Blazing right through || o. RTA


|| Lemon Boy ||
Apr 27, 2023

Radio Silence ♥

It hadn't felt long ago that he had been apprentice, and there even were times where Bumblebee forgot he was a warrior, sometimes waiting for another warrior to come along for a patrol or even just checking to see what he could do around camp funnily enough. Though today had been different for the muted warrior, he had decided to go on a little hunting trip on his own without the others being about. Luckily for him he was quite good in stealth and so it didn't take long for him to find a squirrel and swiftly end it, pride sparkling in his green blue eyes while his fluffy tail swished. A successful hunt never got old, and he was sure that this would be extra helpful during the harsh leaf-bare to come.

Ears twitched slightly when they heard the snap of a twig and his gaze flicked towards where the sound came from before making small gestures of movement to greet whoever had come. "Wish to join?" he worded with his lips, no sound escaping from his maw, and a scar laiden on his throat as a reminder of what happened to cause the tom to be mute. Yet, it didn't take long for some of the others to start understanding what he put out in gestures and body languages so everything seemed to work out in the end anyways.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Circe's mouth parted slightly, taking in the scents. She didnt like hunting much, but she did like it better then batteling... even though she hated her previous life, eating mice... eating meat wasn't very appitising. The squish was satisfying, but it meant a loss of a life. Is a cat much diffrent from a mouse?
Determined to grow more confortable woth her new life, Circe had set out alone. She hunted as best she could, but she tired quickly. After a large haul of nothing, the molly had resigned herself to making her way back to camp.
Half asleep, the molly watched the tree tops, crunching leaves and twigs without abandon. She pulled up short with the flash of fur before her. Their mouth moved, but no sound came out. Maybe she was just really tired - could that effect hearing things?
"Hello." She mewed, her eyes still half lidded. "Any luck?" She nodded towards the trees.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

The lead warrior is not quite alone in his own hunting efforts, with @falconpaw! somewhere nearby in the day's training. Though, even if the pointed tom wasn't off tracking his own prey scent, it seems as though Greeneyes still wouldn't be alone, with the forms of Bumblebee and Circe appearing as he rounds the corner, stepping out from behind a pine tree.

" Catch anything good, you two? " the lead warrior asks in greeting, hooked tail idly swaying behind him as he bows his head at the duo. With leaf-bare underway and prey growing scarce, they needed all the hunting attempts they could get right now. Hopefully their efforts have proven successful. Malachite eyes spot discarded squirrel nearby, and a smile grows on his face.

" Ah, good one! " he praises, keeping his voice down in case prey still lingers in the area. He doesn't know which of the warriors caught it, but it's a successful hunt either way.

" Mind if we join you? Me and Falconpaw, I mean? " he asks, head turning to search for his apprentice in the distance. He should be close enough to gather, at least. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw actually wasn't too far behind Greeneyes today, his tail swaying slowly behind him. His ears were perked, constantly searching for the next sound of prey. While the wheezing hadn't completely gone away- thanks to the cold air, it was hard- he was definitely getting stronger. The earth felt more solid beneath his paws, his tracking and hunting felt far more easy to grasp. Vision shifted towards the two in front of him and his mentor, observing quietly.

What words tried to slip out of the warrior's mouth were quiet, and no, it was not a trick of his mind. Falconpaw's head tilted as he examined curiously, but shifted a moment closer to his mentor. A head dipped in greeting as Greeneyes asked if they could join. "Always fine with me to join in some teamwork exercises." He hummed- his words were somewhat joking, but Falconpaw always needed practice with something.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS

Radio Silence ♥

The first to approach had been Circe, one he did not know well and by the tired look and confusion it could be concluded that she didn't understand what he had "said" but still a smile tugged on his lips before nodding and gesturing to the squirrel he had caught before two more had joined them and he greeted both warmly. Greeneyes having asked if he and his apprentice could join and so he nodded towards them. More company and more chances of catching fresh-kill for the rest of the clan.

Tail swaying a bit as a way of expressing "join me" before he gently covered up the squirrel and mentally marking it as to where it was for when they return home. His gaze drifting up to the lead warrior as if to say "lead the way" figuring the other might know a better hunting spot than he, and it might be good for him to take charge since Greeneyes did have an impressional youth with him and could properly communicate with rhe small formulated group.