush without issue. Not today however, she'd sent herself careening right into the flowers clumsily, to focused on catching the hare that now hung limp in her jaws dragging on the grass as she carried it into camp. Her body was sore and she'd say the trouble and pain was worth it, she was just glad no one had been around to see her scuffed kill nor the way she rolled and tussled with it in the flowers before finally making the killing blow. In her frenzy she seemed to get something stuck in her fur, twisting into it becoming knotted in her thick neck fur - she'd been able to pick a few petals that'd gotten tuck on her flank and where she could reach but her back and neck she couldn't manage to get.

Getting the freshkill back to camp was priority, she could stomach the embarrassment - keeping full bellies was important to her, after everything she still prided herself on being a good warrior, her responsibilities wouldn't be skipped. Finally she enters the threshold of camp, approaching the pile and dropping off her prize before retreating to a nice sunspot to try and continue to clean herself. She'd slop onto her side roughly jaws snapping to try and reach the unreachable and it's not the best sight to see her in. She wants the evidence of her crash gone regardless if what was in her fur was beautiful flowers or weeds. A growl rumbles in her throat he frustration building, she curses a little to loudly. Bringing attention to herself she may not have wanted.

"Foxdung! Urghh!"

  • ⊱✿⊰ It seems your character has gotten some wildflowers tangled in their fur while out on patrol or playing in camp! Do they leave them or ask someone for help getting them out?
  • wiki_firefang_1.png
    Firefang She/Her, Warrior of Windclan, 18moons
    Black tabby she-cat with amber eyes. former-loyalist of Sootstar, Moorunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
Firefang is not alone in her contamination. Sunstar had given up on his own pelt upon his return, but that did not mean he was entirely devoid of shame for such things. They were of a similar shape, the two of them — great-pawed warriors, once proud warriors of Sootstar, once among her most devout. He had not taken to it as easily as she had, yet easily enough that he could recall a sensation of guilt at not doing so. To be less loyal than a warrior far younger, who had not been so clearly saved from a life outside of WindClan: this was a terrible failing of his. Now things were different, and so too were they. Even if his mind clung to wariness when he thinks of her former loyalty, the warrior knows this is something he must confront. So her cry of frustration does not bring him joy. He follows it with concern and trepidation in equal measure, until he is met with the snapping jaws of a wild beast.

He puts out a gentle paw until it touches her shoulder, pressing soothingly down. "You'll find yourself in Wolfsong's den if you treat yourself so harshly. And you will be adorned with far worse than a few flowers." Even if he found comfort in the scent of bitter herbs, he knows with certainty that not many others would.

  • OOC.
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

༄༄ Scorchstreak has only just returned from a patrol, an attempt to clean up what Sootstar had allowed to fall into disrepair, when she hears a roar fill the peace of the gorse-walled camp. Fiery eyes fall upon Firefang, one of Sootstar’s most loyal up until the end. First the calico’s eyes narrow, claws slipping from their sheaths for the barest of moments as she assesses the situation. Has the ex-loyalist decided to cause a stir within camp itself—perhaps going so far as to attack a clanmate? But no, it seems the dark-furred moor runner has simply found herself pelted with souvenirs from her trek outside of camp.

Unlike some of her longer or thinner-furred companions, Scorchstreak is blessed with a short, coarse coat of fur. It suits her perfectly as a tunneler, and is dense enough to prevent debris from getting caught in it—with the notable exception of the loose dirt that shakes from her form with each delicate step that the she-cat takes toward where Firefang, and now Sunstar, stand. Her expression betrays none of her suspicion, however, remaining just as carefully neutral as always. Sunstar, of course, is sympathetic to the warrior’s plight, and so Scorchstreak approaches with a suggestion. "Why don’t you ask someone else to help you remove them? It sounded like a badger had slipped into camp," she says, fiery eyes flitting between the two. Of course, the calico will not be the one to assist unless asked directly, but she is curious to see whether Firefang would ask for help. They are a united WindClan, after all; anyone should be content to help when asked.
AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — If one were to take even the briefest of glances in Rattleheart's direction, they would be able to identify that she had not been made for the life of a moor runner. Her legs were the only lengthy part of her body, making up a significant chunk of her form even as they didn't raise her to any particularly impressive heights. The lead warrior wasn't tall or sturdy enough to throw herself through the moorland grasses with wild abandon, knowing that the battering she would take from such an action would be far too much for her to handle. Instead she was content to slowly navigate the labyrinth that lingered beneath all of their paws, a lake of darkness that brought her comfort where others felt apprehension.

A happy side effect of existing primarily below the ground was that she rarely had to worry about getting thorns or flowers caught in her pelt of black and white, dirt the only thing that usually stained the unruly tufts of fur. That and the occasional rock, though that was thankfully a much more infrequent occurrence.

Firefang did not have that same luxury, her furious growl of frustration grabbing Rattleheart's attention as she slipped into camp soon after her sister. Much like Scorchstreak, her first instinct turned towards an action far more sinister - had they just walked into another battle in the place that was meant to be their home, and sanctuary? The thought made her heart sink and twist, claws slipping free from their usual hiding place until the tunneler realized what was actually going on. "Oh. If it's any consolation, they really don't look that bad against your pelt." Though she somehow doubted that the moor runner would particularly care, not exactly seeming like the type to decorate her pelt for the sake of aesthetics alone. "I can help with getting them out, if you need." Though she was still wary of Firefang and any other former loyalists even at the best of times, she didn't intend on turning her back on a clanmate in need, especially with a task so simple when done carefully. Even Sootspot would be given such an offer, even if the thought of him accepting such help was enough to make Rattleheart snort in amusement.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    49 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic

"I think they look nice on you." His voice rises like a gentle breeze, soft spoken and light and his blue gaze drifts across the flowers tangled in Firefang's pelt and so prominent against the darker fur of his clanmate. His heavy paws and long stride bring him alongside his father, a mirror image reflecting Sunstar's own concern but not for what darker musings rise within his father's mind but a small selfish worry that cats shared a similar opinion to the fiery warrior regarding fur adornments. Since finding the fields covered once more in flora he had made it a habit to adorn his pelt in the vibrant red splash of poppy flowers and occasionally blue wildflowers if he happened across any of a lighter sky blue shade. His fur prickled as he stood there, heat flushing through his pelt and he shifted from paw to paw self-consciously.


  • 75204791_pMEBRLaFNue5FJp.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Chocolate Rosette Tabby w/blue eyes.


Firefang could hate Sunstar curse his name, spit her ire to the stars for backing a traitor a false pariah but she doesn’t. Sootstar had picked him as a deputy after she’d exiled Badgermoon - he was far from a bad choice she’d picked him for a reason. Yet her loyalty still lay with the mad tyrant more then it lays in him, but she does not hate him no not at all. All she feels is uneasiness towards him, she waits for a pin to drop for him to turn and see more for her treachery then her skills as a warrior. It’s not unfounded, if she were him she’d have never allowed any of her defiers back into the ranks.

She is to distracted to see him approach, and it’s only when there’s a light pressure on her shoulder that she starts, her tail fluffing up in surprise and her balance failing her as she sways back falling onto her side a kittish mraow escaping past her maw. She blinks up at him and tries to regain her composure and pride (she still clings to it like a kit to a teat no matter how much has been ripped from her.) She shifts to sit, her head hanging low she cringed visibly at his warning. She’d rather have burrs in her paw pads for a moon than deal with Wolfsong. "Errr right. I’ll be more careful" she knows better than to make any snide comments about the toms mate. She won’t test his patience on that front.

Her skin itches from where her teeth have snagged her fur and where the flowers still tangle into it. She fights the urge to gnaw again, she can’t in front of him and now sadly for her she’s gotten the attention of more than just him. Her ears fold back as Scorchstreak approaches, she eyes her strangely at her recommendation. She’s never been one to ask for help, she’d struggle and fight until she got what she wanted to accept help was a form of weakness. She wasn’t weak, nor was she a badger! She wasn’t that loud was she?

Before she can snap a defense and refuse any semblance of help the sound of Rattlehearts steps stop her. Her nose crinkles at her clanmates compliment, it wouldn’t be the only she’d hear as Bearpaw had come over to offer his own. "Not my style. I’d never live it down if I went into battle lookin’ like this" she sticks her tongue out briefly as if disgusted by the thought. However she’s given an offer, one she doesn’t have to beg for. She manages to skimp out of bowing her head and asking someone to help her, help is handed to her and she nods her head. Her eyes avert away from Rattleheart’s as she meows "please"