private Black Reach | Second Patrol

Dispersing from Cicadastar's patrol, another one was left behind. Their leader would place a facade, use silver-tongued words to woo their newfound neighbors and keep his generosity apparent. But he is no fool, he knows his patrol is well outnumbered from nomadic cats—and he has kept himself quite prepared for whatever to happen. Cindershade prowls through sparring reeds, head low as they follow behind. She would not let her guard falter, no matter how 'friendly' the Ripple Colony came off as—looks were deceiving. She knew that as well as anyone, and the rosetted warrior would lead her own patrol through the meadows that riddled with wet moss and mud.
Once the last member of her leader's patrol has dwindled from her sight, the lead warrior will turn to her own. Warriors that she has hand-picked for their low profile and stealth that combats her own. Warriors that she trusts to seek out that this mission be completed with utmost competency and discretion. The Ripple Colony will never know that they linger behind—waiting, watching for any suspicious behavior. She holds her trust to them now, a rare gift to be bestowed and she prays that they not waste it. "I want us to be fully camouflaged. These cats must not ever know that we are here or else they will react defensively. I want you all to roll yourselves in mud—disguise your scent and become one with the land. I do not care if you don't like it—we will wash off in the river afterwards." She will pause briefly, seeking out each member of her patrol with a narrowed gaze. She waits for any shift of discomfort, any inclination of a complaint before she moves on. "Once you've readied yourselves—fan out. Stay within each other's sights. We should be able to hear Cicadastar's call from here. If it comes to blows—we will be ready." And with that, she dismisses them with a flick of her tail. The lead warrior will move first, fighting then grimace that wants to reveal on her own face when she stares at the clay before her. It's a good tactic—very effective. But it was not her favorite one. The air here is stagnant, the sun beating down on them with fieriocity that seems to make the fish smell here even more prominent than back home. In a quick movement, she dives into the mud and rolls multiple times to coat herself in it. It sticks to her sleek fur, clinging in uneven coats of earthen brown till she was hardly a shadow any more. Reluctantly she thinks, that at least it cooled her heated back from the sun's rays. Still, she did not like this on the slightest.

@LIGHTNINGSTONE @hazecloud @Lakemoon . @Poppysong @Sablepaw



LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Lakemoon is silent as she follows on the heels of Cindershade, weaving between clumped reeds with ease.
When Cindershade turns to look at them, Lakemoons hardened gaze turns to Flutterpaw for a heartbeat.
Her apprentice was young, but also capable and full of potential. Lakemoon had decided to trust that under a close eye, Flutterpaw could accompany her. In the back of her mind, she hopes she made the right decision, that the warrior wasn’t already screwing up her first apprentice by putting too much pressure on likely fragile shoulders.
After a moment, Lakemoons gaze is back on Cindershade, nodding along. She was all too aware of the importance of this patrol.
"You stick by me the entire time, no wandering. You listen to any command given to you, and you stay quiet. If things go south, you will not be participating in any combat, you run and you get to safety. Understood?" Her words are stern when she speaks to her apprentice, but the instructions were vital to the patrols success, and more importantly her apprentices safety. While the warriors trust was there, it was only faintly so until she felt as though it could grow, bit by bit.
After she received acknowledgment from Flutterpaw she’d give him a nod, "Good. Go camouflage as Cindershade said, then find me."
She would not be far behind in her order, finding the nearest mud patch and beginning the process without hesitation.
Despite the fact that being dirty made her skin crawl.

// apprentice tag @Flutterpaw

Despite how often the silky-furred cat was in the midst of other cats, loudly chatting their ears off or giggling at poorly made jokes, Hazecloud was adept in going covert. It came naturally, refined by days making herself disappear to avoid her parents gaze. Silent paws made for unaware ears, and the more they weren't aware of her the better. As she grew to train and learn in the wilds of the forest her stealth became a confident skill, far more than anything she had put a paw in before. Chicorybite could have his shining glory in battle or whatever one could call it, she would prefer keeping herself hidden in plain sight.

When Cindershade had selected her to join their Clanmates meeting the colony once again, the wariness she felt from Cicadastar's patrol was overwhelmed with glowing pride. She would not have to meet these outsiders face-to-face, but she was more than happy watching from afar. Back-up, in the worst case.

Then the Lead Warrior would instruct them to roll about in the mud and she can hardly believe the command. Non-negotiable? Cindershade must have seen the look on her face as she quickly dismisses any protest- she wouldn't budge for anyone. The river would do well enough.

Maybe for you, I have double the fur!

But she is silent and above all, obedient. If what happened with Lichentail was any hint at what could greet her home if she didn't comply, Hazecloud wanted nothing to do with it. Her method of covering herself is less exciting than their Lead. She did not dive into the puddle, but instead slowly sank into it cringingly. She pried a paw free from the muck to place even strokes of mud across her ashen face and held down a shudder. She detested the filth.

When she rose, Hazecloud was no longer recognizable by any means. All smoky blue hairs clogged with a mixture of muddy browns and reds. Clumped together and weighing her down. She steadied herself and crawled back to Cindershade, silent still.
In every situation you give me peace
The honor of being picked to accompany Cindershade on this follow up mission was a huge boost to her pride. Not that it would have shown in any sort of capacity, Sablepaw was not a vain cat. Regardless, she huddles close to overhear what her mentor has to say before feeling the corners of her lips pull in a minor frown that she attempts to right before the lead warrior could see. While the tactic to cloak oneself in mud to hide your scent was phenomenal, she did not enjoy the thought of being layered in that much filth. Peeling away from the group she looms over a thick puddle of mud, ears falling slightly as she steps into its depths. Her spine tingles with a full body shiver as she steps the rest of the way in and proceeds to roll with a grimace upon her face. It squelched between her toes and slicked her fur back but the deed was done. From there she stalks back over to stand close to Cindershade, periwinkle eyes watchful.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead