pafp BLACK LOTUS // gift

Flowers were not only for decoration in the nest or to look pretty upon somebodys head. No. Vulturemask knew they had a lot more of a useful task then that. Sometimes he even finds it wasteful to let a flower wither away instead of using it for its worth. Opinions like these he kept to himself though knowing the entrancing magic flowers had on the majority of the clan. No need to tramp on somebody's feelings. He was so good at doing that anyway. Vulturemask mouth was full with flowers as he returned back to camp alongside two other warriors who had accompanied him because of course the lockdown still refered to him as well even during his search for herbs. That day had been a pleasant surprise though as he had find many to his own liking. Not every one of them might be as useful as some of them was but the medicine cat had decided to take them along with him anyway. Lately his den had been covered with flowers, given to him for some strange reason. Despite how he may act to most in the clan Vulturemask was not one who would throw away a gift that had been meant for him. Cruel and cold he might be but not heartless. Not quite yet anyway.

// @whitepaw
prompt - give a gift to an clanmate

Ever since she had gifted the medicine cat some moss and flowers, she's been occasionally visiting his den to take refuge from the sun. It was dark and quiet, and she liked it. Though she made it a habit to not visit the herbal den unless its main resident was there. Having just finished some chores, she spotted the raven-furred medicine cat making his return to camp, a bundle of flowers in his teeth. Curiosity tickled at the young femme and she quietly padded over. "Vulturemask?" She called softly to the ebony feline, rose-hued eyes focused on the blossoms in his maw. "Are those all herbs?" She asked. Having not been able to join the medicine patrols, she was minorly curious. Did they all look like flowers?
periwinklepaw | 09 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Half delirious with sleep, it is whitepaws quiet voice that draws the boys attention, clear gaze giving a slow, blurry blink as he takes in the scene. Vulturemask with a mouth full of flowers - herbs most likely. Its still such a strange sight - such a strange reality, with dandy gone and vult in his place. A yawn splits his jaw wide, teeth flashing, and he quietly sinks back down into the lull of half-slumber, keeping one eye open to take in the scene. Its nice, he thinks, seeing the healer get along with others.