private black honey // dream

It had been a long exhausting day and Vulturemask was beyond tired. It was a nice relief to actually head to bed that night and despite it taking time for him to actually fell asleep eventually peace would come to his mind and the medicine cat was able to drift away from this world and far, far away into the night.

Vulturemask suddenly opened his eyes but he was no longer in the medicine den there he had laid himself down to rest in. No. He was not even on the moors or windclan territory. he was standing on a field with nothing that grew on it. No flowers, nothing. The sky was dark and cloudy and the most chilling wind came passing through his pelt. Vulturemask did not exactly felt warmth from this place...wherever he was anyhow. Suddenly he felt a present behind him, a voice calling out to him. The medicine cat would perk his ears straight up recognizing that voice. He swiftly turned himself around, his eyes wide but only for a brief second before they returned back to its usual stoic look. " You." was all he said, the only thing that dared passed through his mouth. Now he know for sure this was nothing but a dream.



She had not expected to make such an early departure to Starclan, nor had she expected being torn away from the one she loves once more. It's painful, nerve-grating, and yet somehow she feels a bit happier, wiser, knowing she can watch over her kin from above. Another thing she did not expect was to be drawn out to give those vague prophecies Starclan once gave her, only now does she see why.

Honey holds on for the day that Pollen rises in to their ranks, though hopefully not soon. It'd be a lot easier with her.

Vibrant paws moved forth, two-toned eyes squinting at the black cat before her. Once Leechpaw, now Vulturemask, a symbol of rebirth. They had come so far from a moor-runner apprentice, all the way to being a medicine cat like she had. Will the stress sink him, drown him like it had to her, push him to his limits like it had to Dandelion? Poor child. Will he thrive under his new title? Theres a sadness in her eyes that feels out of place as she gazes upon him. You, yes, its her. Surprising, isn't it? But the Stars don't have the power to change what goes on below, so she dips her head to deliver his news.

"Vulturemask," she'd greet, intaking a breath. Would he get what it means? "When the trees sprout their leaves, a confession will bring about an era of harmony." take care of my babies. Don't let them hurt Dandelion, but she cannot sway their opinions so as quick as she had appeared she turned tail, cinnamon form retreating regardless of questions thrown at her.

And like that, Honey was gone.


It took a moment for him to realise that this was not a dream, not a regular one anyhow. If so Honey wouldn't be shinning like the stars, in fact she wouldn't have been here at all. But why?. To think this even was possible...Did this often happen?. Was this how starclan had come visiting Sootstars dream as well to warn them about Dandelionwish?. Vulturemask. That made him blink his eyes, looking somewhat suprised like he not had expected for Honeytwist to speak out his name. Now he was back at the present though but before he could reflect all to much on what even was going on Honeytwist started to ramble words he did not really understood. Trees, confession, harmony?.

" What do you..." but no...his sentence got cut short as the cinnamon already had turned herself away to walk away leaving him with this message of confusion. Vulturemask couldn't just accept that. There was so many questions he had and wanted to have answered. So he took a step forward trying to call out to the disappearing starry cat. " Wait!, hold on you can-" A strong wind come straight towards him knocking him over while the figure of the former medicine cat disappeared among the chaos that had started to appear around him. Before he could even think for another second the ground under his paws gave in and he fell right into the blackness....

Vulturemask shut his eyes open, breath almost in his throat. Panting he nervousely looked around himself noticing he was back in the medicine den. What had just happend?. And why had Honey looked at him like that for. What did her words even mean...

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