private BLAME THE BULLY, BLAME IT ON ME // Apprentices

He’s already had enough. Both Snowpaw and Swallowpaw have come up to Scorchedmoon personally about how much they do not wanna train with the other, and it’s been making him extremely anxious. He’s managed both of their expectations fine so far, but he can feel himself starting to snap. He hates being too assertive, but that’s how things are going to have to be.

He calls the both of them out, and as much as he doesn’t want to have this conversation in camp, there’s not really much choice. Scorchedmoon takes a deep, heavy sigh before speaking, his face becoming uncharacteristically upset. ”Listen. I don’t know why both of you seem so distrusting of each other, but I want you to give me an explanation, with the other here too. And no matter what either of you says, we are all training together today. You will be working together, and I’m not going to hear otherwise. You are still clanmates at the end of the day, and this is not going to change. Am I clear?” No matter what kind of response he gets, he continues with little regard for any resentment. “Now, go on.”

@Snowpaw. @Swallowpaw.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Oh great not what Snowpaw wanted at all, she had been content with training with her friends on the days Scorchedmoon trained with Swallowpaw, content on doing her chores with the older apprentices or going on patrols with the other mentors and their apprentices so why did it matter now? Her stuby tail thumped on the ground before glaring at Scorchedmoon angrily.

"No, because we compromised on the days you worked with Swallowpaw I could train with the others. With my friends, why change it now?" she questioned with a frustrated tone. She thought everything had been fine but she supposed not. A soft huff as she glared at her mentor furiously, hurt even that he'd go back on his own words just like that, just to appease the one he was forced to babysit. "I have been respectful and keeping up with my side of things, allowing you the days you need to train Swallowpaw without any complaints. So why change it now?" the hurt was clear in her tone. Did Scorchedmoon think she was falling behind? Or was this one of Swallowpaw's tricks to keep her trap in the camp with her.

"I don't want to be trapped inside camp, and I do my chores, my duties even if its with another mentor or with my friends... do you not trust me enough? To to do my work while you're with Swallowpaw" a betrayed tone seeped through her voice, hurt in her gaze, betrayal. She thought things had been fine.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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  • Nervous
Reactions: Scorchedmoon

swallowpaw 05 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

This whole situation is stupid. Swallowpaws anger feels as though it might swallow them whole, and for a moment they have to take a deep breathe - that shaky inhale and stuttering exhale the only thing keeping them from pouncing upon snowpaw, sinking claws and fangs into whatever flesh they can reach. They don't understand why snowpaw hates them so much - in their mind, she ad started this whole thing - Swallowpaw was only giving back as good as she got. And snowpaw hadn't even batted an eye anyways!

" See! See! " they blurt, paw waving at the older apprentice with near manic energy - " Snowpaw hates me! All I ever wanted was to learn to be a fucking warrior like every other apprentice in shadowclan - she's the crybaby! " they snap, swears slipping past their lips despite their recent attempts to curb their language (swallowpaw didn't want to deal with another scolding from duckshimmer, but really it was a hard habit to break).

" Didn't you're parents ever teach you to share? Scorchedmoon isn't yours - do you think I want to be stuck here either? Noooo, but I can't even learn anything because you're always whining and he always takes your side! " Tail lashes an tears well up in blue eyes, but they won't let them fall, because they aren't a kit anymore.

" I've learned more from lividpaw than I've ever learned from you, " they spit, this time turning venom upon Scorchedmoon. And then it's over - this outburst of theirs coming to a stuttering halt as the fire in them all but dies. They're just so tired of this. Snowpaw gets to learn to hunt. Snowpaw gets to learn to fight. Snowpaw get to leave camp. Snowpaw gets to have friends. Snowpaw this, snowpaw that - it's always snowpaw and Swallowpaw is sick of it. If scorchedmoon doesn't want to teach them, then they'll just find a new mentor.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

  • Nervous
Reactions: Scorchedmoon
Scorchedmoon sighs again, more angrily this time, as he gets about the exact response he expected from Snowpaw. She didn't even answer his query… "I didn't say this would be the new normal, did I? Only for today. I'm sure you can handle one day, yes?" The fact that she has the nerve to throw his words back in her face just makes him more upset. "And you aren't the one who gets to negotiate! You're lucky I even budged at all." He realizes his fur is standing up at this point, so he takes a moment to calm down before diffusing the situation. "Look, I believe in you and trust you, that's not the issue here. But I also have a duty to uphold, and I trust Chilledstar's judgement as well." Though if things continue to snowball from here, maybe he will have to ask them to stage an intervention…

When Swallowpaw then inserts their own two cents into the situation, Scorchedmoon just ends up even more frustrated than before. Being blamed for this when he's only trying his best just hits in a way he hasn't known before. He ends up tearing up himself this time, instead of trying to hold them back like he did previously. "I'm trying my best here! We don't have enough warriors, and I'm trying to do my best to be here for both of you despite the animosity, and I just barely became a warrior myself, and… please give me some respect. Please." He just wants to be seen for his efforts, that's all. "I just want us to talk this over. Give it one chance. I'll teach both of you something actually important, too. There's only so much I can do with this new rule in place, but I'll try better, okay? So please just tell me why you can't see eye to eye." Scorchedmoon continues to cry, hoping they’ll listen.​

[ ༻❄༺ ] Swallowpaw's words only irritated her, stung at her even. How dare they bring in her own parents, the parents who had died choking out on yellowcough while Swallowpaw was lucky to even have a mom, to have siblings. Snowpaw had none of that, none. Scorchedmoon had been the closest thing to a brother she ever even had. "I don't hate you. I just figured it would've been easier if I had seperate time to learn as well as you with Scorchedmoon. I thought it was for the better to learn seperately. I took the time to ask if I could train with other apprentices to give you both time." she stated icily toward Swallowpaw before looking at her mentor who had began to break down and she flinched

Guilt blooming in her chest before a sigh peered from her lips. "Fine, just today. I'm sorry, I just thought things were fine. I just figured when I respected your time with Swallowpaw everything was okay, but I guess not" she gritted her teeth before looking at Swallowpaw. "Happy now? And next time. Don't bring up my parents. They're dead, I watch them die. she stated flatly, before looking at her mentor still feeling shameful of her action. Scorchedmoon, someone she admired, cared about, and felt like family. All of this all because of a child throwing tantrums over an arrangement that she thought was fine.

"I'm sorry Scorchedmoon... for being selfish. I just...thought if I trained with my friends and gave you two time, everything would've been fine. You've... you've been an amazing mentor. I'm sorry" she stated softly. Hated seeing that their own anger towards each other caused Scorchedmoon to breakdown to feel like he hasn't been doing that great, when he has. He had been. At least to her.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 7 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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