blazing bright // sunpaw


this is my attitude
Sep 4, 2024
  • Sunny, Anna; Sunpaw named for the bright hue of her pelt and her strong personality
    — apprentice of riverclan; former kittypet
    — cisfemale, she/her; questioning sexuality / alignment
    — created 09.04.24 at 9 moons / ages every 4th
    ↳ penned by @Noia
  • a short-furred rosetted tabby mix / reference tbd
    At a rather boisterous 9 moons old, it's not that Sunpaw cares for her appearance more than she cares about what other people _think_ of her. So she stands tall, with her head high, even when she might be doing something where others would have their heads hanging low. It's a little haughty, a little bit self-important, with eyes that shine with a fierce determination to keep the spotlight on her.

    She's young, and her body shows it, a constant source of annoyance that she's not better, stronger, more capable. With paws that are only just now starting to fill out - a little bit. A baby face that's only started to fade in the last moon, and a sleek, youthful pelt that would give her away.

    But she's not just all looks. She does work hard, train hard, and it's her tongue that gets her into more trouble than anything else. She's strong - as much as a 9 moon old cat could be - and it's something she takes pride in too. Better to be strong and able to hold your ground than to shirk at the first sign of trouble.
    ↳ genetics stuff tbd​

  • chaotic neutral
    Intelligence ●●●●●●○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
    Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●○○○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●○○○○○

    + Adventurous
    + Athletic
    + Clever
    + Creative
    + Hard-working
    / Ambitious
    / High-spirited
    / Outspoken
    / Unpredictable
    / Loyal
    - Stubborn
    - Too-big-for-her-boots
    - Abrasive
    - Desperate
    - Haughty
    ↳ mannerisms tbd as I get her going
  • NPC x NPC sibling to no one | mentored by Brookpelt (npc) Foxtail
    Mate to no one | Parent to no one | no other kin
    — Admires tbd
    — Close friends with tbd
    — Friends with tbd
    — Likes tbd
    — Dislikes tbd
    — Loathes tbd

  • strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●●○○○○
    hunting ●●●●○○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●●●○○○
    climbing ●●●●○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●○○○○○
    single; questioning sexuality, / crushing on no one, not looking
    Trusts.... okay. She's young, she has a standard level of trust for her clanmates in general
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    — will start fights | will not flee | will show mercy
    — excels at swimming, agility-based actions
    — poor at social skills, maintaining her temper, pure feats of strength
    — smells like salt water
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #e49c80
  • A former loner-turned-kittypet-turned-clan-cat, her life has never exactly been stable - and she has a bad case of spoiled single child syndrome because of it
    Long backstory coming soon

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