camp BLACK FEATHER // first catch

He had been working hard for this day to finally arrive. Every lesson he had been given he had taken seriously to learn something valued from so this day could become a reality. Everything he had been doing up until now had been for this moment to capture his first prey. It was the first step to achieve his longterm goal. From here on out everything was going to become more difficult, more challenges. Lividpaw knew that but he was prepared to face them all. Nothing would stand in his way, every obsticle he would overcome along the way.

It was a crow that he brought in, pitch black almost like his own fur. For sure killing a crow as his first prey was not an easy task to chase after something that could take flight. Little did they all know that the crowd had been injured which had given Lividpaw an advantage in the hunt but nonetheless it was a catch all the same. The injure had made the bird slow in it's motions not giving it enough time to take flight into the sky before Lividpaw like an hurricane had struck it down, ending it's life without a second of a doubt.

The moment he arrived into camp with the crowd hanging from his maw, his very own brother would run up to him with this big wide eyes tha glowed with light. " Wow brother! did you catch that crow?!, like all on your own?!. You're so amazing i knew you could do it!!." Basilpaw would cheer loudly as he accompanied Lividpaw into camp as he was heading towards the fresh kill pile as he was unable to answer any of his brothers words thanks to the crow in his mouth. So he just moved on forward his attention fixed straight ahead and not sparing even one glance at his brother's direction. all while his brother keept on throwing out his compliments with that well known mouth that never stopt talking.

The two truly were like night and day.


swallowpaw 04 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

Being an apprentice is not nearly as exciting as Swallowpaw had hoped. Snowpaw certainly doesn't seem to like him very much, and Scorchedmoon certainly wasn't going to be convinced to break chilledstars rules and take him to see what lay outside the camp walls. (Not that swall had asked - he's not that stupid)

Instead, he finds his time otherwise occupied. People watching has become a frequent pass-time where he'd once slept the day away, and now is hardly different, mismatched blue eyes glittering in the light when Lividpaw all but struts into camp with his catch. Swallowpaw can't blame him - it's impressive, especially given he's hardly older than him. But it's not worth Basilpaws excited yapping, is it? Anyone could do it, given enough time or skill or - whatever. Head tilts to the side, and he offers only a bitter - " Looks yummy, " before losing interest.

He's not even allowed to eat it after all - he has to finish his stupid chores first, because that's what apprentices do or whatever.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

It's rare that he immediately knows what to say in any given situation. So when he does, he finds that it's more difficult to stop. Because that's what Smogmaw had praised him for — speaking his mind. Speaking up. " Anything looks yummy in Leaf - bare " he says. Even the mangled corpses of rats. Even carrion. even prey crushed to dust beneath a monster's paws.

But, uh... that wasn't the right thing to say. Not as any sort of warrior. Not to any fledgling apprentice. it couldn't be her fault, if Lividpaw decided he was going to start killing ShadowClanners, someday. They never treat me right, he might think, while running through so much mud you couldn't smell the blood on him anymore. Sharpshadow didn't owe him that, being... nice. But, um... Maybe he wanted to. For the greater good, that is.

What were they talking about?

The catch. The super duper yummy... uh, crow, he finds, when he swings his head toward the apprentice in question. He always thought crows were more feathers than meat. But then, frogs were more slimy skin than meat, too, and rabbits were more a bad memory than food. " Oh. Now that i see it, this one is extra yummy, though. Good job, " he recovers, hopefully only a little bit awkwardly. Yummy is such a stupid word. it makes him sound like a kit, but he needed to give the word " yummy " his all at this point, for ShadowClan's sake, or something.

  • lCF0Qq1.png

  • 77138241_LGsAhejnM5wt5R0.png
    SHARPSHADOW: he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms ; 20 moons old as of 2.13.24 ; ages every 8th
    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.
    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3

[ ༻❄༺ ] Seeing Lividpaw strut in with a crow, and then her best friend being almost ignored for giving him compliments itked her. So, she got onto her paws and moved to stand near Sharpshadow while looking down at the prey, unimpressed before glancing at the other. "Oh cool, you finally caught something" she stated towards Lividpaw. Making it a reminder he had not been the first of their group that had become apprentices only a few moons back, that he only came in second to who caught their prey first.

Perhaps the reason for it was her own distaste in how he simply seemed to pay his own brother no mine, the one who was cheering him on, it irked him. Basilpaw was showing how much he cared for his sibling and this is how he was being repayed? She still couldn't get it wrapped around her mind that Basilpaw can't see this himself. Well, if Basilpaw wasn't going to say anything, than she'd make it obvious to Lividpaw she wasn't a fan on him and how he treated his own sibling.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Rivalry between apprentices was nothing new to the Clans, to the forest, even! There were plenty in the den around her age that Lilacfur would have wanted nothing more than to see them stumble so she could have her own limelight. Of course the days of malicious competition was long behind her and had not lasted long given the pattern of repetitive tragedy in her youth. Rivalries were given up in favor of friendships, and plenty of those had lasted moons longer than jealousy ever could.

A burst of feathers underpaw, following Lividpaw in a trail behind his heels had told the molly he had found success in the marshes. "Great job, Lividpaw! That'll be a great piece to share, you have any neat tips to share with your denmates?" Lilacfur's gaze flickered to Shadepaw as she spoke, excited for when the tabby would bring home her own prey.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

Lividpaw had just dropt the crow down at the pile of food when he heard a remark of his catch that was rather odd. Yummy. Of course it was Swallowpaw out of all cats who would comment out something like that. He couldn't say he was suprised. " Oh yeah it looks yummy!! like the yummies bird i have ever seen!." Basilpaw agreed, speaking for both of them since Lividpaw lacked any interest to even respond. He was about to turn to just walk of instead to leave both Swallowpaw and Basilpaw behind to wander into a more quiet spot in camp while reflecting on his first catch if there was anything he could have done differently or improve on. For some reason though the clan always seemed to want to acknowledge an apprentice succeed nothing how small it was.

Sharpshadow was another odd one who repeated what Swallowpaw had just said. Yummy. Coming from a warrior it was mildly distasteful to hear one of them use a such childish word. "Thanks." He kept it very simply thinking that was as far his politiness were worthy to go.

Basilpaw seemed to shine up when he spotted his friend arrival but Lividpaw looked unfazed, indifferent to the only friendship his brother had managed to make this far in their den. Never would he understand it thinking friendships were nothing but an nuisance to have, something that would just stand in his way. At least it made his brother less clingy. Her false attempt to praise him were as sour as always. It hadn't taken him long to realise that Snowpaw did not seem to like him very much. But that had never been an issue to him. " It's normal to catch our first prey at our age. " he would state facts to her, unbothered that she had been the first one. Lividpaw had wanted his first catch to be something more of a challenge, something different from a frog or lizard. He did not wish to be simply be one with the crowd.

Lilacfur was the one and only one who had a genuine praise to give to him. She was most likely the only one today he would hear such words from. Lividpaw knew better to expect anything more, to expect anything at all really. " No i dont." he refused to share his knowledge as he looked away. His knowledge was his own to have and nobody else unless they could give him a reason to what he would benefit himself from sharing it.