BLACK HOLE SUN | prompt, monster

Pebblestep seldom complained when he was sent on border patrol, even when those borders seemed treacherous. ShadowClan had not been trouble for some time, the gratitude he felt for them sheltering ThunderClan for some time not yet lost. WindClan was... WindClan, quiet as of late but he doubted trouble would come unless they tried to retake what was stolen from the clans (it would happen eventually, wouldn't it?) RiverClan was RiverClan, and the less time he had to spend near their river, the better. His border adventures took Pebblestep to the thunderpath that day where, not too long into his scentmarking and observations of what lay beyond, revealed a strange shape stopped on the edge of it, just barely grazing the grasses that ThunderClan called home. Four circular black paws, yellow eyes that shone like sunbeams, clear skin that showed off the beasts leathery bones - was that a monster? It had to be, it was huge and ugly and on the Thunderpath, but Pebblestep could not remember a time where he had seen one just still the way that this one was.

The monster was an icy blue, it reminded Pebblestep of murky water lingering beneath a frozen lake - equally as deadly, he imagined. Lives lost to the Thunderpath were an all too common occurrence within his home, even lingering nearby brought a heaviness to his mind that he wanted to be rid of, but Pebblestep didn't think he could just ignore the fact that the azure monster had stopped. That meant something had happened to it, or the Twoleg that carried it around. Shuffling to the side a little revealed an open maw, a Twoleg shoving its hand into it, smoke emerging from the monster in protest. The smell was off, not quite the same as the smoke he had been warned about, but dangerous all the same. He turned his head, watching his patrolmates shuffle ever closer to his hiding spot. "There's a monster... it's stopped. A Twoleg is doing s-something to it..." Pebblestep whispered. "Should we watch until it leaves? What if the Twoleg tries to hunt for its food?" What did monsters even eat? Surely not cats... did they? Slinking back slightly, the lilac tom awaited an answer from the highest authority on patrol.

[ icy blue ]


⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ monsters dashed across the path near constantly, always moving. it was rare that they stopped, even rarer that twolegs emerged from their idle bodies. this one blew a steady plume of smoke into the air, if they were any closer she was sure they'd choke on the scent.

her ears twitched, listening to pebblestep. what could they do here? it wasn't as if the monster could be chased off, too big a beast to even tempt that idea. sitting here, waiting it out when they surely had better things to do didn't seem ideal either. the twoleg was a threat too, usually they didn't bother thunderclan much but sunfreckle had only just returned from his run in with the creatures, they couldn't afford to lose any warriors here.

"we'll just have to wait it out, i don't see many other options..." she sighed, but left the floor open in case anyone else had an idea that didn't involve them wasting away here as they waited.

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-eight moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Monsters were not something that should ever be trifled with. He has not seen one kill, not first hand, but he's certainly heard of it, has seen what happens when a cat gets struck by one of those enormous black paws. Ragwortpaw, his mothers apprentice and his mates sister, had lost her life on the thunderpath he remembers. A tragedy it had been, he remembers the gray molly as all smiles, a bright ray of sunshine that had been extinguished so easily. It is with these thoughts in mind that he comes to stand next to Nightbird, golden eyes lingering on the azure colored creature before them. "I've never seen a monster get sick before" he observes, his voice level. Sick, because what else could it possibly be? Something was clearly wrong with it.

"If it lingers for much longer one of us will have to go back to camp and let Howlingstar know" he says in a way that suggests it was not going to be him. He was not letting such a dangerous creature out of his sights, not even for a mere moment. Depending on the length of its stay, they would have to send out patrols, rotate a guard to keep watch. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that. There were other, far more important things that he could be doing right now. Like hunting for the prey that was always needed in this season.