she's my collar.
Jul 25, 2024
Lungwortkit does not remember life before WindClan very well. It comes in snatches of memory as wispy as her ghostly pelt—she grasps hungrily at the scraps, and is rewarded with little. Memories of rheumy blue eyes, unseeing of this world, of a pale flank she'd curl up against at night, fade quickly into indefinite silver. Her world has newly opened into an expanse of broad sky and bristling gorse. Her home, she has learned, is not supposed to be the dim familiarity of the medicine den—now, it is the nursery, where Bluefrost watches her with icy eyes and Sootspot's brood gives her a wide berth.

She is an attentive creature, and her arduous efforts at observation have rewarded her with insights: namely, that she is not the only cat whose birthplace is outside of this very den. The den she now leaves behind in favor of lurching over to a spotted cream - tabby pelt, her lone eye fixed piercingly on @Marigold. 's own. His name is one quick bite of a word, which instantly appeals to Lungwortkit, as does the information her tufted ears have picked up—that this cat, too, had not first called this place home.

" Where're you from? " she asks with neither pretense nor greeting, one blushed - pink paw aiming to poke the much larger cat in the forelimb. Lungwortkit's vocabulary, once so far behind, has grown exponentially—the tabby devours knowledge with the same ferocious hunger that she does prey. She pauses to gasp an inhale before adding, " What was it like there? "

OOC : Please wait for Marigold to post! <3
-ˋˏ ༻🥀༺ ˎˊ-

Marigold had not been fortunate enough to meet the kitten that Cottonsprig had brought back to camp. From his understanding maybe it was for the best that their paths hadn't crossed until the little kitten had felt better and started to become acquainted with the rest of camp when it was safe for her to do so. Personally, she didn't mind her, had no strong feelings one way or another. It could have been anyone to carry yellowcough, she doubted someone as young as Lungwortkit could deliberately plan that. So when his eyes meet the split hues of the kits own eye he greets her with a smile. Not faltering even when she skips the pleasantries of greetings and jumps straight to questioning.

She can't help but chuckle at that, how could she not? Never one to take things in bad faith she blames youthful innocence and the fact that maybe a queen hadn't taught her about common social behaviours. Even the poking was endearing, he stretches his forelimb out so she can have a better time poking at it. "Goodmornin' to you too Lungwortkit" the meow is pleasant and warm like the sun. "I'm from Horseplace, I think that's what WindClan calls it" he pauses, eyes flicking up to the clouds in the sky as she tries to recall passing conversations. Yeah, that sounds right to him. "I just called it 'Home' really, no fancy name like that" things were simple back at Home, sometimes a little too simple, Lungwortkit is a reminder of why she enjoys WindClan. It's that curiosity, that constant need for change, it keeps him alert.

"There's all sorts of beasts there that you probably haven't seen before, like horse and sheep. There's also a lot of mice" Subconsciously her tail flicks towards the direction of the fresh-kill pile. Surely she's been fed a mouse before."It's nice, real warm in colder weather but a little too hot in warmer weather. The cats there are friendly, well- we have a few grouches but who doesn't?" She winks and whispers that last part conspiratorially to her.

"Maybe when you're older your mentor can show you it sometime, how does that sound? It's one of those places where stories alone don't do it justice" he misses it some nights, often trying to avoid seeing it whenever she personally could when on patrols.

Featherspine, if asked, would say she had never known anything but WindClan... but that would be a lie, if he were really to think about it. Reluctantly, she had known ThunderClan and ShadowClan, too. Against her will, certainly- but a kitten couldn't have protested, and it had been for the best. The return of yellowcough to WindClan had done nothing to lessen his nerves, and as ever that manifested in a permanent, permeating discomfort that gave Featherspine a pelt of hedgehog quills, ready to skewer the tongues of anyone who dared to tell him to relax.

Everything was annoying him- screechy little kitten voices, the rattling tones of the kit who'd brought it here. Bluefrost's disdain had stained Featherspine's own pelt, bristling, furious. And Marigold's happy little voice, reminiscing of a place clean of this suffering in such a reverent, fawning way ...

Eavesdropping was a fondness, but it made her tongue lash where it was not wanted. "Why did you b-buh... bother leaving if it was so wonderful?" Featherspine spat, nose wrinkling mockingly. The sort of place where stories didn't do it justice - ugh it was scoff worthy, immature. No place was so perfect- that an older apprentice thought so foolishly of that little idyll, like nothing awful could happen ... how lucky, to have had the choice.
✦ penned by pin

"I'm from the Horseplace, too!" Celandinepaw chirped, like a sunrise bird's song cresting into the winds, unbecoming of the tragedy that transpired through the twilight. The golden spotted tabby took well to acting, if anything, like the fatigue of pestilence had not worn down the sunshot fur that plucked along her body. Of course, it had eaten her alive - but rarely did the passing feline look farther in the mask, rarely did they peer down the well of her own being. The Windclan cats could tell that the plague had abraded her down, down to skeletal frame behind plump and primmed pelt, but she could pretend it did not for now. "When I was a moor runner, they sent me out to the Horseplace a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I feel like they sent me just 'cause I used to live there. But really, it's great. It might not be as large or as beautiful as Windclan, but it's home. We're - They're very friendly cats who love making friends." The medicine cat apprentice glanced down at Lungwortkit, named aptly after the coveted herb that had become a beacon, in a sense. The rheumy-eyed kitten was anything but the picture of strength, though Celandinepaw reasoned that strength did not come from fear or from weaponry, but of the sheer resilience that one had against the gnashing and snarling of the elements before them.

At Featherspine's rather callous comments towards Marigold (and Celandinepaw, to an extent), face molded in confusion like a knob of soil mounded into a rounder shape, still of kindred clay but of different shape than what usually presided on her countenance. She had always known the newly-made warrior to bear a sour tongue, as though he spat out only citric words, tossing them from his throat rather than weaving into his breath. Still, Celandinepaw did not mind - that was just how some cats were, for some were crafted of satin and eiderdown and some of cold earth and wire. "Well, sometimes you just want more than to stay in one place. Sometimes you want to run farther than where the ends of the fence will take you. I dunno, something to do with destiny and what you're meant for. That doesn't mean the Horseplace is such a terrible place. It's just that it wasn't where we want to spend our lives."

  • OOC:
  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )​
  • —— CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 12 Moons
    —— Medicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Wolfsong
    —— A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


It would be far from the truth to say that Sedgepounce has spent his whole life in WindClan. There was the river, his fall to the Twolegplace; before that was the Journey. But WindClan has always been his only home.

Though it sheltered him—a naive, enthusiastic kit with an agoraphobic mentor, soaking up the moor-focused propaganda of his youth like a sponge—it has never left him wanting for more. Especially now, under Sunstar's tutelage. For all the difficulties that have plagued them in the last few moons, he can say with confidence that he'd prefer any of Sunstar's tooth and claw struggles for the clan's sake over Sootstar's...anything.

It makes him shudder to remember what it was like, after Sunstar's loyal followers were chased out to Horseplace. Memories fogged and anxiety-riddled and "if it were up to me, you'd already be gone." For Celandinepaw and Marigold, those were moments of intrigue, excitement. Sedgepounce can't really blame Featherspine for sneering in response. Moons ago, talks like this would have been met with much more than just harsh words.

"...But it's not really your home now, right?" Sedgepounce hedges. Genuinely curious. A troubled frown worms its way onto his face, and he raises a paw to scratch uncomfortably at the back of his ear. "Otherwise you would have stayed. WindClan's your home now, yeah?"
"Horseplace... that's what you clan cats call the barn, right?" The tom interjects, padding over to join in on the conversation occurring between the curious Lungwortkit and some of the other WindClanners. Buck was still growing accustomed to the terminology utilized around here, but based on what he's heard before, he was almost certain that they were talking about the twoleg-made structure.

He listens as the cream tabby describes life at the Horseplace, including the other residents that dwelled there such as the sheep and hooved animals. Buck wonders how they're faring sometimes ( probably busy grazing and making weird noses as per usual ). Celandinepaw even chimes in, claiming that she too was born outside of WindClan. Buck raises his eyebrows, surprised that he hadn't gleaned the fact after about a moon living here. He was always glad to meet other former loners; he didn't feel like he was too different, that way. "So, you two're from there? No kiddin'. I stayed there for about a moon." Then he found WindClan, obviously. He had not returned to that place, but then again, there were really no emotional ties to the barn itself. It had simply been a place to rest his head before moving on to his next adventure.

Cats like Pinkshine and Sedgepounce regard the topic at hand with a certain wariness, as if they don't fully trust that the former loners have settled on their loyalties. Buck could not speak for the two younger cats, but no place has ever felt like home to him. He doesn't know if WindClan would. "I know the feeling. Lived in lots of places like Horseplace, but none of 'em really felt like home to me. I always had to keep movin'." Buck supposes he could call his birthplace 'home', but he hadn't looked back after initially leaving and setting off on his own. He tries not to think about Mama and his littermates too much. They're fine, he figures, living out a simple life on a twoleg farm like they'd always wanted. Meanwhile, Buck is finally living the life he wanted.

  • 86417925_7c5WxVdny06oqof.png
    a new warrior of windclan, buck is thirty-one moons. he is a ruggedly handsome tom, sporting lean muscle and a slightly taller-than-average stature. there is a nick in his left ear as well as a small scratch on his right lip. he smells of cotton grass and gorse. 

Sootspot had never spent a night within the Horseplace, a point of pride within the tom when most of the other WindClanners had subjected themselves to the noxious smell of manure and Twolegs. He imagined life within the four walls was not too dissimilar to that of a kittypet's - free food due to the mice, a close proximity to the no furs, little fear of death or disease, little pride. He had avoided most associated with the place, feeling little kinship with the creatures, but their vast numbers made it increasingly hard to do. One, against all better judgment, had even become StarClan's messenger (it was difficult to avoid the feeling of pure, visceral hatred whenever he spotted Celadinepaw going about her duties).

Lungwortkit didn't talk to the abomination originally, instead, the sickly little thing prodded Marigold. He watched as loner after loner (including Featherspine, a different type of loner) responded to her, even Sedgepounce chimed in. His head tilted curiously at the chocolate tabby's objection, a ghostly visage of a smile stretching across his muzzle. It was quickly counteracted of course, but things were civil. From his spot a short distance away from the group, Sootspot cleared his throat before speaking. "I understand," the tom mewed, his tone bittersweet, as if he didn't really understand, or if he understood for the wrong reasons. The latter was a more likely truth. The moorlands were his by birthright, yet he had seen them destroyed by bloodshed and fires alike.

He understood, but only because their presence forced him to understand. WindClan's zenith was over, replaced only by a general feeling of foreboding. He'd been the first kitten born in the clan, now, such an important fact didn't seem to matter. "It is amicable to put flowers in its pelt and pretend that fixes it, but your proximity to the Twolegs was... troubling. I would not call you a housecat, but a kittypet? It is debatable."

Stoatspot is lingering in camp when Lungwortkit approaches Marigoldpaw to ask about their former home. Marigold explains it beautifully, and satisfied, Stoatspot hauls herself up to proceed with her

"Just what're y'all gettin with that?" comes the former barn cats voice as she stands nearby, addressing Featherspines bite of a sentence and Sedgepounces unconvinced sentiment. She shoots a glance towards Sedgepounce, especially, because what? Why in the world would they be here, of all places, if not truly convinced this was their home? Don't bother arguing. She takes a deep breath.

Turns out Buck was from the barn as well, or- not a permanent resident, but had resided there at some point. Her gaze softens just a bit as she turns her head to look at him. "Course'," she echoes in agreement after Buck finishes talking, but it feels hollow to her. It does not have her normal chime.

She begins to feel the familiar pitter-patter of her heart pick up, a certain dread seizing in her throat and taking hold. I am loyal. I am a clan-cat. I worked hard to be where I am. I have no reason to be afraid of these cats. And yet ... ? The lingering fear of having to prove her loyalty over and over and it never quite being enough rises faster.

Sootspot, more and more of a conniving... inconvenience, she has begun to learn... He slinks around with words too fancy, with a face too unlike his own. Her pelt prickles unnervingly, whirling her head to meet him. "Now you just quit that, not all of us who lived in the barn interacted with them. They're dangerous." quick to jump to Celandine and Marigold's defense, she swallows hard to keep the rising fear down at bay. Having lived with Celandine and her siblings- none of them standing here were anything other than clan-cats. If there were any cats in the clan that Stoat feels a certain kinship with, it's them. Cut from the same fur, they had all assisted in Windclan's takeback... And the Twolegs barely stepped in, anyways- Stoat had stayed away when they would enter, they hadn't helped her dying father. They didn't earn any respect from her at all!

Her eyes turn back to linger on Lungwort, the one who sprung this conversation in to existence. The glimmer in her eyes is something akin to pity. "Sorry, kiddo- Don't worry your sweet lil' head about any of this." she forces a rumbling purr. Her mouth feels dry.

  • 87714233_f37EV3v8xGKWlRm.png
    stoatspot ʚ♡ɞ palomino
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 24 months
    windclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring n/a
    fluffy black / fawn tortie with heterochromia ʚ♡ɞ short, but pure muscle
    "speech, bfdb81" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    single ʚ♡ɞ pansexual
    smells like straw, fresh rainfall & soil ʚ♡ɞ home on the range
    penned by chuff