" riverclan, gather. now. "

it is a stark contrast to the meeting previous. the mottled tom shoved into camp with his common fervor, head low and teeth already bared. with a mighty leap he pushed himself skyward, launches atop tallrock and lands upon unsheathed paws to turn — to stare down at those who gather, scampering towards the little patch of winding river that surrounds his throne, ” hyacinthbreath is gone. should you see her, you’re to show no mercy. she cannot help but feel for those windclan dogs, even at the wrong end of their claws — i will not risk the lives of my own to make up for her weakness. “ his voice casts like a howl amidst the wind, ” riverclan needs strength. loyalty! and we have proven ourselves capable of only one. not again! “ not again, not again. he would not be embarrassed in front of such scum, he would not be shown so weak as to spare such worthless life. hyacinthbreath had made a mistake he would not see again, should he have to scream it to the treetops and further, ” i have dug the weeds from my council, and those slots are ready to be filled with those who have proven themselves!

he pads to the very edge of his rock, lifts his head. this. this was it. he can feel the kindling of strength in his paws, can feel the flare of excitement that bites at his chest and levels him with a wild, fang - baring smile, ” i have watched these warriors stay true to their promise — i have seen them defend this clan at the cost of their life! “ time and time again, he’s watched them unsheath their claws. the first, sunrise after sunrise. since dark paws had followed in his steps across the river, since he had settled with him at his guardians grave. since he had lain in a pool of spilling blood, bathed in the falls — since he had been ensnared, loosened by careful teeth. had he not been such a fool, had he not listened to the medicine cat. the medicine cat.. he shakes his head of the thought, ” so it should come as no surprise that i am appointing smokethroat to my deputy position. i say these words before starclan so that they may approve my choice — “ it’s said with no waver to his voice. it’s said without an inch of give, with a hard stare into the crowd — a dare, a slit - pupiled glare with no room for defiance, ” every breath he breathes is for riverclan. every waking moment, every thought — for the clan. you are to listen to his every word in my stead, but such should be nothing new. “

his mate. of course, his mate. the tom wouldn’t betray him, he wouldn’t sneak at his back — wouldn’t tear down the structure he’d built for more moons than he could now count. icy eyes find the tom, finds a single eye with his own hard, eager gaze. together. he thinks. strong, together. ” he is not the only one i’ve my eye on. “ pale eyes finally, finally move to find two more faces. familiar, even more so when curled into battle - ridden snarls, ” in place of willowroot, i am appointing petalnose and lichentail to lead warrior alongside cindershade and snakeblink — should they both accept. “ his head lowers just a bit, though pallid luminaries never waver from their faces, flicking to and fro for a brief beat. there is no question to him, not even the barest thought that they would refuse him — and thus he continues after word from them both, a wicked smile, ” you are both strong, opinionated. lichentail, i watched you launch yourself at windclan without a moments hesitation, at the mere call. petalnose, i’ve watched you put a paw down to stand for what you believe is right. you are forces to be feared — forces i need on my council. “

the tom sucks in a breath, not realizing how long - winded he’d been speaking until he reaches the very end. he takes a moment to hear the cries, the screeches of congratulations, the murmur of rumor, of scandal. it was a lot to take in, but the leader persists — he puffs his chest, clears his throat after moments of noise and great cheer, ” now, we have many kits to be apprenticed this moon, as well! wagtailkit, littlekit, chicorykit, brookkit, meadowkit, brightkit and brookkit. my! “ with a loud chuckle, the man finally settled back on his haunches, watching the little ones wriggle forward amidst the crowd. queen - groomed ( or, in lightningstone’s situation, he supposed it different ) and spiffy for their appearance, ” our queens will get some much needed rest tonight, yes? unfortunately, i can’t say the same for our apprentices. “ an amused smile is cast towards some of the older apprentices, humor glinting in wide blue eyes, before he moves to continue.

” wagtailkit, you’ve reached three moons and it is time for you to begin your apprenticeship. “ pallid gaze fixated on the bicolored kitten, looking down his nose with expression fixed in grim, yet soft - eyed seriousness, ” until you reach your warrior name, you will be known as wagtailpaw. you’ll be appointed to willowroot. “ he moves to look at them, to find them amidst the crowd. were they ready? he swallows hard, ” they are a good friend of mine, and i know they will train you well. “

” littlekit, it’s time for you to be apprenticed. until you reach warriorhood, you will hereby be known as littlepaw. he smiles, twitching an ear, ” your mentor will be honeystone. may she pass down all her knowledge to you. “ she would, he knows. the molly was smart, he had faith in her, ” and chicorykit. you’ve reached three moons, and it’s time to begin your training. from this day forth, you shall be known as chicorypaw, and you are to be mentored by emberflower. “ cindershade’s sister. if she was anything like the molly, she would do well.

now, buckgait’s kittens. lightningstone’s kits. they would be strong, hearty swimmers — with hope, they would take after their sire moreso than their wretched mother, ” meadowkit, brightkit and brookkit. you’ve all reached three months, and it is time to begin your apprenticeships. meadowkit, from this day forth you will be known as meadowpaw. a glance towards a familiar blue figure. he knew not whether this would be a gift or punishment, for either of the two — but he continues anyway, after swiping a tongue quick over dark lips, ” lightningstone will be your mentor. i have full faith that he will pass everything he knows unto you. “ the tom had proven himself time and time again, after all.

” brightkit, from this day forth you shall be known as brightpaw. your mentor will be smokethroat. “ free of iciclefang, though he knew such was more of a loss than the tom would admit. appointed one of their former deputy’s kits, however.. his whiskers twitch if the tom meets his eye, purposeful. he knew what he was doing, ” you’ll do well to pay attention. our new deputy will train you well, whether you are ready for it or not. “ it was said like a joke, despite none to be found.

” finally, brookkit. until you reach warriorhood, you are to be known as brookpaw. the last of the litter. his paws shuffle beneath him, restless, “ your mentor will be lichentail. should she teach you what i witnessed her lay upon windclan, you will be one of the greatest warriors to be seen. “ what a combatant she was.

” as you’re all aware, the gathering is in one sunrise. those attending will be clayfur, smokethroat, petalnose, lichentail, cindershade, aspenhaze, iciclefang and honeystone. your apprentices may attend as you see fit. “ members of that fated patrol, those with a sharp and unwavering tongue. his thick tail flicks eagerly at the tip, ” look alive, look well. flaunt windclan’s failures to the clans, make this a warning! we are riverclan! ” his voice lifts, nearly shouting to the willow tops, ” make them regret ever crossing us. remind them that despite our hardships, we are still a force to be reckoned with! i told you we would not be weak forever — we would not suffer long at the paw of thieves and rats! “ he lifts his muzzle, takes a deep, steady breath of crisp, warm air. he grins to the sky, ” greenleaf is back, and so are we. remind everyone who the stars most bless. “ where the river runs full, and the betrayers.. well, he certainly hoped she ran fast enough, ” youre dismissed. “

  • i. HUGE. HUGE CONGRATS TO @Smokethroat & RAI AS OUR NEW DEPUTY !! she’s been a huge help since the very beginning and i am so so grateful to have had you on the team. @lichentail and @Petalnose youve both shown amazing activity and presence both ic & ooc and i’m super excited to offer you both a place on the team as well < 33

    those attending the gathering this month will be @CLAYFUR @Smokethroat @Petalnose @Cindershade @ICICLEFANG @Aspenhaze @lichentail and @>Honeystone , as well as their apprentices!
    activity shoutouts go to @CLAYFUR , @Mosspaw , @lichentail , @Petalnose , @Snakeblink , @FERNPAW @Aspenhaze and @Sablepaw !!!! you guys rock sm !!!!!


  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
The call of their storm-mottled leader brings Clayfur to stand below the perch, pale paws sloshing through shallow water as he approaches. Cicadastar looks tense, unhappy, and the warrior can readily guess why that is. After Hyacinthbreath, the tom can’t be feeling pleased about much of anything. It feels as though a weight has been lifted, though, as he speaks of the lilac tabby’s fate—the word exile hasn’t been spoken yet, but the leader tells them that she is to be shown no mercy. She’s not RiverClan, not any longer. She’s no better than Spider, now, is she? Cast out, except that Hyacinthbreath has squandered her chances in two clans now.

The leader’s next announcement that he’s filling the ranks of the clan isn’t a surprise; after Willow stepped down, replacing her has been expected. And after the most recent exile, he surely wants to expand his council. A strong core will always be what RiverClan needs in times like these. And the tom’s choice of deputy is an easy guess; Smokethroat will be RiverClan’s second deputy. "Smokethroat!" He cheers along with the rest of the clan—there’s bias there, surely, but Smokethroat has been a lead warrior for an eternity. He’s loyal and strong and brave and everything that a deputy should be. And someday, when he becomes Smokestar, he’ll be a great leader for the clan. He may not like Clay very much, but the brown and white warrior will serve under his rule just as well.

The next announcements are for the filling of the now-empty lead warrior positions, and for once Clay feels hopeful. Who will serve on the council next—will they live up to the examples set by Smoke and Willowroot? The tom says their names, and Clay smiles first in Lichen’s direction, and then in Petalnose’s. They’re deserving of recognition, both of them, and he’s glad to see new lead warriors in the clan, anyway. "Petalnose! Lichentail!" Pale paws rise and fall, stamping at the ground with seemingly exaggerated glee. They’ll do great, he’s sure of it.

The next section of the meeting is rather boring, even though Clay is excited to see whether he’ll be assigned another apprentice. In the end, he isn’t, but he watches with glee and cheers as apprentices are assigned to mentors and greet them with either eagerness or shyness. The gathering is coming up, though, and Cicadastar announces that Clayfur will go along to it. The tom nods, the smile never dropping from his face. He wonders, briefly, whether he’ll hear another terrible joke this month. Perhaps Rosemire won’t be there, though, and he wonders who he’ll inflict his newest horrid joke upon. Maybe Lichentail, again, can be a victim. It isn’t as though he’s interested in speaking with anyone from another clan, anyway. But at the very least, this gathering will be different. At this gathering, he won’t arrive a mere widow, missing half of his being. He’ll arrive as a warrior who’s just won a battle, gotten nearly exactly what he wanted. At this gathering, Clayfur will arrive victorious. He dips his head to the leader, and then adjourns along with the rest of the gathered cats.
Along with the rest of the clan, the calico approaches Cicadastar’s perch as quickly as they can, upon hearing the call for a meeting. The first announcement is of the most recent unfortunate happening; Hyacinthbreath has been exiled from RiverClan. Crappiepatch expected such a thing to happen, but to hear the leader’s explanation of why… they wince. She did not fight for her clan as she should have, and has been cast out for it. Would Cicadastar do the same thing to them, they wonder, if he knew of their fleeing from ThunderClan? Does he know? They can only hope that they are shown the same mercy to live in exile rather than fall to an execution, if such an event comes to pass. How does Cicadastar decide what crosses the line and what does not?

But the talk of exile is over just as soon as it began; Cicadastar announces his new deputy. His mate, Smokethroat, is the new deputy. And his two new lead warriors are Lichentail and… Petalnose. They wrinkle their nose as the brown and white feline is bestowed with the role of a lead warrior. Of all cats, why her? She is… useless. She does not remember anything. They grimace at the leader; it is a poor choice for Cicadastar to make, but they suppose they do not have the authority to say anything about it. They only hope that she does not take this power and use it to boss them around. They are not some fool, some thoughtless follower of any cat higher in the rankings than them. Crappiepatch does not cheer for the she-cat. They do not cheer for any of the cats whose names are called during the meeting. They do not care about deputies or lead warriors or apprentices.

It is with a chill running down their spine that Crappiepatch realizes: they do not care about their clan. They do not care about the rising and falling of cats who they do not know despite having lived alongside them for nearly a year now. It is a terrifying thought, and they tremble in their seat. The rest of the meeting fades into muffled voices in their ears, and they stand to rush away to their den with a shaky breath.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
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This meeting was fated to be an interesting one, and sure enough, it is. There's no way Aspenhaze could see anyone else but Smokethroat becoming deputy, and he has their full trust and support behind him. "Smokethroat, Smokethroat!" He was one of the very few cats who they held respect for, so they're satisfied. However, there is some surprise at Lichentail and Petalnose also being appointed lead warriors. Lichentail was a cat that it was taking Aspenhaze awhile to warm up to, but how they handled the situation with Hyacinthbreath makes them appreciate the warriors just a bit more. Petalnose, on the other hand, they are full ecstatic for her promotion. Petalnose they know now for sure is the one they like the most, and they can't help but whoop her name with as much energy as they can muster. "Lichentail, Petalnose!"

After they call out all the new apprentice's names, they're also happy to hear that they personally have been invited to the gathering for this moon. They can't remember the last time they've been to one, so this will be interesting. They especially can't wait to see how Sootstar will react this time, hoping she whines even more so than usual. Any reason to see her and her disgusting squirm is a good one. They're also most definitely inviting Mosspaw along, as she deserves it for her heroics. They walk over to their apprentice, giving her a friendly lick on her ear.
"I hope you'll accompany me to the gathering, if you'd like."
  • Love
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At Cicadastar’s demand to appear before River Rock, Iciclefang appears, sure she knows the contents of this meeting. Lightningstone’s kits are about to be apprenticed—she can see the little furballs now, coats shiny, squirming in their fur. Apricotflower’s, too, the little menaces. She sits beside Crappiepatch, exchanging what passes for a friendly glance with them. Surely they all know Hyacinthbreath has been run out of the Clan for being a traitor—yet, she supposes it’s the type of thing that must be addressed.

But Cicadastar surprises her after all. Their leader is manic at this meeting, shouting with excitement and fervor. Buckgait is replaced with Smokethroat. The tortoiseshell warrior’s eyes widen, and she searches for her white-speckled former mentor in the crowd. There is no finer warrior to take up the mantle, in her opinion, and she can’t help but smirk. “Smokethroat! Smokethroat!” Her mentor is unafraid to go claw to claw, fang to fang with WindClan, and she knows he will do all he can to protect their home and their pride.

Cicadastar announces Willowroot’s replacements as well. Petalnose and Lichentail. Iciclefang’s eyes narrow with interest, searching for first a gray and then a tabby pelt amidst her Clanmates. “Lichentail! Petalnose!” Lichentail had fought in the most recent skirmish with WindClan, and Petalnose had recently come away from a Sunningrocks battle with ThunderClan fur under her claws. The tortoiseshell warrior gives a nod of respect to each of them; they deserve their positions, in her opinion.

The kits are given new names and mentors. Iciclefang has to shove away the strange jealousy in her stomach when Smokethroat is given Brightpaw to mentor. What, did you think he’d retire after you? She snorts self-derisively. Brightpaw would be in for nine moons of grueling work, looking at nothing but the most dour expression known to the forest… but she would be a finer warrior for it. That she can attest to.

She finds herself disappointed that she hasn’t been called to mentor one of the new kits, but again, she chastises herself. She’s only two moons out of the apprentice’s den. Perhaps Cicadastar is remembering how she lost Ashpaw and deciding against giving her more responsibility. Could Iciclefang really blame him for that?

She’s lost in thought as Crappiepatch, disgruntled, darts away after the ceremonies. Iciclefang stares after them curiously, but does not pursue them. Instead, she pads over to Smokethroat on dappled paws, giving him a nudge to the shoulder.Congrats,” she mews. Her expression and tone remain cool. “You’ll make a fine deputy.” Against her better judgment, her ice-blue gaze falls to Brightpaw. “I hope you find her an easier charge.

( tags ) His fur prickles in fear. Their leader demands them to gather. He's never heard Cicadastar so cold before that it is beyond disturbing. It doesn't help that Hyacinth had been exiled not too long ago. The tom does what is ordered, not wanting to end up like Hyacinth or worse. When Cicadastar demands strength and loyalty above all, and to show hatred, he can't agree with this madness. What happened to you? Were you always like this? Before he had been upset at Thunderclan for hurting his friends, but now his dispair comes from within the clan. Isn't a clan supposed to be safe? How come it felt less like a clan and more like they were rogues working under Cicadastar? Of course he will not voice this. He can't put his niece or son through heartache. Despite how he feels about this he must remain strong for them. Don't become a monster. Stay sane. Hope that this will pass soon.

When Smokethroat is announced as deputy his fears become true. Riverclan is no longer safe and is only concerned with one thing. That is becoming the strongest. All he can see when Smokethroat is called deputy a future filled with blood. Choosing his mate as deputy is wise, if you wanted complete and total control. Someone who wouldn't argue with you and would be more than willing to shed blood. It is safe to say he is not looking forward to the time when Smokethroat will become Smokestar and rule this clan. However, he has little power to do anything. Starclan... Is this what you want? or are you going to let us become lessons for Cicadastar? The tom hears his clanmates shout and cheer for Smokethroat, but he can't force himself to feel happy. He doesn't cheer for their new deputy, only glancing around to see if there was anyone just as displeased as him. The problem is... Fear has struck most of their hearts, the one that don't agree.

Petalnose and Lichentail are both his friends. It is surprising to hear that they both were selected to join the council. The reasoning for why becomes clear. It only proves that Cicadastar only cares about one thing. Both of them are picked for their battle prowess, their history of war, and their unwavering loyalty. He knows they were picked because Cicadastar saw them as essential in turning Riverclan into a battle hungry clan. He wants to be happy he does, but he isn't. However, he knows Petalnose and Lichentail will sense something is amiss if he doesn't cheer for them. The tom forces a smile on his face as he chants, "Petalnose! Lichentail!" The worst part about it all is that he knows he can't speak to them about how he feels. Petalnose already thinks it's odd not to like battling and with how she treated Hyacinth... Then, Lichentail. He shared many things with her and it seemed like they were alike in terms of battle styles, but she was just as cruel towards Hyacinth. Despite all that he can't stop caring for them. I'm afraid of what you'll turn into.

Everything else is just apprentice and mentor pairings. It feels as though he is underwater. When the meeting is dismissed he doesn't offer a congratulation towards Lichentail or Petalnose. He would quickly retreat to the warriors den. This isn't home anymore.
  • Wow
Reactions: Petalnose

Her paws were steady this meeting, energy cracking like lightning as she bounded over to the call in composed excitement. Her black lips still drew in her common serious frown. She was impatient and thrilled to hear what her leader had to say. The windclan skirmish.. thunderclan patrol battle.. Hyacinthbreath's betrayal. Cicadastar's rage burned on, she focused on his posture and tone. It was almost contagious, her maw pulling upwards in a light snarl that nearly matched his as he explained her betrayal. She pressed back on the memory of her claws hitting the silver tabby's throat, satisfaction letting her snarl fade.

Smokethroat. Smokethroat was their new deputy. "Smokethroat! Smokethroat!" She cheered with the crowd, booming with pride. It didn't peak any suprise in the she-cat. She tried to catch the deputy's one eyed gaze, giving him a respectful nod if she had so. Smokethroat deserved it, he was trustworthy, strong, and ruthless when it came to it. Countless times he proved loyalty. Countless time he shown his love for his home. Smokethroat was a cat she looked up to, someone who she wanted to impress. She would do her best to make him proud and draw her claws into enemies when he so commanded.

Mix-matched ears pricked in thought, intrigue making her hum softly to herself as she pressed upon who would fill the other slots. She wondered who it would be.. Clayfur was a warrior that served his clan and drug his claws into countless enemies throats.. Mudpelt was a loyal and strong warrior, friendly and relaxed. Her mind was flooded with thoughts and Cicadastars words were only background babbling as she tried to put the puzzles pieces together by herself before he announced. Then the nonexistent water in her ears were cleared as he begun to announce, straightening her posture to show she was listening.

Petalnose stared up at her leader with trust and pride, her chest puffed confidently. She watched him catch Lichentails face, assuming she was the one to fill this slot. It was fair. She must have done something heroic in during the windclan skirmish as she was stuck in the medicine den- beaten by the thunderclan patrol. Then.. she realized Cicadastars gaze met hers, it felt as if it was burning into hers.. like fire. Her lashes fluttered and she leaned her head a bit backwards as if the leader was whisker to whisker with her. For once in her life, she was.. worried.

In place of Willowroot, I am appointing Petalnose and Lichentail to lead warriors.

Her heart pounded in her chest, slightly widened her eyes in disbelief as she heard her name being called. So soon after her memory loss? She.. didn't even know who she really was, she didn't have family to help her know. Was she really saw fit? Did he really trust her to hold this powerful rank? It was foreign to her. How could it be her?

Her known confident then slapped her in the face with might. She knew what she was capable of, she knew she would fight to the death for her clan without any sort of hesitation. No thought would stir her from taking their pathetic enemies down with her fangs and sharp claws. Pridefully she would lick their blood from them. I will die for Riverclan. I will kill for Riverclan. Petalnose knew without a doubt she would lead the warriors around her with confidence. Riverclan was all she knew, Riverclan was the only thing familiar to her. Riverclan was her home. It was everything to her. Her clanmates were everything to her.

Her posture straightened more and she kept her chest puffed confidently, her eyes not leaving her leaders gaze, "I won't let you down, Cicadastar. Fang and claw I will fight under Riverclans name. Even if it costs my life." She accepted, smirking at her leaders wicked smile in amusement and fondness. The praise made her chest rumble in purr, happy to make her leader proud.

They're.. cheering my name. My.. name. Something she never thought she would hear in her life. It was as if she was dreaming. Am I dreaming? Her mixed gaze found herself pulling to Aspenhaze at the enthusiasm of her name, looking over her shoulder and flashing them a rare toothy grin and purr. It was nice to hear her friend's praise. It was comforting.

Petalnose hadn't moped about the lack of apprentice this time, she had a title this time- something that held as much pride as a youngster to drag along. As much as she wanted one, the thrill of the position pumped through her.

The newly made lead warrior strode over to her friend Aspenhaze. She aimed to bump her head into their shoulder in friendly intentions. "I'll see you two at the gathering." Her eyes drew downward to Mosspaw, giving the younger cat a nod of acknowledgement.

Then her eyes caught a familiar figure retreating in the background, Pikesplash. She blinked, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes in suspicion of the foreign act. She had meant to come chat with him. Normally Pikesplash and her would tease each other and exchange friendly words... But now it was different. She wondered what was up with him. Maybe I should question him later. It almost stung her to see him act so differently. Nevertheless she stood by Aspenhaze's side, watching her other friend disappear and then finally her attention turned back upon the tortiseshell point.


Willowroot has stepped down, Hyacinthbreath has shown her true colors, he feels lost. Despondent. Cats he has trusted to be at his side slip away like water spilling over paws, one was not necessarily gone but he can feel them draw away and it scares him more than he wants to admit because he is not a cat ruled by his fear; he faces it head on. Though he finds facing this somewhat more of a struggle than before, was it because he cared now when before all he longed for was to die in battle; that he wanted to live now knowing he lived a life fulfilled. Where was this fulfillment when cats left like this…
He answers the call to a meeting, their mottled leader uncharacteristically in good spirits though he can’t blame him, a rare victory over WindClan to bolster their moods and aspirations was something to celebrate of course. Still, he is not paying attention when he sits and hears the retelling of the silver tabby’s removal, wants to blurt out an apology for ever being so trusting as to let her in in the first place; wishes he could take it back. It had been folly to think any good could come of any clan cats outside RiverClan. He wondered in an almost childish manner if she’d even truly been his friend or was he just a means to get into the clan and cover for her until the facade cracked. Feeling used, broken, unsure, his name being called jolts him upward into focus and he is petrified. Deputy.

A long since empty position at the river king’s side, left vacant by Buckgait’s treasonous behavior, left unfilled by Cicadastar’s own paranoia; he and the other lead warriors had done well to fill the gap and yet now he was being called to fill it himself. Smokethroat feels his fur along his spine rise and prickle. The world spin’s for a split second, he forgets how to breathe.

Suddenly put in a place of authority so soon after both blows felt jarring, he wished Cicadastar had spoken to him about it first, his claws unsheathe to grip the earth under him briefly; he wished the leader had given him warning because he hears his name now cheered and it fills him with an overwhelming dread for no discernible reason. His expression tightens, body stiffens, he resisted the sudden and immediate impulse to bolt from the scene without a word.
His mate, his leader, his devotee, he looks upward with a single eye wide; glowing brilliant like the sun and for a moment Cicadastar is a blurred, dark and distorted figure rimmed in shadows, burned from the light before him until he blinks and it's gone; a figment, a shift in the light, an illusion. He can’t help but feel shaken by it all the same, knowing his mind was just playing tricks on him. The sound of his name has faded, speak fool-he thinks, and his paws shift to allow him to stand; the wild urge to bolt like lightning striking welling within every limb, twisting muscles to coil--resist.
“I will gladly defend RiverClan to my dying breath, it would be an honor.” For the clan, for him, for Cicadastar; his voice is a steady growl of a tone, he keeps it in check. Somehow Smokethroat recovers himself enough to add on his own voice to those calling out congratulations for both Petalnose and Lichentail as well, chanting in unison with his clanmates masks the sudden waver to his tone; the way his voice began to shake against his will.
Petalnose accepts first with a confidence that was admirable to see though Lichentail does not speak just yet.
He's given a moment to simply sit, look down and inhale slowly as kits are called up one by one; single gaze glancing around to his clanmates and offering a quiet nod in turn to any who caught his eye. Clayfur seems in good spirits, he didn't often go to gatherings but had taken to enjoying them now it seemed-it made him long for the days he had someone to look forward to saying hello to in passing but since Hyacinthbreath there'd been no one other than perhaps Smogmaw and Thistleback, two toms he felt on well enough terms to idle chatter with. Maybe one of them would be there. Aspenhaze seems more excited to take his apprentice to the gathering than anything else and Mosspaw surely deserved it, she'd been an asset to their victory. He spots Pikesplash at a distance seemingly uneasy over something but his distraction comes in the form of Crappiepatch leaving suddenly; he has no real time to ponder of it.
His name again snaps him to attention and he is given both a gift and a curse in one quietly uttered name; Brightpaw. Smokethroat glances briefly to the leader, catches his eye; sees his knowing stare, resists the impulse to swat the smile from his maw. He knows why this is now his apprentice, but he doesn’t have to like the reasoning. Still, it’s hard not to feel excited at having an apprentice again and he glances around for the little scrap to size her up; recalling the struggle he had keeping her in line on their return to camp. Well, at least she’d have the energy to keep up with him perhaps.
A shoulder brushes his, he turns and finds a familiar tortie face smirking at his side and he offers a scoff in reply, “Fine deputy? You mean official kitsitter…the entire clan is full of’em…” His follows her gaze to where he finally spots Brightpaw, “Are you admitting you were a thorn in my tail? About time.”
A ravenous voice calls to them all, accented tone enraged and all powerful. She beckons to it quickly, her own ire still festering within her as she meets the angular face of their leader, sharp features cutting against the sky. Cindershade listens intently, velvet ears pulled forwards as he speaks of Hyacinthbreath and the image of her ghostly form flashes in her mind—fresh still, as if she were an apparition that stood before her. The betrayal she felt, the stupidity that darkened her mind like brewing clouds of an oncoming storm. She's angry, so angry like the rest. Cindershade had defended her, had fought for her—and she is replaced with nothing but disloyalty and mistreatment. The ex-warrior may as well have spat on her face, spit in Smokethroat and Cicadastar's face. She sees her trembling before her as she had yelled, her voice reaching the Heavens and damning her name into the mud. Her small frame turning tail and running, fast and far. Cindershade did not chase her, she felt no need to. Hyacinthbreath knew what would happen if she lingered on clan territory, she knew that her demise would come quickly. When it came to her own safety and the safety of her wretched brood, the molly suddenly was intelligent. Selfish is all she is. As Cicadastar commands, she would obey and her claws would tear at delicate flesh if she was ever seen again. She made a mockery of RiverClan. Stars have mercy on her because I will not.
As he prattles on, the dark woman will nod in silence—her excitement growing as he speaks, her own claw slipping from their sheaths. Strength—they were strong. They had evened the playing field for WindClan and soon, ThunderClan would be next. She was sure of it. Strength was needed for RiverClan, their time for rolling in the muck is over. So it should come as no surprise that i am appointing smokethroat to my deputy position. Verdant eyes widen in the slightest at the announcement, the deputy position finally chosen and it was Smokethroat. Cindershade is stunned for a brief moment, a bout of envy that rises within her throat like the acidic sting of bile but her face reveals absolutely nothing. Of course it was Smokethroat. He did deserve it, he served on Cicadastar's concil for longer than she, and if he deemed it so—then she would agree to it with no complaint. Smokethroat was reliable and he was strong. He would help pull RiverClan from the rubble and deem them worthy once more and she would serve under them with no complaint. But she cannot let go of that ambition within her heart, that yearning to ascend the ranks just as her newly named deputy did.
In her stunned silence, the chanting of his name breaks through her thoughts and she lifts her chin, verdant gaze lingering upon the spotted tol in front of her. "Smokethroat! Smokethroat!" She joins in the fray, her voice clashing with the others as loud as she could. She would swallow her pride for this moment, she won't be selfish and wallow in her own self pity. She was adaptable just as the river water. He will be a trustworthy deputy, a deputy to be proud of—even if he loved getting under her skin like an embedded thorn.
More news to come now, Cicadastar continues and the harsh tone of Willowroot stepping down has the rosetted woman setting her jaw. Willowroot, a clan mate she never saw herself growing close to—but yet her demeanor was contagious and roped her in. She's upset over the news, she had wished Willowroot had come to her or one of the others, but ultimately it was her decision and hers alone. Now she's left alone with Snakeblink, and it makes her already miss the smoke as if she had disappeared—but yet they were still here, still within the clan. Secluded and exhausted. She had a mind to speak with her later. In place of Willowroot, I am promoting Lichentail and Petalnose as my two new lead warriors. Her head whips to the them, sharp luminaries finding then amidst the crowd and she nods in satisfaction. They were both worthy of the title, both worthy of being within the concil. They put their lives along the line, time and time again. They fought tooth and nail, boring scars in the name of RiverClan and willing to cut their line line for it's name. Even if they both liked getting on her nerves. "Lichentail! Petalnose! Lichentail! Petalnose!" She again joined the chanting, head held aloft as she yowled.
A figure moves in her peripheral and she casts a glance at the silhouette, ears sloping backwards as she sees Pikesplash retreating to the warrior's den. What was his issue? Verdant eyes narrowed, but she makes no move to seek him out. She doesn't have time for sulking warriors. The rest of the meeting drawls on, the naming of the kits to apprentices and she listens in silence. Once the meeting was over, she would disperse from her previous perch and glides towards their newly named deputy with her usual unreadable expression. "You have my congratulations, Smokethroat. You'll be a fine deputy." She dips her head to him and then to Iciclefang, as they were speaking, sharing a brief smile before turning away with a wave of her tail. She then approaches the two newly named leads, verdant gaze searching their own. "Congratulations, you two. I expect nothing but great things from the both of you. I'll accept nothing less."

The energy that strung like lightning through the clan had been sharp... and painful. A storm had come across them in a sudden wave the moment they'd gathered the strength to return and in that mania of joy and excitement and comfort they had become a wild wave, a torrential downpour raining hellfire down the river's path. It was something they had needed, that much was certain... to fight and to win.

It hadn't been without consequence; she could feel it every time she moved (her movements were tense, uncomfortable... painful at times) and she wasn't the only one to lose something; WindClan may have lost the battle but the war remained unseen, no judge or jury to announce the execution of one over the other. While she had been the first to bare her fangs at Hyacinthbreath on the battlefield it had only been a warning.. a reminder of her place.

The king of cattails and the chilling spray of the rapids had not been so kind. He struck like shards of ice when he had reached a vindictive paw across that distance to mar that pleading woman. She had been nothing more than a heap of sorrow and confusion that day... the harsh truth Lichentail had shared with her hadn't been spoken with intention of malice but of honesty... that was what clan-mates did. That's what she did.

A whirlwind of fury and unrelenting judgement had seen that lilac molly scattered to the wind with nothing but venom in her ears and thorns at her backside.

It didn't... feel like justice.

Though he danced now with a chest puffed out with pride and confidence, it was the masquerade of a bird displaying his feathers in a feat to impress... to feign certainty and pleasure and hope.

It came as no great surprise that Smokethroat found himself a target of the king bird's praises, singing loudly so the whole of the river banks might hear his cries. That the stars themselves would hear him and believe his words (did he believe them?). The tension in the way that soot-colored tom sat told her all she needed to know; he was just as uncertain as the rest of them. Though many had found Hyacinthbreath's exile to be well-deserved, some had not swallowed what that loss truly meant.

Offering the newly named deputy a soft, tired gaze of understanding, Lichentail wondered if he felt trapped sometimes... Love was a vicious thing. It held you tight, right around your chest where it hurt most and when they pulled it threatened to rend you. Her mind and petty heart couldn't help but think of Hazecloud. What a poison love could be sometimes...

At the continuation of the announcement, she closed her eyes briefly to rest them... The sun shone so brightly like a crown of fire behind Cicadastar; he was a wildfire made of monsoon rains. In that voice dripping with the honeyed kindness he reserved only for those he dared to trust or respect, Lichentail found her own name spoken. Ears perking in alarm, eyes the color of the cloudless sky peered back up at the crowned felidae- a lead warrior? Her eyes drifted slowly towards Petalnose, staring perhaps a little too long to try to decipher how she was feeling too.

Their rival in arms... one they could rely on to fight as surely and stubbornly as they would. The shock seemed to catch the tabby for a moment too before she bolstered herself against her uncertainties and cried out her undying devotion. Their maw hung open only slightly, still stupefied for the words that failed her now in her moment of needing them. Even looking back at Cicadastar left her daunted... the fish-bone throne had declared her worthy of being his council...

Bowing her head low to the ground, she kept her gaze adverted for fear of giving away her nervousness (what kind of lead would she be to express weakness so quickly?) as she humbly offered her acceptance, "I hope only that I will be worth that trust..." She had no reason to suspect Cicadastar didn't trust her but it wasn't just a promise for him anymore... Smokethroat stood as the heir to that throne now... and she owed him that too. The sound of others cheering her name along side her deputy and her new equal made her ear-tips burn with embarrassment and pride. She hated to sit in the spotlight... but the stars would smite her if she dared to lie she wasn't pleased with herself. She had fought. And she had won more than just the scars to prove it.

Cicadastar continued to announce the new apprentices and their pairings and for a split second her joy found itself invaded with the tingling frustration of hearing Brookpaw's name. She didn't hate the little scrap... but she sure was a mouthy little thing. It would be a test of her patience... to say the least. Standing on aching legs to approach the young girl, she craned her neck to press her head against the other's briefly with only a gentle tease to start their new bond, "Let's see you catch that impressive fish now, yea?"

As she pulled away to gaze at the crowd around, she offered a meek smile toward Cindershade as she approached to congratulate her, citing her expectations as being strict ones and honestly... Lichentail expected nothing less either. "Look forward to surprising you." And though she was overjoyed to have this moment... it felt disconnected. Watching as somewhere near the edge of the crowd Pikesplash abandoned the gathering of RiverClanners and their blissful shouting, a nervous pang settled in her chest...

Was there a chance still... for RiverClan to settle and become a steady pond... or was it doomed to be as reckless as their namesake?​

Hyacinthbreath’s exile weighs heavy on Snakeblink’s mind as he follows his clanmates into the shadow of tallrock. He was never particularly close to the molly, nor did he raise his voice or claws to her to chase her out; but he had considered her as a Riverclanner from the moment she joined the clan — it rankles that she did not feel the same. He dislikes the upset twisting his heart: pain at losing a clanmate and disappointment as realizing she never considered herself one of them to begin with.

Cicadastar’s words, his open prioritization of Riverclan lives, soothe a small part of him. He remembers the snarl on their leader’s face, the viciousness, but how could he ever resent such protective rage?

It thrums in his voice still as he names Smokethroat deputy and promotes Petalnose and Lichentail to lead warriors. The information doesn’t immediately register: Snakeblink only hears deputy and is briefly struck with breathless anticipation, freezing on the spot until his mind chugs through the rest of the sentence. It’s been an open secret among the leads that the deputy position had to be filled, that they couldn’t pick up the slack forever, and he guesses all of them have been silently expecting to be chosen for the role. Less expecting than desperately hoping when it comes to him, like an itch, an anxious thought at the back of his mind: this could be it. It could be me. He has never wanted anything more in his life.

Yet, when he hears the name of Smokethroat instead of his own, he cannot muster any disappointment. Only… Relief? Like a weight taken off his chest. He murmurs congratulations without hearing himself, a little lightheaded.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Cicadastar's call is followed quietly. She watched the mottled leader stalk through the clearing, path cleared like a blazing fire cutting through the reeds. She moved to the front of her gathered peers to listen to his words, already guessing what he would address them with. She had no doubts Hyacinthbreath's treason would be announced, that they would be directed to chase, better yet kill her at the mere sight of her. Hazecloud couldn't anticipate seeing the pale she-cat anywhere near the river now. Not with how horribly she had been injured, but she couldn't see her being that stupid to actually linger...

It wouldn't stop there, it seemed. There was more to say, and she was pleasantly surprised to anticipate he had made a choice of more on his council. Smokethroat was a tom to be proudly admired among the Clan. Not a single waver of loyalty in that man, willing to place himself at the forefront of RiverClan's defense. Hazecloud's expression turned upward as she smiled, whatever displeasure lingered from Hyacinthbreath's departure now gone.

Willowroot had served dutifully beside them, and though she was sad to hear the she-cat would no longer be one of their leads, she was glad to know she would still work alongside her as a warrior. The skills she had gained as a Lead would certainly help her proficiencies as she returned to the life of a typical warrior.

Gentle green gaze searched for the molly, proud of her achievements. Other's cheered the names of those Cicadastar had announced, but Hazecloud had been silent. Instead she looked down to her paws a closed them, murmuring under her breath.

"StarClan, please guide her paws to victory. Bring her home safely each day, reward her when she is brave, and give her grace in the face of fear." A soft exhale left her maw as she rose from her place and departed from the meeting at the leaders dismissal. She didn't want to sour Lichentail's moment. Quickly she stepped after Pikesplash to the warriors den.
SKY HIGHSo it was true, Hyacinthbreath was gone. Crawlingroach honestly felt quite sad about it as he had always liked her company. But loyalty was loyalty, so it was out of his paws now. Life would go on, but he did hope that the she-cat would be well whenever she went. The black tom twitched a single ear but gave nothing away in regards to his inner thoughts, instead he tried to focus on the rest of the meeting. There were a fair few promotions and of course the new deputy was appointed. He cheered for them of course as he agreed with Cicadastar's decision. Each individual was a pillar in the clan community so he had no objections, even if he did find Smokethroat scary at times.
"Smokethroat! Smokethroat!"

Mosspaw threw her whole body into the chant, pulling the words up from her chest to launch them from her maw as loud as she could manage. It had been him who had found the opening for the attack on Windclan. More than just his wisdom, he had fought like a lion in the battle that he had begun. If not for him, they would not have tasted victory that day, she would not have tasted victory that day. Cicadastar could not have chosen a better deputy.

When the chant finally came to an end, she was nearly breathless as she listened dutifully to the rest of what her leader had to say. New lead warriors, to replace the spot her mother had left. Lichentail and Petalnose were both also good choices, but neither of her cheers for them got the same enthusiasm. It was no slight against them, but neither of them were any match for Willowroot in her mind.

"Lichentail, Petalnose!"

Even though the assignment of new apprentices has nothing to do with her, she still listened dutifully. With each pairing she nodded sagely.

Cicadastar concluded on a dramatic note, one that filled her heart with pride in her clan. After announcing the warriors that would be going to the gathering, her mentor included (during which her ears perked up when he mentioned they were allowed to bring their apprentices), his speech turned to dramatics. Reminding them all of the strength of their clan, and telling them to remind the other clans of the same.

”Greenleaf is back, and so are we. Remind everyone who the stars most bless.“

The words sent shivers down her spine.

With that the meeting was over, ans out of the corner of her eye she saw Aspenhaze approaching. She turned to meet them, accepting their friendly lick gladly. Then they extended the offer for her to accompany them to the gathering.

A wave of excitement washed over her. She was going to be able to represent her clan at the gathering, sit proudly before all the clans after her contributions during the battle with Windclan. She couldn't wait. Mosspaw dipped her head to her mentor, attempting to contain her own eagerness. "Of course."
( ) there is a heavy weight lifted from her shoulders, but willowroot still finds discomfort itching its way beneath her pelt. of course, she realizes, stepping down is not going to fix everything. still, it would be nice if it felt better. instead, guilt and shame bubble low in her gut. seated beside mosspaw, the woman casts her gaze upon her daughter. the little one watches eagerly as cicadastar snatches attention, and a soft smile graces the maw of the former lead. the brown tabby has already grown so much, sporting tiny muscles that ripple beneath shining fur. a bit of the bubbling in her stomach lessens at the sight of her excited child. cicadastar's voice rings out and it isn't enthusiastic. he is serious, pearly whites peaking from rubbery lips as he begins his speech. i have dug the weeds from my council, he says, and she feels her ears flatten. shame washes up again as the leader continues talking. she knows it's about hyacinthbreath, knows it has nothing to do with her, but it hurts. has she made the wrong choice?

no matter. the river king continues, and the word deputy is mentioned. immediately, willowroot straightens, focusing again. after the disaster that had been buckgait's short reign, she's surprised the tomcat is now appointing a new second in command. perhaps he is ready to trust again, although something in her doubts this is the reason. smokethroat, cicadastar roars, and excitement flares in the femme's eyes. smokethroat, loyal, gruff, with a heart of gold and claws of steel. he will certainly make a great deputy, and eventually a great leader. in the back of her mind, willowroot wonders if cicadastar filling his council with war supporters is a tactic- if riverclan will end up with the same political environment as windclan. but the man does not force a scar onto his seconds. he accepts council and trusts his clan. he would never. she shakes the uneasiness from her, standing to make herself heard.

"smokethroat! smokethroat!" she will crow, her voice echoing alongside her clanmates. here is a tom with every quality deserving of a leader. she will support her friend to the end of her life. she tries to catch his eye, beams a smile at him and hopes he knows. as the cheering dies down, cicadastar announces new lead warriors. the sour taste in willow's mouth is yet again drowned out by happiness for two other friends. "lichentail! petalnose!" how wonderful- more she-cats for the council, and two brilliant minds at that. she flicks her tail against mosspaw's side as apprentices are addressed. green eyes that match her daughter watch carefully, head tipped thoughtfully.

she is assigned wagtailpaw, a young cat she knows little about. again there is a moment where memories flood, and she remembers ashpaw, steeppaw, the trouble with their training. she'll solidify herself, she decides. slender paws pad towards the child, and she bends to touch his nose to her own. "we're going to make a great team, young one." she'll tell him, offering a smile. glancing up towards cicadastar, she nods. she's okay. she's ready.

He almost did not move to attend the meeting, but Ravenpaw was glad he decided to—given how many important announcements were being made. How was he to know this would be the day Buckgait's successor would be appointed. In his eyes, there was little surprise. As he slunk from his solitary den, Ravenpaw cautiously approached Hazecloud and sat a tail-length next to her. Too embarrassed and shy to be any closer, and too clingy to go any further, he remained in that strange distance away from his last bastion.

His eyes blink unseeingly, ears flicker unhearingly toward their leader. His skin crawls and tickles underneath his pelt and he suddenly wished he was not here. When the cats around him erupt with shouts of congratulations, Ravenpaw jolted and looked around. Smokethroat, Petalnose, and Lichentail. No surprise that the leader chose his mate—paranoid as he was. Smokethroat had been carrying a significant weight of the Clan ever since Ravenpaw knew him. Ravenpaw's jaw opened and closed to mouth the words. He could not feel like he could speak.

Petalnose he had an uncertain and constantly shifting relationship with, and Lichentail seemed level-headed enough. But of course, he noted to himself, these cats had been chosen for how willing they were to follow Cicadastar's commands and launch into battle at a moment's notice. For a second he recalled Petalnose's claws flashing at Hyacinthbreath's throat.

After whispering his congratulations, Ravenpaw looked over his Clanmates and felt a Beesong-sized gloom drape over him.


Dovepaw knows that he is in a shaky situation. His mentor, Hyacinthbreath, is gone. She was chased out of the clan—hunted down by a mob of frenzied RiverClanners that had been spun up and orchestrated by Cicadastar himself. Though he was back, now, to his original mentor, Dovepaw had even spent some time without an apprentice at all. With the hysterical hatred that had been directed at Hyacinthbreath, the higher-ups either did not care about him at all—or they did not look fondly upon him, either. Dovepaw was not sure.

It did, however, mean that his apprenticeship was to be prolonged. Again. He had no mentor to give him an assessment. Dovepaw was not thirteen moons yet—at least, he does not think he is. The moon in the sky does not look right. Not to him, anyway. Regardless, the further delay is met with a surprising amount of apathy from the stirrings of Dovepaw's heart.

The choice of Petalnose is, in a word, horrific, Dovepaw thinks. Which is to say it makes perfect sense for Cicadastar, Dovepaw wryly tells his inner dialogue—soliloquy. One of the two. It was not like there were truly two voices in Dovepaw's head. He did need to talk to someone. It was not as if he had any friends. Dovepaw blends in toward the back of the crowd, wanting to be inconspicuous in his pathetic misery.

His gaze, unsurprisingly, rests on Ravenpaw's back for a few moments. He tries not to think any thoughts—negative or positive. He can tell immediately that he has failed, but he is not sure how, exactly. Unknowingly, however, they both act the same. Silent, only mouthing the words in a show of support. Dovepaw finds himself feeling empty, drained. He feels pain over Hyacinthbreath, but he is finding himself beginning to feel more and more of nothing.

Lightningstone, to be quite frank, doesn’t care for the announcements being made. Smokethroat to be the new deputy, to take his beloved’s place…fine, he could see that coming. He’s obviously proven himself, but the silvery warrior doesn’t react. His eyes are trained intently on his three kits, sitting just outside the nursery. Today they become apprentices and everything else is noise in the background. He wonders who their mentors will be, wonders if they’ll be strong fishers, skilled in battle, swift hunters….

Soon enough, they’re called to stand at the front and the warrior straightens himself, curled ears pricking. His son is called forth first and is named Meadowpaw. He’s assigned to him.

Lightningstone stiffens in surprise before getting to his paws, a curious glance cast up towards Cicadastar before he meets the fawn tom at the front. Expression emotionless, he stares at him for a moment before touching his nose to Meadowpaw’s. He doesn’t know what to say, so he says nothing, only ushers his new charge back to the crowd so they can watch his sisters’ ceremonies. Brightkit becomes Brightpaw, assigned to the deputy himself and Lightningstone feels his pelt prickle uneasily. This should feel like an honor, but instead he only feels a sense of dread. Smokethroat hates Buckgait. How will he treat her daughter? He gives the black-furred tom an unreadable look before looking back as Brook-kit is named Brookpaw, assigned to Lichentail. Another honor - the new lead warrior. He doesn’t cheer often, but this is a special occasion. “Meadowpaw, Brightpaw, Brookpaw!” He calls out, feeling warm pride bloom within his chest. He isn’t good at showing it, but inwardly he knows.